18 min

Stop Chasing The Silver Bullet And Get To Work: Understanding Strategic And Tactical Objectives To Get Things Done Practice Perfect

    • Marketing

Start thinking about where you're going to play, what can you be the best at? Answer these questions. What can you be the best at? What can your practice do better than all of your competitors? And importantly on the back of that, is that something that the market wants? Because you can be really great at shining toenails, but if nobody wants to buy toenail shining, it's irrelevant. Okay? So think about that. What is it that you can be the best at? What can your practice be the best that that your clients actually want, need, and deserve to get from you?

Start thinking about where you're going to play, what can you be the best at? Answer these questions. What can you be the best at? What can your practice do better than all of your competitors? And importantly on the back of that, is that something that the market wants? Because you can be really great at shining toenails, but if nobody wants to buy toenail shining, it's irrelevant. Okay? So think about that. What is it that you can be the best at? What can your practice be the best that that your clients actually want, need, and deserve to get from you?

18 min