36 episodes

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you:
The hectic pace of life leaves you feeling overwhelmed.
You have set yourself out to achieve certain goals, but you just can't get the momentum you desire.
You are unsure what direction to go next.
Women have more opportunities, more accomplishments, and yes, more overwhelm than ever before. Maybe you can relate? And the research shows we women are also more likely to …

Be perfectionists
Underestimate ourselves
Feel guilty about balancing it all
Get depressed
Less confident, even when we are amazing

But here’s the thing.
Scientific studies have shown what the ancient wisdom of scripture has proven: Successful women think differently. They make decisions differently. Set goals differently. And bounce back from failure and adversity differently.

Valorie Burton is an international bestselling author of more than a dozen books, a top speaker, a life coach and founder of The Coaching and Positive Psychology (CaPP) Institute. She is dedicated to helping people get unstuck and be unstoppable in every area of life.

In each episode, you’ll find practical inspiration that helps you think differently and, ultimately, overcome the fears,
habits, and distractions to create the breakthroughs that leave you happier, healthier, and more resilient.

For more information visit https://valorieburton.com/

Successful Women Think Differently Valorie Burton

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 81 Ratings

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you:
The hectic pace of life leaves you feeling overwhelmed.
You have set yourself out to achieve certain goals, but you just can't get the momentum you desire.
You are unsure what direction to go next.
Women have more opportunities, more accomplishments, and yes, more overwhelm than ever before. Maybe you can relate? And the research shows we women are also more likely to …

Be perfectionists
Underestimate ourselves
Feel guilty about balancing it all
Get depressed
Less confident, even when we are amazing

But here’s the thing.
Scientific studies have shown what the ancient wisdom of scripture has proven: Successful women think differently. They make decisions differently. Set goals differently. And bounce back from failure and adversity differently.

Valorie Burton is an international bestselling author of more than a dozen books, a top speaker, a life coach and founder of The Coaching and Positive Psychology (CaPP) Institute. She is dedicated to helping people get unstuck and be unstoppable in every area of life.

In each episode, you’ll find practical inspiration that helps you think differently and, ultimately, overcome the fears,
habits, and distractions to create the breakthroughs that leave you happier, healthier, and more resilient.

For more information visit https://valorieburton.com/

    How To Guarantee You'll Hit Your Goals in 2024

    How To Guarantee You'll Hit Your Goals in 2024

    🎉Set your 2024 up for success by creating your Vision Board with Valorie: valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024  👀
    Having a vision and a goal is great, but there’s one thing that will help you get to the next level faster and you probably have never heard of it.
    It’s called a personal growth action plan. 

    Oftentimes, we think that the reason it's taking a long time to reach our goals is because we're not taking the right steps. 

    But it's really much bigger than just knowing what steps to take. What is even more important is understanding what’s stopping you from taking those steps.

    Do you know what the growth gap is that is keeping you from moving forward and keeping you stuck? (If you don’t, go check out Episode 34!)

    This is often where our fears, habits, distractions, sometimes circumstances can block us from growing even when we know exactly what to do. 

    Discover the personal growth action plan framework and how to use it to reach your goals in 2024. 

    In This Episode:
    - Why we can’t move forward even though we know what steps to take
    - Identifying your growth gaps
    - How to close your growth gaps
    - Experimenting with new action to close your growth gaps
    - How to leverage “positive peer pressure” to get better results
    - Big changes for the Successful Women Think Differently Podcast

    Resources Mentioned:
    Explore how SWA can be your guide in creating and sustaining your personal growth action plan. Visit ValorieBurton.com for details.

    Connect with Valorie Burton:
    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 
    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

    • 19 min
    2024 Setting Goals: Don’t Ignore These 4 Growth Gaps

    2024 Setting Goals: Don’t Ignore These 4 Growth Gaps

    1️⃣ Set your 2024 up for success by creating your Vision Board with Valorie: valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024 👀
    If you’re heading into the new year wanting to set goals but you just don’t want it to be another year of goals you didn’t complete. Another year of setting up the same goals for yourself.
    Well, this is the episode for you.
    Setting goals can often be easy enough. We know we need to set up SMART goals, and small goals, and even sub-goals…Everyone talks about it.
    But so often, we still end up missing the mark. Why?
    A sneaky little thing called growth gaps. The way YOU need to grow in order to go where you want to go.

    Learn what you need to do to ensure 2024 is the year you address those gaps on this episode of the Successful Women Think Differently podcast.

    In This Episode:
    - What is a growth gap?
    - Is fear holding you back?
    - Bad habits, missing habits, inconsistent habits
    - Are you distracted?
    - Is this the right time?

    Connect with Valorie Burton:
    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/
    Website - https://valorieburton.com/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/

    • 15 min
    Self-Coaching: Your Toolkit for Navigating Life's Challenges

    Self-Coaching: Your Toolkit for Navigating Life's Challenges

    In an ideal world, we’d all admit we need help and get coaching to work on improving ourselves.
    But that takes two things:
    1. Admitting it - which is possibly what you’ve already done by being here
    2. A coach - which you may not have or be able to afford yet
    So, while we wait for everything to work together for your good and for you to eventually have a coach, what else can we do to make sure we’re moving forward?
    Well, we can self-coach. Self-coaching is something we should do whether we have an external coach or not, but all the more so if we don’t.

    Life is hard, and we face various challenges that we don’t often know how to navigate. We can get overwhelmed by decisions or indecision and we can get stuck in our minds.

    But being your own coach is like having a toolkit to navigate these challenges that come your way. It requires pausing, reflecting, and coming up with not just the answers but the process of getting to the answers.

    Find out what key questions you should be asking yourself during your next self-coaching session. And for some FREE external coaching in the new year, check out: https://valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024 

    In This Episode:
    - Self-coaching - The basic framework to find answers for yourself
    - Identifying the problem
    - What’s the vision? What do you want?
    - Identify fears, habits and distractions
    - Key coaching questions to ask yourself
    - What to do when you don’t know what to do

    Connect with Valorie Burton:
    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 
    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

    • 19 min
    High Achiever vs. Overachiever - Achieve Your Goals Without Burning Out

    High Achiever vs. Overachiever - Achieve Your Goals Without Burning Out

    Being an overachiever is dangerous.
    Overachievers often feel the need to constantly prove themselves through accomplishments, and tend to burnout because they’re never satisfied with how far they’ve come.
    We can tend to think that being an overachiever is a good thing but realistically, it’s unsustainable.
    Instead, we should aim to be high achievers who focus on intrinsic motivation and personal growth.
    This episode is going to help you distinguish several indicators of overachievement and the key attributes in high achievers that allow for sustainability in success.
    Tune in to shift toward the growth mindset of a high achiever and away from the dangers of burning out from overachieving and never finding contentment.

    In This Episode:
    - Overachievers tend to overcompensate
    - Fixed mindset vs growth mindset
    - Overachievers are prone to upward social comparison
    - Primary motivations of overachievers vs high achievers
    - High achiever qualities

    Resources Mentioned:
    Happiness: Lessons from a New Science by Richard Layard https://a.co/d/ary9qvb 
    Personal Growth Plan https://go.valorieburton.com/swa58441289 

    Connect with Valorie Burton:
    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 
    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

    • 27 min
    Upward Social Comparison

    Upward Social Comparison

    🛑 If you've ever thought about coaching, or incorporating coaching into your leadership toolkit, don’t miss the Coach Training Intensive happening December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑
    “We're looking at expectations that might not even be our own, and beating ourselves up because we're not meeting those expectations.” - Valorie Burton
    Today, we're talking about how to stop those unhelpful upward social comparisons that can steal your joy.

    We've all been there - you see someone doing something better than you and suddenly you feel discontent because you’re not there yet, or guilty because you know you should be happy for them but you’re really just jealous.

    Don’t worry, it’s natural.

    But because successful women think differently, we must notice these thoughts and re-shift them to better serve us.


    Decrease exposure, focus on your growth, and compare yourself to your past and future self - not others. (Tune in to unpack what this looks like practically.)

    You have so much to offer, and focusing on others’ highlight reels and comparing them to your reality is only going to distract you from your bigger purpose.

    In This Episode:
    - What are upward social comparisons?
    - What’s the message in it for you?
    - Why we compare
    - Positively comparing upwardly for inspiration
    - What to do when you over-compare
    - Downward comparison - who can you help?

    Connect with Valorie Burton:
    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 
    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

    • 25 min
    Find Yourself Taking Things for Granted? Try This Unique Gratitude Exercise

    Find Yourself Taking Things for Granted? Try This Unique Gratitude Exercise

    🛑 If you've ever thought about coaching, or incorporating coaching into your leadership toolkit, don’t miss the Coach Training Intensive happening December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑
    If you’ve ever listened to this show, you’ll likely know that the topics and themes discussed here highly revolve around positive emotion.
    That’s because positive emotion is a success strategy. It’s been proven to make us more creative, make better decisions, persevere more, and improve and strengthen the bonds of our relationships.
    Which is why, naturally, the focus of this episode is gratitude. Because gratitude is a surefire way to cultivate these positive emotions.

    Today, Valorie is talking about creating a Gratitude Letter. It’s exactly what it sounds like, but it’s so powerful that you won’t want to miss the specifics of what to include. Listen in to prepare yourself for a super thankful Thanksgiving. 

    In This Episode:
    - What is gratitude?
    - Taking things for granted
    - Writing a Gratitude Letter
    - How to make a gratitude letter the most impactful

    Resources Mentioned:
    Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons https://a.co/d/azARwzA 

    Connect with Valorie Burton:
    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 
    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

    • 18 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
81 Ratings

81 Ratings

Daijhon1y& ,


I’ve had your books for years. I was never in a still place in my life to read them they way I wanted to. (Excuse) I recently moved from Philadelphia to North Carolina. I had more time for myself. I became President of HOA and found myself in a position that one day I knew I would have to speak in front of a large audience. I listened to your podcast about confidence everyday to work and back. The day came and I killed it. I was prepared, relaxed and controlled. Thank you so much because without your coaching I would have never done it.

The Fit Soul by Amy Ramsey ,

Valorie’s coaching has changed my life!

I purchased one of Valorie’s books at the lowest point on my life. It was a random book purchase in a gas station as i was moving across country, all of my belongings in a u-haul trailer, going through my second divorce.
Valorie speaks in a way that is practical, encouraging and doable. She infuses research and psychology and biblical truths with an impeccable, inspiring and practical communication style that motivates me to stay the course, keep pushing through the doubt and fear to rise above and be the best version of myself.
Thank you Valorie, your work has changed my life 💕 and my occupation. I also highly recommend her life coaching certification.

mariserra14 ,

Truly life changing! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I am blessed to have discovered Valorie. I love her attitude, her peaceful tone, and the topics she speaks about in this podcast. I love how practical her steps are and how encouraging and understanding she is with her audience. I look forward to a new episode each week. This has become one of my favorite podcasts ♥️♥️

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