43 episodes

An excellent combination of interviews with successful entrepreneurs, athletes, investors, dreamers, and overachievers who share their insights for success!

M. Curtis McCoy is an author who has published books on Success, Motivation & Inspiration. Listen in on conversations with experts, professionals, and inspirational people. Learn business insights and tips on becoming successful in many aspects of your life.

Hear from people who overcame extreme adversity and succeeded, even when the cards were stacked against them. This is the success podcast you can't miss!

Connect with host, M. Curtis McCoy.

Success, Motivation & Inspiration M. Curtis McCoy

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 17 Ratings

An excellent combination of interviews with successful entrepreneurs, athletes, investors, dreamers, and overachievers who share their insights for success!

M. Curtis McCoy is an author who has published books on Success, Motivation & Inspiration. Listen in on conversations with experts, professionals, and inspirational people. Learn business insights and tips on becoming successful in many aspects of your life.

Hear from people who overcame extreme adversity and succeeded, even when the cards were stacked against them. This is the success podcast you can't miss!

Connect with host, M. Curtis McCoy.

    Mary Watson Interview with M. Curtis McCoy - TEDx GJ

    Mary Watson Interview with M. Curtis McCoy - TEDx GJ

    Mary Watson is the Organizer & Founder of TEDx Grand Junction. Since 2000 Mary Watson has been evaluating and sharing written critiques with hundreds of writers, speakers, and presenters through various public speaking and educational events. Mary spent three years in Benin, West Africa teaching and presenting events. She has been a successful public speaker and continuously motivates adults as well youth through Toastmasters programs/events, Ignite Grand Junction!, TEDx Grand Junction, and several Communication and Leadership Workshops.

    What are TED talks?

    TED talks are presentations dedicated to researching and sharing knowledge that matters through short talks and presentations.

    The goal to inform and educate audiences in an accessible way.

    What does TED stand for?

    “TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less),” according to ted.com. “TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics – from science to business to global issues – in more than 100 languages.”

    What is the difference between TED and TEDx?

    Essentially, TED Talks are aimed at a global audience while TEDx talks are designed for smaller, local audiences.

    For example Denver, Boston, Vail, Mile High, etc.

    Why did you bring TEDx to Grand Junction?

    TEDx are independently run, local events that follow TED guidelines for sharing ideas in communities around the world. Watson decided to create a TEDx event in the Grand Valley after watching several TED talks. The Grand Valley has awesome leaders and this is one way the community can network to see what is happening.

    How do you prepare TEDx Grand Junction presenters?

    Coaching mentors are assigned to each speaker – to vet the presentations and assure they abided by TED rules. Each pair worked together prior to the event via Zoom, by phone, and/or in-person. Presenters can’t be selling a product; they can’t be preaching, It must be an idea worth spreading.

    Is each year the same? What’s new this year?

    We have 18 awesome presenters – the full line up is on our website TEDxGJ.com

    TEDx Grand Junction added a new element this year – mini-workshops that will take place from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. prior to showtime starting at 11 a.m. Doors open at 10 a.m. The mini-workshops – How Do You Ask For What You Want?; Explore the Grand Valley like a local, even if you are one. and Simple & Effective Stress Busting Techniques.

    How do you put on such a big show every year?

    We are proud to present the 5th TEDx Grand Junction this year. This could not be possible without partnering with community members and businesses. Thanks to all our partners and supporters Atlasta Solar Center, Long Point Digital, and Enstrom’s Candies for their support

    What inspired you to pursue this event?

    I think we should all use our gifts for good.

    Being a Toastmaster and achieving the highest education award DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster) has been great. Now, I look for innovative, progressive, fun, leaders to partner with for other community events such as Ignite Grand Junction!, TEDx Grand Junction, Communication and Leadership Workshops, and serve on community boards like Mesa County Anti-bias Task Force, Mesa County Library.

    Connect with Mary Watson of TEDx Grand Junction

    TEDx GJ

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TEDxGJ/

    Instagram: @m.e.g.ruby

    • 18 min
    Jen Hardy Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Jen Hardy Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Jen Hardy is a Neurolinguistic Trainer, Empowerment Coach, and Public Speaker. She’s also incredibly cool! I had the pleasure of meeting Jen recently in San Antonio and I think you’re really going to like her!

    What is your personal definition of success?

    My personal definition of success is being able to look back and regardless of the actual outcome, be able to say I enjoyed the journey? Was I who I would’ve wanted to be along the way? Did I learn something that will support me moving forward? Am I doing something that is making a difference in the lives of others? I feel like we all to often get caught up on and attached to the end result and miss the beauty in the moments it took us to get to where ever we’re headed and have gotten to.

    Can you share the steps you take daily to improve?

    * Get enough sleep!

    * Be willing to look at where I need to take responsibility in any area of my life that isn’t going the way I desire it to since I am after all the creator of my reality!

    * Do the inner work to discover what old patterns, stories or limiting beliefs are in the way of feeling aligned.

    * Be kind to others and see behavior not as a definition of someone but instead as something interesting to dive into and understand better.

    What is your advice for someone making an important decision?

    Well, this depends on how you process information. Ask yourself if you need outside support to talk you through it or are you confident and comfortable making choices on your own? Some of us need support, some do not, and some need a little of both! I know I prefer to talk through what I am thinking about with others and get input but not everyone needs that. I would definitely say get really clear on the outcome regardless though. As in; What specifically do you want?? What will you get if you be/do/have this thing? What will you not get if you be/do/have these things? What will you happen if you be/do/have this thing? What will not happen if you be/do/have these things? Are you doing it for yourself or others?? It’s important to be self-initiated! I actually have a great list of questions you can ask yourself I’d be happy to offer your audience. They can DM on IG or FB to get it! I think we often again, don’t consider the full journey and all the possible outcomes. And sometimes we don’t necessarily need to-sometimes we just KNOW.

    Tell me about a specific moment that set you on the path you’re on now?

    That would be after completing a session with my (now) coach but then she was my mastermind mentor. She did some work with me where I released some “shtuff” I had been holding onto for decades in only 15mins… I immediately wanted to know how she did what she did with me and how I could learn to do it myself and for others!

    If you could recommend one book for our audience, what would it be?

    Oh man…only one? I’ll do this differently; for the men listening- “Daring Greatly” for the ladies “Untamed”

    Unbound – A woman guide to power is another phenomenal book & recommend it often!

    Which character traits do you value most?

    * Communication!

    * Authenticity

    * Passion

    * Curiosity/A desire to grow and learn

    * Integrity

    * Joy/optimism

    Connect with Jen Hardy below

    Connect with Jen Hardy on MailChimp

    Facebook: Jen Hardy

    Instagram: @an_unstoppable_you

    • 20 min
    Ivan Anz Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Ivan Anz Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Ivan Anz is a successful international entrepreneur with business in more than 12 countries. In 2014, while he created the Philanthroinvestor® Phenomena, Ivan also founded Equity & Help, Inc. to initiate the Real Estate Philanthroinvestor® Program. The program tagline of “growing your capital while helping low-income families,” represents an innovative new take on real-estate investment that maximizes returns for investors and also makes homeownership a reality for a traditionally underserved segment of society.

    With a focus on “Recovering the American Dream of homeownership”

    Ivan pioneered the first PHILANTHROINVESTOR® system using Real Estate as the vehicle. To do this, Equity & Help acquires US houses from banks at wholesale prices and makes them available to investors for far below current market prices. The company also helps find home-seeking families to fix up, live in, and take care of the properties.

    Ivan has been featured on CBS NEWS, ABC, NBC, and Fox. He also authored a book in 2018 titled “The Real Estate Philanthroinvestor®,”

    the first book of THE PHILANTHROINVESTOR® PHENOMENA series.

    In 2019, Equity & Help was recognized by the Inc. 500 for the company’s 3-year growth rate of 2,729%, representing the #128 fastest growing company in the nation, as well as the 10th and 2nd fastest Highlights growing company in Florida and Tampa Bay, respectively.


    * Owner – Toyota Allianz Dealership Network Argentina

    * Founder – Equity & Help, Inc (USA)

    * Inc 500 2019’s Greatest Entrepreneurs

    * The Startup Weekly’s 2019 Founders to Watch Award

    * BUILD 2019 Real Estate and Property Award

    * Best Community Impact Investment Specialists – USA

    * Most Philanthropic Real Estate Investment System 2019

    Ivan’s entrepreneurial spirit emerged at the age of seven when he used his Go-Kart to lease it to his friends and neighborhoods while selling them candies. Ivan then continued at the age of 14 when he created mountain adventures with 4 x 4 vehicles for customers of his family-owned car dealership in Argentina. He acquired support from the Federal Committee of his state, in Argentina, as well as BBVA (Banco Francés).

    At the age of nineteen, Ivan launched his first international venture as a distributor of Herbalife®, the network marketing giant. In just two years, at age of twenty-one, Ivan reached the “Millionaire Team”, selling $1 million annually. He was actually the youngest person of the Millionaire Team all over the American continent and he ran the fastest growing team across seven countries in Latin America.

    At the age of twenty-three, after he married his wife Bella, Ivan assisted his family to convert their small family business into the Number One car dealership group in Argentina, selling Toyota and Peugeot. His state is the province with the best financial management and economic indicators in Argentina. Toyota Allianz is in the #10 Toyota Dealerships in Argentina based on Toyota’s “Management Excellence” standards.

    As the dealerships matured in 2007, Ivan ventured into the real estate development industry with his first real estate development being one of the most prestigious private neighborhoods of his state.

    In 2014 Ivan decided to expand his entrepreneurial spirit into the US and moved to live at the Tampa Bay Area, where he is currently residing.

    What is a PhilanthroInvestor?

    “A PHILANTHROINVESTOR® is someone who invests money and time, engaging emotionally to promote human welfare while earning a financial return.” What we are doing is marrying the idea of philanthropy and investments together. Let’s invest but let’s invest with a purpose. Let’s be well by doing good. We all live in synchrony, in union; whatever you do today will return to you tomorrow.

    Why did the founder choose PhilanthroInvesting in areas ...

    • 28 min
    Glen Smith Jr.

    Glen Smith Jr.

    Glen Smith Jr. helps people heal physically and mentally. Through a simple process, people learn how to go from merely existing to thriving. Glen is a proud father of 4 kids and a serial entrepreneur. Glen Smith Jr. is an honorably discharged US Marine. He has owned a security/bodyguard firm, a health and wellness center, and is now a Life Coach. Glen has done everything from providing security for high net worth individuals, overseen security units for major events like the Super Bowl, started a mobile IV service, and even been attached to a Secret Service detail for the President. Glen is a fully trained, experienced, and nationally-certified Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic. Glen Smith Jr. has 2 associate degrees and is a Master NLP Practitioner.

    Without a doubt, the keys to my success have been my dedication to ongoing professional development and my natural ability to assess any situation quickly and efficiently. I am always looking for ways to improve myself and help make this world a better place.

    I have spent the last 2 years helping people beat their anxiety and/or depression. My focus now is to help as many people as I can get a breakthrough in their life. Too many people are merely existing. I help them live!

    What is your personal definition of success?

    My definition of success is when you live a fulfilling life, a life that YOU are proud of. This is different for everyone. It’s a personal thing.

    Can you share the steps you take daily to improve?

    Every day, at least once, I meditate, say affirmations, and review my goals. This helps me stay focused.

    I also try to read at least one chapter of a book.

    Lastly, I am real with myself. I don’t lie to myself. If I’m slacking in an area, I call myself out.

    What is your advice for someone making an important decision?

    Layout all the FACTS. I say facts because our brains will play tricks and tell us lies. Therefore, it’s important that you write down everything pertaining to the decision. Using the George Washington close works amazing.

    Tell me about a specific moment that set you on the path you’re on now?

    Having people approach me and tell me about the impact that I’ve made in their life has helped me tremendously.

    One person was going to commit suicide after losing his wife. He began following me on social media and it changed his life. When he walked up to me and shared that, it opened my eyes to my impact.

    If you could recommend one book for our audience, what would it be?

    Think and Grow Rich or the Alchemist. It will show you what’s possible. It also gives you step-by-step guidance on accomplishing whatever you want.

    Which character traits do you value most?

    I value honesty the most because things will never change until you are honest with yourself and others.

    How do you push through tough times?


    Forget it drive on. I learned that in the Marines. I put things in perspective and look at the positive.

    What inspires you?

    Seeing people live to their fullest potential.

    How do you manage and prioritize opportunities?

    I used to say yes to everything. That doesn’t work. Now, I compare everything to the goals that I have. If it helps me achieve my goals faster, I’m in. If not, I’m out.

    What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

    S$&@ happens!! You are going to make mistakes. It’s all part of the process. Learn quickly and move on.

    Connect with Glen Smith Jr. below

    Facebook: Glen Smith Jr.

    • 30 min
    Ken Joslin Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Ken Joslin Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    The GROW STACK DRIVE brand’s creator, Ken Joslin, is a Pastor turned real estate entrepreneur who has closed over $275 million in real estate transactions. In addition, he has established numerous churches and mentored hundreds of people. Ken is driven by the desire to assist business executives in Building Confidence, Gaining Clarity & Creating Community. More than that, Ken is a kind father and good friend.

    Ken is a Christ-follower, Grant Cardone licensee, podcast host, father, and CEO of the Ken Joslin Team.

    Today on the podcast, Ken Joslin and I will be discussing the upcoming CREATE Conference he’s hosting in Alpharetta, GA, at the end of this month!

    The CREATE Conference will have 20 incredible speakers who are wildly successful leaders and business owners. One of my favorite things about Ken is his ability to surround himself with amazing people!

    Join us at the CREATE Conference Atlanta January 28th-29th

    You need individuals in your life who will push you forward. You need to hear from others who have been where you want to be. We must attempt what is impossible rather than stick with what is comfortable. The future of your business and life may be shaped with this course.

    Get your tickets to The CREATE Conference while they’re still available!

    I hope you enjoy this podcast interview, and don’t forget to connect with Ken Joslin!

    Instagram: Ken Joslin

    • 11 min
    Brad Blazar Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Brad Blazar Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

    Brad Blazar is recognized globally as an expert when it comes to raising capital. At the young age of 23, he started and was the founder of a very successful company in the oil and gas industry. This was brought to an abrupt stop in the late ’80s due to The Tax Reform Act and collapsing oil prices, but it was not about to slow him down.

    Brad went on to find his true passion in life, raising money and helping people. He has raised billions of dollars in the last years for investment sponsors and those in real estate in addition to closing the largest sales for multiple companies. Now Brad consults with companies needing access to capital around the world.

    Brad’s premier coaching program Capital School has reached a global audience around the world.

    Brad Blazar, The Global Expert on Raising Capital – Brad Blazar, the founder of Capital School, is a highly successful entrepreneur, real estate investor, former CEO of an oil company, and one of the world’s foremost experts on raising capital.

    When he was just 23 years old, he turned his back to school and successfully launched his own oil company. Building the business over ten years with projects in Texas and Oklahoma, this business was brought to a grinding halt in the late 1990s due to The Tax Reform Act and collapsing oil prices.

    Connect with Brad Blazar below

    Facebook Brad Blazar

    Instagram Brad Blazar

    Twitter Brad Blazar


    • 25 min

Customer Reviews

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17 Ratings

Troy Talks ,

Troy Talks

I enjoyed the Podcast with Diana Crabtree. She have some good tips.

Starstrucktimetravelingandlost ,

Amazing, feel good show!

If you’re looking for a podcast that motivates you not to quit when the times get rough, this is the show for you! Really uplifts you and makes you feel anything is possible! Subscribe and give it a listen!
You’ll be glad you did.

Blaster king ,

Stay Motivated and Encouraged

What an amazing feel-good motivating podcast!
A great source of encouragement and wisdom from so many successful and brilliant minds.

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