26 min

Starseeds, the Second Wave & the Way Forward Exploring the Mystical Side of Life

    • Spirituality

Are you part of The SECOND WAVE? White Eagle talksa bout the Second wave and the evolutionary path of humanity. This is part of what Delores Cannon described as 3 waves of Starseed volunteers to help humanity navigate the evolution to the next level of higher consciousness. 

Meet Kerri Hummingbird, channel, healer, teacher, author and host of the Soul Nectar Show. 

In this episode: The story of White Eagle; Shamanic traditions and working with the Ancestors; The Mouth of God; Multi-dimensional beings; Our role in the shift of consciousness: What is the journey of spiritual awakening; Our Earth connection and the unfolding of the future; A cell in the body of God; Navigating your inner space: Using the Elements to heal; Kerri’s Fire ritual to change beliefs; Linda’s Step into the Light process; The Paul Selig teachings. 

Visit Kerri at https://kerrihummingbird.com/

 The Soul Nectar Show: https://soulnectar.show/ 

Kerri’s book The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama https://amzn.to/2RwsB0X 

Reference: Delores Cannon: Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth https://amzn.to/2FO5Tic 

Power Up Your Brain https://amzn.to/2RvTHFJ 

Paul Selig: I AM the Word https://amzn.to/2RABzdS 

Thanks for joining us on EXPLORING THE MYSTICAL SIDE OF LIFE. You can watch the video on Youtube or our Facebook page. If you enjoyed this conversation and wish to support our podcast, you'll find our Virtual Tip Jar at https://paypal.me/thoughtchange Thank you! 

Visit Linda Lang at https://thoughtchange.com to find assistance on your spiritual path. 

Aligning with the Elements: https://bit.ly/3c3VqeG

Are you part of The SECOND WAVE? White Eagle talksa bout the Second wave and the evolutionary path of humanity. This is part of what Delores Cannon described as 3 waves of Starseed volunteers to help humanity navigate the evolution to the next level of higher consciousness. 

Meet Kerri Hummingbird, channel, healer, teacher, author and host of the Soul Nectar Show. 

In this episode: The story of White Eagle; Shamanic traditions and working with the Ancestors; The Mouth of God; Multi-dimensional beings; Our role in the shift of consciousness: What is the journey of spiritual awakening; Our Earth connection and the unfolding of the future; A cell in the body of God; Navigating your inner space: Using the Elements to heal; Kerri’s Fire ritual to change beliefs; Linda’s Step into the Light process; The Paul Selig teachings. 

Visit Kerri at https://kerrihummingbird.com/

 The Soul Nectar Show: https://soulnectar.show/ 

Kerri’s book The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama https://amzn.to/2RwsB0X 

Reference: Delores Cannon: Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth https://amzn.to/2FO5Tic 

Power Up Your Brain https://amzn.to/2RvTHFJ 

Paul Selig: I AM the Word https://amzn.to/2RABzdS 

Thanks for joining us on EXPLORING THE MYSTICAL SIDE OF LIFE. You can watch the video on Youtube or our Facebook page. If you enjoyed this conversation and wish to support our podcast, you'll find our Virtual Tip Jar at https://paypal.me/thoughtchange Thank you! 

Visit Linda Lang at https://thoughtchange.com to find assistance on your spiritual path. 

Aligning with the Elements: https://bit.ly/3c3VqeG

26 min