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[TaiwanNews] 防疫在家拈花惹草 盆栽植物熱銷 Housebound flower fanciers boost sales of potted plants 8分鐘英文Coffee Shop

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Housebound flower fanciers boost sales of potted plants
With so many people staying at home to beat the COVID-19 outbreak, dallying with plants and flowers has become the latest trend. Potted plants like Swiss cheese plants, succulents and yew plum pines are all very popular and are becoming a new favorite for people to spend time on at home, and they are selling briskly both online and in physical stores.

The level 3 epidemic prevention measures are causing people to go out less than usual, so many of us have no choice but to stay at home watching TV and following drama series. Potted plants have also become a fashionable trend that is boosting sales of all kinds of plants. Home deliveries are doing especially well, with business on the up and up.

A Pingtung County gardening business owner surnamed Liu says that in the past plant fanciers were mostly those who like to stay at home or are getting on in years, but recently, with the rise of the Internet, potted plants can also be delivered to your doorstep. With the serious outbreak preventing people from going out, some young people have also started mucking around with plants. Succulents, for example, are mostly grown in small pots, are quite cheap and do not require much care. One kind of houseplant that is currently popular is Swiss cheese plants. They are easy to care for, look pretty and are not particularly expensive, so they are very popular with consumers. Sales of Swiss cheese plants for home growing have grown by about three to four times since the current disease-control measure were imposed. As for yew plum pines, they are relatively expensive and a bit tricky for first-time growers, so you need to know a thing or two about plants to make them grow well and look beautiful.

The stay-at-home economy during this epidemic-control period is as hard to predict as the outbreak itself.

資料來源: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/06/29/2003759957


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World Gym世界健身要在高雄左營開店囉!

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Housebound flower fanciers boost sales of potted plants
With so many people staying at home to beat the COVID-19 outbreak, dallying with plants and flowers has become the latest trend. Potted plants like Swiss cheese plants, succulents and yew plum pines are all very popular and are becoming a new favorite for people to spend time on at home, and they are selling briskly both online and in physical stores.

The level 3 epidemic prevention measures are causing people to go out less than usual, so many of us have no choice but to stay at home watching TV and following drama series. Potted plants have also become a fashionable trend that is boosting sales of all kinds of plants. Home deliveries are doing especially well, with business on the up and up.

A Pingtung County gardening business owner surnamed Liu says that in the past plant fanciers were mostly those who like to stay at home or are getting on in years, but recently, with the rise of the Internet, potted plants can also be delivered to your doorstep. With the serious outbreak preventing people from going out, some young people have also started mucking around with plants. Succulents, for example, are mostly grown in small pots, are quite cheap and do not require much care. One kind of houseplant that is currently popular is Swiss cheese plants. They are easy to care for, look pretty and are not particularly expensive, so they are very popular with consumers. Sales of Swiss cheese plants for home growing have grown by about three to four times since the current disease-control measure were imposed. As for yew plum pines, they are relatively expensive and a bit tricky for first-time growers, so you need to know a thing or two about plants to make them grow well and look beautiful.

The stay-at-home economy during this epidemic-control period is as hard to predict as the outbreak itself.

資料來源: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/06/29/2003759957


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