24 min

StAnza Podcast 2010 21st March Stanza Poetry Festival Podcasts

    • Books

In our Sunday podcast, we include highlights from the Border Crossings event with Canadian Gaelic poet Lewis Mackinnon and Croatian Mario Susko. Rob A Mackenzie reads a poem which could not have existed without the internet. Director's Cut poet Jen Hadfield reads some poems about Canada and Shetland and we include two poems from Mario Petrucci on science and love.

In our Sunday podcast, we include highlights from the Border Crossings event with Canadian Gaelic poet Lewis Mackinnon and Croatian Mario Susko. Rob A Mackenzie reads a poem which could not have existed without the internet. Director's Cut poet Jen Hadfield reads some poems about Canada and Shetland and we include two poems from Mario Petrucci on science and love.

24 min