33 min

Special Edition - Single and Forced to Mingle Bodice Tipplers

    • Performing Arts

We were asked if we'd like to interview Melissa Croce about her new book, Single and Forced to Mingle - a guide to what to do if you're unattached and have to go do things.  (Somebody remind me what doing things is like?  I think I've forgotten!) It comes out today, so go get a copy wherever you buy your books! 

We were asked if we'd like to interview Melissa Croce about her new book, Single and Forced to Mingle - a guide to what to do if you're unattached and have to go do things.  (Somebody remind me what doing things is like?  I think I've forgotten!) It comes out today, so go get a copy wherever you buy your books! 

33 min