49 min

Spotlight on Friendship & Business with Joachim Stempfle & Chad Luxenburg Dropping your armour

    • Management

No organization evolves faster than its leaders. In today’s spotlight episode, new host Tolga Mahlke talks to two leaders, Joachim (Joe) Stempfle and Chad Luxenburg, the founders of atrain-scitrain. Their “wild ride” of meeting as teenagers, forming a life-long friendship, and building atrain-scitrain was not without challenges. They share how their deep trust and shared values has been the foundation for meeting those challenges and reflect on how they have evolved as leaders and will contin...

No organization evolves faster than its leaders. In today’s spotlight episode, new host Tolga Mahlke talks to two leaders, Joachim (Joe) Stempfle and Chad Luxenburg, the founders of atrain-scitrain. Their “wild ride” of meeting as teenagers, forming a life-long friendship, and building atrain-scitrain was not without challenges. They share how their deep trust and shared values has been the foundation for meeting those challenges and reflect on how they have evolved as leaders and will contin...

49 min