1 hr 12 min

#10 - Tom Cook Supply Chain Saga

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode we chat with industry veteran Tom Cook, who has over 30 years of experience in global trade. Drawing from his time as CEO at major logistics firms, Tom sheds light on pressing issues in the trade industry, including the impact of various tariffs and the benefits of Foreign Trade Zones. Tune in for a conversation rich with insights and grounded in deep expertise.https://warehouserepublic.com/https://www.supplychainsaga.com/

In this episode we chat with industry veteran Tom Cook, who has over 30 years of experience in global trade. Drawing from his time as CEO at major logistics firms, Tom sheds light on pressing issues in the trade industry, including the impact of various tariffs and the benefits of Foreign Trade Zones. Tune in for a conversation rich with insights and grounded in deep expertise.https://warehouserepublic.com/https://www.supplychainsaga.com/

1 hr 12 min