14 episodes

A podcast produced by SustainaDAO and DECIL (Digital Economy Collaboration Innovation Lab) on everything about Web3 and sustainability. During this podcast, you will listen to interviews with our guests, including blockchain entrepreneurs, fund managers, tech experts, academic professionals, and sustainability influencers, who will share their insights.

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SustainaDAO Non-Fungible Talk SustainaDAO & DECIL

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 3 Ratings

A podcast produced by SustainaDAO and DECIL (Digital Economy Collaboration Innovation Lab) on everything about Web3 and sustainability. During this podcast, you will listen to interviews with our guests, including blockchain entrepreneurs, fund managers, tech experts, academic professionals, and sustainability influencers, who will share their insights.

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Welcome to purchase our podcast fan NFT to unlock full transcript, guest bio, guest contact info and more. (https://sustainadao.mintgate.io/projects/sustainadao-nonfungible-talk-fan)

Welcome to buy us a coffee via Bitcoin Lightning Network: sustainadao@getalby.com (more details: https://getalby.com/) Or send a Tiplink (https://tiplink.io/) to our email: contact@decil.org

    Jason Li, MPCVault

    Jason Li, MPCVault

    Welcome to SustainaDAO Non-fungible Talk, a show about all things DAO and Web3 from the team of SustainaDAO. Our guest today is Jason Li. Jason is a serial entrepreneur, a tech founder, and an expert in blockchain security. He is the co-founder of MPC Vault, a non-custodial wallet where Web 3 teams securely store, manage, and transact digital assets. Prior to MPCVault, Jason was also the co-founder of a cryptocurrency exchange and LoopChat, a college chat app. 
    In this episode, we will hear from Jason on the following topics: 

    Jason's journey as an entrepreneur from working on a crypto exchange to building college chats to developing enterprise wallets, as well as the exciting projects he has worked on before starting MPCVault.
    The major security risks facing digital assets and how MPCVault addresses these risks through best practices in building a digital asset management platform
    What sets MPCVault apart as the best option for teams to manage their web3 assets and who can benefit from using it?
    The vulnerabilities of existing products across different web3 layers, including the third party, DeFi protocol, application, smart contract, blockchain, and network layers, and how MPCVault addresses these vulnerabilities?
    The causes and prevention of attacks like the Solana Wallet hack, which resulted in the loss of over $5 million for crypto wallet users?
    The factors that led to the collapse of FTX and how to prevent similar occurrences in the future
    Regulatory outlook for the future of the crypto industry
    Daily tips for DeFi users on how to increase security
    Jason's insights on  his entrepreneurship journey has shaped his decision-making process and his advice for other blockchain entrepreneurs.

    Connect with Jason Li & MPCVaultLinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/lxjhk/Website: https://mpcvault.com/
    Connect with SustainaDAO
    Website: https://decil.org/sustainadao/
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    Welcome to buy us a coffee via Bitcoin Lightning Network: sustainadao@getalby.com (more details: https://getalby.com/) Or send a Tiplink to our email: contact@decil.org

    • 32 min
    Felix Hartmann, Hartmann Capital

    Felix Hartmann, Hartmann Capital

    If you're looking for a way to achieve transparency, self-sovereignty, and sustainability, then you need to check out this episode. We'll be discussing the solutions with our guest Felix Hartmann so that you can get the results you're looking for.Hartmann is a German-American Tech Entrepreneur, Futurist, and Asset Manager. He serves as the managing partner of Hartmann Capital, a frontier tech investment firm, home to both one of the first crypto asset hedge funds and metaverse venture funds. 
    Next to the fund, Hartmann sits on the DAO of Enzyme finance and 88MPH, founded Crypto Academy, and published the bestselling dystopian fiction novel 'Dark Age.' 
    Hartmann‘s mission is to guide the world away from a self-inflicted dystopia and towards a thriving future."The Metaverse only accentuates an already existing trend by which people care just as much about digital identities as they care about their physical identities."
    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    What is the Metaverse?
    What is digitalization, and why is it important?
    What is the importance of transparency in the crypto industry?

    Some key points
    Felix shares his investment thesis and outlook on digital assets and the Metaverse and gives some details on the thesis behind his funds. We look into some of the portfolio companies inside Hartmann Digital Assets Fund. Despite the Metaverse seeming like a very abstract space, there are companies in the space that are already profitable, such as digital fashion brands and others. Felix explains why now the Genie is out of the bottle and the time to invest in the Metaverse has come. Mark Zuckerberg’s META has sent a clear signal about where our future is headed. We explain how the Metaverse is merely a continuation of a multi-decade trend toward people's lives and identities being digitized. Many of us have already spent years of our lives in “digital spaces,” and the Metaverse is the next step in the evolution. In light of the recent collapse of FTX, we highlight how DeFi has become more important than ever. If we industry is to move forward in a positive way, transparency and true decentralization will have to become key considerations.  Finally, we take a look at where Metaverse, blockchain, and Web3 meet to address sustainability issues in the real world. Connect with SustainDao:
    Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/sustainadao
    Website: https://decil.org/sustainadao/Connect with Felix HartmannLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/felixohartmannWebsite: https://www.felixhartmann.com/Hartmann Capital: https://hartmanncapital.com/
    Connect with SustainaDAO
    Twitter: @sustainadao
    Website: https://decil.org/sustainadao/
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    • 31 min
    Stevie Cline and Ian Kar, Vol1 Ventures

    Stevie Cline and Ian Kar, Vol1 Ventures

    Welcome to SustainaDAO Non-fungible Talk, a show about all things DAO and Web3 from the team of SustainaDAO. I’m your host Lin Ning. We have two guests today, Ian Kar and Stevie Cline, the co-GPs of Vol 1. Ventures, an emerging fund that aims to write the first check to back exceptional operators and promising preseed-stage companies from the fintech, crypto, and biotech sectors. 
    Ian has spent most of his career in fintech and crypto. He started as a journalist learning about fintech and the crypto ecosystem, then as a product manager at companies like Acorns, where he helped build financial literacy products, debit cards, and IRAs. He spent the last few years building Fintech Today - a community and media company for fintech and crypto entrepreneurs, operators, and investors - which he solder earlier this year. 
    Stevie has spent the bulk of her career in law: getting a Ph.D. in economics and spending 5 years at Skadden tax law and headed up tech transfer in China for John Hopkins University. She also spent the past year getting a genetic testing startup for women’s health off the ground as Co-founder and CEO. She also is a prolific angel investor in the female founder community. 
    In this episode, we will hear from Ian and Stevie on the following topics: 

    How Ian and Stevie brought their unique background and strength together in building Vol1 Ventures? What are their thesis? 
    Stevie talked about what led to the collapse of FTX and its impact to the whole crypto field from the regulation perspective. Why it is so critical to set up the company’s legal strategies correctly from Day One? 
    What are the exciting future trends at the intersection of crypto/fintech and crypto/ biotech? 
    How did Ian transform his experience in community building and content creation at Fintech Today to help grow Vol1 Ventures and the portfolio companies? Where does Ian find value in community building? 
    Stevie and Ian shared their stories about the gender parites in the modern crypto world and what they find essential to bridge the gender gap in this field.
    How to create a financially inclusive society using web3 tools?

    Some highlights from the show:
    “We focus on sectors where regulations are really important. So for us, I think that is where the go-to-market strategy paired with the regulatory focus. We work with companies with whom we try to be the first check in. What that means is we wanna be there from the start to make sure you are making good legal strat. …We really wanna make sure we're saving people time, money, and effort. Getting tripped up on these things can set you back years.”
    “Unfortunately, some crypto companies were set up in a way to make them as untransparent and opaque as possible. Anytime you see something set up in a way that opens that door. I think that is Pandora's box that we need to keep shut. Instead, we really wanna set them up in a way to make sure that this money coming in is protected, not just for our investors but also for consumers. If people building these companies aren't thinking about that, then they're really not building for anyone's best interest”. 

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Anthony DeMartino, Istari Ventures

    Anthony DeMartino, Istari Ventures

    Anthony is a financial industry veteran with global risk experience. He is the Venture Partner of  Istari Ventures and the US CEO of Matrixport. Before that, Anthony worked with Coinbase, where he held several roles, including its head of risk strategies, institutional DeFi and derivatives trading. Anthony has over two decades of experience running multiple financial services businesses with global banks such as HSBC, Barclays, and UBS. "There are a lot of oligopolies that have been created that underpin the current market structure, and they keep a lot of securities and payments move less than optimal. This is where the digital asset space and the web3 movements can step in to solve many major issues." In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. What are the major differences between traditional banking and digital asset platforms?
    2. How can crypto trading become a mainstream investment channel?
    3. What are some ways that would help investors to restore confidence in the crypto market? Some key takeaways: Clarice and Anthony discuss some of the major infrastructure changes that are needed in order to bridge the gap between the traditional finance world and Web3 technologies which have the potential to speed things up, cut costs and increase transparency in finance and other industries also. Anthony explains why regulation is important for the big players in the ecosystem to get involved, particularly the importance of the issues surrounding counterparty risk and transparency. We take a look at the importance of the Latin American region, where there is a big potential for crypto technology to be applied in various sectors of the economy. Anthony shares with us some of the portfolio highlights from Istari Ventures and expands on their high-level investment philosophy and what they look for in companies. The primary issue is to invest in companies that are solving actual real-world problems. Another key issue is supporting strong teams, particularly teams with crypto experience. Inflation is rampant, and for the next few years, the days of 2x, 3x, or 10x growth are over. However, in Anthony's view, the bearish macro environment is a good time to focus on building projects that solve real problems in the market. In terms of the sustainability potential of Web3, Anthony explains how cryptocurrencies have the potential to increase financial inclusion around the world. A particular focus for him is the Latin American region, where currency issues have been causing all manner of issues for a very long time. Finally, Anthony gives some advice for entrepreneurs starting out in the Web3 space: solve actual problems and don't simply build things so that you can sell and exit; make sure you understand the project's lifecycle from start to end; and make sure you have a good understanding of the "old world" systems before you set out to disrupt them yourself. 
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    • 22 min
    Tommaso Di Bartolo, Phygtl Inc.

    Tommaso Di Bartolo, Phygtl Inc.

    If you're interested in Metaverse, then this episode is for you. Tommaso Di Bartolo will share his insights on how the Metaverse can empower individuals and provide access to the financial system. "The Metaverse is an experience as an extension to our real life. It's an experience in which we have a sustainable economy."Mr. Bartolo is a Serial Entrepreneur and Startup Investor, Author, Advisor, and Faculty at the University of California Berkeley. Tommaso has built four tech startups from scratch and has two exits under his belt. Tommaso is passionate about sharing his lessons learned from nearly two decades of entrepreneurial tech expertise as a frequent global keynote speaker and advisor to some of Silicon Valley's most renowned startup accelerators, such as Google Launchpad, Draper University, and The Alchemist.
    He is a faculty member at UC Berkeley, running a class on entrepreneurship, and serves the role of guest lecturer at Stanford University.
    Based in Silicon Valley, Tommaso speaks 7 languages, is the author of "How to Growth Hack Your Startup", and "Navigating the Metaverse" and is writing his third book.In this episode, you will learn the following:

    What is the Metaverse?
    What is the difference between the Metaverse and other virtual reality platforms?
    What are the benefits of the Metaverse?

    Some key takeaways: 
    Lin and Tommaso discuss the concept of the metaverse. Tommaso explains what it is and explains the five key pillars of the concept.
    Facebook changed the name to Meta last year. Now is the time for the emerging trend of Metaverse companies to come to light. The previous generation of technologies has reached its limit, and so have centralized monetization systems. Decentralized marketplaces offer transparency and immutability.
    Metaverse is going to change social media, gaming, the music industry, and the learning industry. It will be all about co-creation.
    According to data, three-quarters of users on the blockchain are male. We discuss some ways for women to get more involved in the Metaverse and what is being done to achieve this. 
    The learning industry will be disrupted. People will be incentivized to learn more in a better way through the Token system. The technology will make learning more immersive and rewarding through gamification and incentivizing people to collect more through Token economics.
    In order for you to create a better Metaverse, you have to have at the center a community. In order to have a community, you must have a mission. In the future, people will gather in immersive worlds, in rewarding worlds, and discuss issues related to sustainability.
    The current market is the best market that any Web3 entrepreneur can ever have. When the market is down, the entrepreneur is up. Technology is just a tool and vehicle that helps you solve the problem. The mission is to understand your field, put together the right team and build a pr

    • 31 min
    Ryan Nesbitt, Flori Ventures

    Ryan Nesbitt, Flori Ventures

    Ryan Nesbitt is a serial entrepreneur and impact investor. He is the co-founder and general partner of Flori Ventures, an impact-focused blockchain fund. He was also the founder of Arcadia, a tech company empowering energy innovators and consumers to fight the climate crisis. "I see blockchain as a backbone technology that can really help accelerate solutions for really everything, but in particular underdeveloped fields like the climate, space, and financial technologies in developing markets." Ryan is an entrepreneur and investor in the blockchain space who is excited about the potential for blockchain to help accelerate solutions in fields like climate and finance in developing markets. He’s especially interested in investing in companies that are using blockchain to build real-world solutions rather than just speculative assets. For him, blockchain has the potential to provide traceability, accountability, and transparency in a way that can help us address sustainability issues in the future.
    In this episode, you will learn the following:
    1. How blockchain technology can help accelerate solutions in underdeveloped fields like climate, space, and financial technologies in developing markets.
    2. The benefits of decentralization for companies and products that are providing financial inclusion, financial access, and solving other building blocks needed to solve the climate crisis.
    3. How blockchain can help create transparency and accountability around sustainability issues in the future.
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    • 25 min

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