29 min

Square Pegs - GenX at Work GenX Stories

    • Personal Journals

Connect with the GenX Stories gang via text message!What was it like to begin a career in the early 1990s and what’s it like to be middle-aged now in the workplace? Eve and Sacha talk about what they wanted to be when they grew up, what they thought they’d be, and what actually happened. In this episode: GenX’s entrepreneurial spiritHow the recession of the early 1990s impacted Sacha and Eve's career trajectoriesThe impact of the Internet on GenXAgeism in the workplaceThe value of e...

Connect with the GenX Stories gang via text message!What was it like to begin a career in the early 1990s and what’s it like to be middle-aged now in the workplace? Eve and Sacha talk about what they wanted to be when they grew up, what they thought they’d be, and what actually happened. In this episode: GenX’s entrepreneurial spiritHow the recession of the early 1990s impacted Sacha and Eve's career trajectoriesThe impact of the Internet on GenXAgeism in the workplaceThe value of e...

29 min