22 min

S3 EP4: Balloon to the Moon with SpaceRyde Space, Eh?

    • Astronomy

What's a marriage if you don't start a rocket company together? Today we’re chatting with the co-founders of SpaceRyde, COO Saharnaz Safari and CEO Sohrab Haghighat. SpaceRyde is the first on-demand network of rockets with the ability to transport cargo from the Earth to the Moon, and everywhere in between. The innovation making this possible is a launch system that uses balloons to carry rockets beyond the earth's atmosphere before ignition takes place.

Let's take a ryde with SpaceRyde! 

What's a marriage if you don't start a rocket company together? Today we’re chatting with the co-founders of SpaceRyde, COO Saharnaz Safari and CEO Sohrab Haghighat. SpaceRyde is the first on-demand network of rockets with the ability to transport cargo from the Earth to the Moon, and everywhere in between. The innovation making this possible is a launch system that uses balloons to carry rockets beyond the earth's atmosphere before ignition takes place.

Let's take a ryde with SpaceRyde! 

22 min