50 episodes

The Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast specializes in SLP startup, marketing, referrals, employees-payroll, website design-development, coding-billing and all essential aspects of a speech therapy private practice. Originally from southeast Louisiana and relocating to Arizona following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Kyle employs over 23 wonderful people who assist more than 1200 + patients monthly between both businesses. With a passion for helping others, Kyle has created the Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast so that other clinicians can learn to break away from the grind. Join us weekly so that you can improve your business and your life, one podcast at a time. More information here @ PrivateSLP.com

Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast Kyle Meades

    • Business
    • 4.8 • 62 Ratings

The Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast specializes in SLP startup, marketing, referrals, employees-payroll, website design-development, coding-billing and all essential aspects of a speech therapy private practice. Originally from southeast Louisiana and relocating to Arizona following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Kyle employs over 23 wonderful people who assist more than 1200 + patients monthly between both businesses. With a passion for helping others, Kyle has created the Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast so that other clinicians can learn to break away from the grind. Join us weekly so that you can improve your business and your life, one podcast at a time. More information here @ PrivateSLP.com

    54. Online Speech Therapy Business: Meet expressable.io founder Leanne Sherred, CCC-SLP

    54. Online Speech Therapy Business: Meet expressable.io founder Leanne Sherred, CCC-SLP

    Welcome PrivateSLP listeners to Episode 54!

    Today we are talking with Leanne Sherred, CCC SLP, founder and speech pathologist from expressable.io.


    In today’s interview, We will find out exactly why Leanne Started her own business as we talk about the following:

    * Venturing out and starting expressable.io,

    * The rewards and challenges of starting a private practice from scratch,

    * Things expressable.io has forced Leanne to tackle head on like billing, to scheduling, to taxes, to practice management,

    * Why Leanne decided to be a cash-only practice, and how this can be extremely liberating for other speech therapists,

    * How expressable.io supports entrepreneurial therapists with our self-referral model,

    * Tips for therapists thinking about making the entrepreneurial plunge.


    In this Episode:

    01:23 – Over 68,912 listeners to this show

    02:28 – Going to talk to Leanne Sherred, founder of expressable.io

    04:11 – Introducing Expressable, a Teletherapy provider

    07:10 – Trying to match families or individual with Therapist

    08:38 – Not dealing with insurance

    09:52 – Our billing works like a subscription

    22:56 – Therapists find it a really enjoyable experience as well

    25:34 – Consultation is important

    26:36 – Don’t have to wait for all that approval

    I coach a lot of SLPs and OTs for that matter in our all access community at privateslp.com. And we’re always talking about marketing and how to drive business and traffic to our websites and to our practices, into our clinics. And, that’s one thing that I always talk about to our members is, this stuff does take time. It’s not happening overnight and not everyone can do this. Not everybody is cut out to start and grow and scale their own businesses because I think it takes a special person to make things happen.


    Well, hello everyone. You’re listening to the speech therapy, private practice startup podcast. This is episode number 54. My name is Kyle Medes and I’m a speech pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life one podcast at a time. Welcome back to the show, everyone. Thanks again for all the emails and questions. And as of today, today’s Thursday, June 11th 2020. We have well over 68,912 listeners to this show. And I’m super glad you guys are out there getting good, valuable information. And if you wouldn’t mind, please go to the iOS or Android platform of your choice and leave some good five star feedback that way other people just like you can get the same valuable information.

    And if this is your first episode, welcome to the show. You can gladly start out at episode number one and work your way through all the episodes. And hopefully here you’ll find all the tips and tricks you need to start, grow and scale your own Speech therapy private practice. But if you need some more help, I’m here to help you. I have a group of people that I help online, and that is at privateslp.com/coaching.

    • 38 min
    53. The Perfect Student Interview: Meet Kyle White

    53. The Perfect Student Interview: Meet Kyle White

    Welcome back PrivateSLP listeners, I would like to introduce The Perfect Student, Kyle White. Kyle is a super-motivated individual that is out to help as many kiddos in his community by providing some of the best pediatric therapy in the Philadelphia area.

    In this episode, you will hear how this United States Marine and MBA worked with his wife, Ashley White, CCC-SLP to create a multidisciplinary clinic with over 60+ patients in 10 short months.   Together, they have watched Milestone Therapy Group  grow from an concept and idea into a reality .

    In this Episode:

    02:28 – Introducing Perfect Student Mr Kyle White

    04:57 – Getting into Speech Therapy

    07:18 – Google source and podcast information

    09:25 – Having Entrepreneurial Spirit

    12:45 – Leverage knowledge and be multi-disciplinary

    17:51 – Getting foundation built

    21:02 – Now is the time you want to be an entrepreneur or start your practice

    23:28 – Getting help with credentialing

    Episode 53 is all about celebrating success, and in this episode, Kyle explains how he found PrivateSLP,  asked for help, became credentialed with insurance plans  and worked with me one on one on a weekly basis to become the Perfect Student!


    Introduction  “We started from basically nothing to now multi-disciplinary, several different therapists on board and 60 plus kids a week”.


    PrivateSLP Intro Solid, sustaining and successful. You’re listening to this Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast with your host Kyle Meades, speech and language pathologist. Listen, learn and prosper as we share our experience and knowledge so that you can improve your business and your life, one podcast at a time.


    Kyle Meades  Well, hello, everyone, you’re listening to the Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast. This is episode number 53. My name is Kyle Medes and I’m a speech pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life. One podcast at a time. Welcome back to the show, everyone. Thanks again for all the e-mails and all the questions. And as of today, today is Thursday, April the 2nd 2020. We have well over 65399 listeners to the show. And I’m super glad you guys are out there getting good valuable information. And you know me, I say it every single podcast, value is what you get in the absence of money. And these podcasts are absolutely free for you. So if you wouldn’t mind, just please head on over to the Android or the Apple iTunes platform of your choice and leave some good 5-Star feedback that way other people just like you can get the same valuable information that you are receiving right now. And I also wanted to let you guys know that we have a space available for The Perfect Student, and that is when you get to come to Tucson and work with me hand in hand. You also get weekly coaching calls for me. There’s also some billing and credentialing services in there, too. And so you can find out more information about that at PrivateSLP.com/coaching. What many people choose to do is to work with me online and that’s where you get access to me via the private coaching thread and also access to others in the community. And you can also find that PrivateSLP.com/coaching. Now, today, I’m really excited. This is a great episode because you guys know me and you know me well.

    • 30 min
    52. Managing Change in Your Speech Therapy Private Practice

    52. Managing Change in Your Speech Therapy Private Practice

    With the onset of COVID-19, I talk about making changes in your your Speech Therapy Private Practice. With sudden change comes anxiety, but in this episode, I look back at other events in my life that gave me the abilities to make good solid changes in our business so that patients can get their treatments and employees can receive a paycheck during these difficult times.

    Resources for Small Businesses:

    The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

    In this episode:

    02:15 – Space for Perfect Student

    02:45 – Change happens

    05:30 – Adapt and Change

    08:30 – Teletherapy

    09:48 – Shutting doors to take care of family and staff

    11:10 – Change comes with opportunity

    I remember I was on a business trip in Vegas about four weeks ago, and we were talking amongst ourselves, some other big clinic owners and we were talking about the same thing, we’re hearing on the news about this Coronavirus. And I said, I started thinking about that Teletherapy thing and I said, we got to get ready for this. We need to go to our pandemic plans and get this thing moving.


    Well, Hello everyone you’re listening to the Speech Therapy Private Practice StartUp Podcast. This is episode number 52. My name is Kyle Meades and I’m a Speech Pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life one Podcast at a time.

    Welcome back to the show, everyone. Thanks again for all the emails and all the questions. And as of today. Today’s Friday, March 27th, 2020. We have well over 64,836 listeners to the show. And I’m super glad you guys are out there and getting good, valuable information. You know me, I said every single podcast value is what you get in the absence of money and these podcasts are free for you. So if you wouldn’t mind, just please go to your Android or iTunes platform of your choice and leave some good 5-Star feedback. That way other people just like you can get the same valuable information that you are receiving right here today. And I’d like to welcome those around the world who are listening to the podcast. We’ve got Australia, Japan, India, Canada, the U.K., Germany, South Africa and the Republic of South Korea just to name a few countries. So those are popping up on the list right now. So it’s just really nice to have you guys out there. And if you have any questions, you can also just reach out to me at privateslp.com.

    I wanted to let you guys know that we still have space for the perfect student. And if you want some one on one coaching with me, you can also get that head privateslp.com/coaching. And for those of you who are starting out and you are working with insurance companies, if you need some help with your billing or credentialing, you can always just go to privateslp.com/billing and I can help you there.

    Well, today is one of those topics that we all need to talk about. It’s really the 800 pound gorilla in the room, right? It’s called change. And change is something that happens whether we like it or not. And, with this whole coronavirus thing, I mean, I was forced to change, 47 employees, 48 employees, and we had to move thousands of patients over to a new platform and we had to do it quickly. And so I wanted to talk to you about that today.

    I just got off of a live webinar with our all access community members. And we were speaking about the same thing that I’m talking to you about here right now. And that’s just really how to adapt to an online platform so we can continue to help those that we serve, with speech or occupational or physical therapy or even a B.A. therapy. So,

    • 12 min
    51. PrivateSLP Year in Review

    51. PrivateSLP Year in Review

    2019 has been a great year for PrivateSLP, the Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast and Kyle’s clinics, Therapy Group of Tucson!

    When starting, growing or scaling a real speech therapy private practice, one of the benefits of learning from an active clinic owner with multiple disciplines and locations is gaining real-life experience and expertise so that you can avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that Kyle has made already.   If you’re going to learn, then learn from someone who is actively managing thousands of visits and multiple locations.

    In this episode, I review 2019 and list our highlights and celebrate our overall growth while giving you an idea of what to expect if you start and grow your own clinic.

    Also, the time to join my PrivateSLP All Access Community is right now before the price increases on January 1, 2020.

    In this episode:

    01:12 – 59769 + listeners

    01:48 – Welcome to Julie Griffith, SLP to the AAC

    05:38 – Making Changes

    06:30 – Insanity defined

    07:05 – Second location

    07:35 – Speech Therapy numbers

    07:48 – Employees and benefits

    If you sit around and talk about it on Facebook or sit there and watching YouTube videos and kind of dreaming about it, you’re going to get what you’ve always got. Nothing, no change, whatsoever, you can sit there and absorb information till the cows come home. But if you don’t get off of it and change and do something get into action nothing’s going to change.


    Well, Hello everyone you’re listening to the Speech Therapy Private Practice StartUp Podcast. This is episode number 51. My name is Kyle Meades and I’m a Speech Pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life one Podcast at a time.

    Welcome back to the show everyone. Thanks again for all the emails and all the questions, and as of today, today’s Friday December 27th 2019, we have well over 59769 listeners to the show and I’m super glad you guys are out there getting good valuable information because you know me I’m going to say it every single episode, value is what you get in the absence of money. And these podcasts are absolutely free for you, so if you don’t mind, please go to the iOS or Android platform of your choice and leave some good five star feedback that way other people just like you can get the same valuable information that you’re receiving right now.

    And also I wanted to have a shout out and welcome to Julie Griffith. She’s a speech pathologist. She joined the All Access Community here in early December someone to welcome her to the community. And in our community right now we just launched an iOS and Android application so the community is actually easily accessible more so than ever before. And we’ve got monthly trainings we’ve got weekly coaching calls also wanted to recognize one of our perfect students who’s doing a splendid job. Their company now they contacted me in June of this past year and this is just amazing. I was in Hawaii vacationing with my family and I get this email about the All Access Community and some questions. I pick up the phone and I speak to these two individuals and I start interviewing them for a possible membership in the community but more specifically I just knew that this person was the Perfect student.

    And since we’ve started working together this past June their busin...

    • 14 min
    50. Keep Doing What Your Doing & You’ll Get What You’ve Got

    50. Keep Doing What Your Doing & You’ll Get What You’ve Got

    Welcome to Episode 50 of the Speech Therapy Private Practice Startup Podcast! This episode is all about doing things differently to achieve maximum results in business and your personal life. To celebrate my 50th birthday this Christmas Eve, I decided to accomplish another one of my life goals – That is to earn a private pilot’s license 🙂 In this podcast, I talk about something that I realized while I was soloing a 172 Cessna in the pattern at KTUS (Tucson International Airport), speech therapy private practice just is like flying a private plane – when all else fails, use your checklists, get the right training, get over the fear and don’t give up!

    In this episode:

    02:09 – Taking some time off

    05:12 – Taking up flying

    06:52 – Learning how to fly a Cessna 172

    08:49 – If you don’t change, nothing is going to change

    10:08 – Take your checklist, follow your checklist

    10:45 – Remember the checklist

    14:58 – It’s kind of like in traffic

    16:15 – Learning how to start, grow and scale own Private practice

    17:01 – Big FIVE O thing

    We have a checklist in the All access community, PrivateSLP. There’s a checklist for referrals. There’s a checklist on how to get paid. There’s all kinds of checklists that I’ve documented along the way. When it comes to staying airborne, I was thinking I’m freaking out. I’m sure you guys freak out too when it comes to your business. I mean I’m sure some you do but I know a lot of the people I work with on a daily basis they’re always up to something and there’s always something to learn. So my instructor gets out of a plane and he says remember the checklist.


    Well, Hello everyone you’re listening to the Speech Therapy Private Practice StartUp Podcast. This is episode number 50. My name is Kyle Meades and I’m a Speech Pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life one Podcast at a time.

    Welcome back to the show everyone. Thanks again for all the emails and all the questions. As of today, today is Friday, November 8, 2019. We have well over 57,000 listeners to the show and I’m super glad you guys are out there, getting good valuable information because you know me. I say it every single time, value is what you get in the absence of money, and these podcasts who absolutely free for you. So if you wouldn’t mind please do your part and go to the iOS or Android platform of your choice and leave some five star feedback. That way other people just like you can get the same valuable information that you guys are getting.

    I hope you guys are doing well, and I’ve had some listeners reach out to me recently and they’re saying things like, “Hey Kyle, where you been? or are you alive or hey, when’s the next podcast coming out?” All right I got you. So I have been taking some time off to myself. When I first started the Speech Therapy Private Practice starter podcast, I always said I was going to do these at least once a month. Sometimes try to do two a month but life is life, and unlike other podcasters that I know I’m actually running a full time clinic. We have two locations in Tucson. We just opened our second location. We offer speech and occupational and physical therapy services to many people here in our community. And we just do a lot of great work. On top of opening our second location and purchasing a new commercial building, it’s a little over 7800 square feet. We’re using all of that space too for Speech and OT, and one of the locations we’ve got PT.

    On top of that, we just had our Annual Trunk or Treat where we had a ton of ...

    • 17 min
    49. Fully Committed and “All In” in Speech Therapy Private Practice

    49. Fully Committed and “All In” in Speech Therapy Private Practice

    In this episode I talk about the idea and mindset of being fully committed and “All In” in your own speech therapy private practice. So many times people start their own business and simply give up. They quit because they can’t seem to cut away from their job, or they just don’t have enough patients coming into their practice. Most often, they quit before miracle. Also in this episode I take time to recognize a very busy and motivated speech therapist Grace Tan Cheng Man, a speech therapist based in Malaysia who has an online magazine!

    In this episode:

    01:08 – Value, Value, Value,

    03:37 – Gr​ace Tan Cheng Man, Malaysia Speech Therapist

    06:07 – Becoming an Independent Speech and Language Pathologist

    07:34 – Required Mindset for Private Practice

    09:40 – Establishing a solid foundation for Speech Therapy Private Practice

    11:51 – Motive for startup

    18:45 – All In

    20:10 – Self Honesty

    20:51 – Worried?

    22:52 – Getting Paid


    Well, Hello everyone you’re listening to the Speech Therapy Private Practice StartUp Podcast. This is episode number 49. My name is Kyle Meades and I’m a Speech Pathologist since 1993. And these podcasts are designed to help you improve your business and your life one Podcast at a time.

    Welcome back to the show everyone. Thanks again for all the emails and all the questions. As of today, today is June 26, 2019 we have well over 51,979 listeners to the show and I’m super fired up. You guys are out there getting good valuable information and it’s free for you. And you know me I say it every single podcast. It wouldn’t be my podcast if I didn’t say it, “Value is what you get in the absence of money” and these podcasts are free for you so what I would like you to do is, just simply go to the iOS or Android platform of your choice and just leave some five star feedback that way other people just like you can get the same valuable information that you’re receiving right now because it’s important to give back.

    And when I started this podcast over three years ago I wanted to give out as much free information as possible and to do that I want to be able to drive traffic to our website and we’re doing great. When you Google “Startup Speech Therapy Private Practice”, we’re right there on top. I mean we’re helping a lot of people, I get a lot of questions during the week and I’m doing conference calls and coaching calls with people in the All access community. And they’re always wanting to know how do you do it all. Well that’s because I have a team I don’t rely as a podcaster and as a business person, I don’t rely on other clinics to show my subscribers and members of my community how to do things. We do it all here in-house so if I want to teach one of the access community members about billing we can get on the phone to have a coaching call with our billing department. We have a referral department, we have a scheduling department, we have a team of therapists multidisciplinary team of people and locations where we can help as many people as possible. That’s from patients all the way to all access community members so if you want to learn how to start your own practice, you’re in the right place. And again if this is your first podcast, welcome, start at the beginning and work your way through all 49 episodes along the way. If there’s anything you need from me, all you have to do is reach out to me at privateSLP.com/contact and I’ll help you.

    I get people all the time that say, I can’t believe you’re just picking up the phone and calling. Well absolutely,

    • 24 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
62 Ratings

62 Ratings

SLP old-timer ,


Listening to a new podcast each day keeps me motivated. Thank you Kyle!

Henrietta Coop ,

Amazing Content

The best option I’ve found to start my SLP private practice!



I loved these episodes! They are so helpful! Why did you stop ?

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