6 min

Systemic Lupus/ autoimmune illness/ kidney failure/ chronic illness Let It Be Heard 💭

    • Philosophy

Diagnosed with systemic lupus at age 13
Diagnosed with lupus nephritis/ end stage kidney failure age 24.
Chronic illness/ autoimmune disorders are nothing to take lightly. Be compassionate to those who have invisible illness. It's quite the battle everyday is a fight. I wish people were more understanding but you you'll never truly understand until you go through it. 💜
(Currently having a lupus flare up while making this episode so I'm in excruciating pain). Lupus strikes again.

Diagnosed with systemic lupus at age 13
Diagnosed with lupus nephritis/ end stage kidney failure age 24.
Chronic illness/ autoimmune disorders are nothing to take lightly. Be compassionate to those who have invisible illness. It's quite the battle everyday is a fight. I wish people were more understanding but you you'll never truly understand until you go through it. 💜
(Currently having a lupus flare up while making this episode so I'm in excruciating pain). Lupus strikes again.

6 min