27 min

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Kids: Dr. Gila on Connection-Based Parenting {Encore‪}‬ Speak Out Stand Out by Green Communications

    • Parenting

Navigating difficult conversations with kids can be a minefield for any parent, but what if you had a certified parent coach guiding your way? We welcome Dr Gila, owner of Connection-Based Parenting, to share her expertise and personal experiences with undertaking these tough chats. Dr. Gila unpacks why a child's age, development, temperament, and capacity play crucial roles in handling difficult news. With a wealth of practical advice on initiating these conversations and rectifying any...

Navigating difficult conversations with kids can be a minefield for any parent, but what if you had a certified parent coach guiding your way? We welcome Dr Gila, owner of Connection-Based Parenting, to share her expertise and personal experiences with undertaking these tough chats. Dr. Gila unpacks why a child's age, development, temperament, and capacity play crucial roles in handling difficult news. With a wealth of practical advice on initiating these conversations and rectifying any...

27 min