21 min

Taking Both Big And Small Actions In The Pursuit Of A Better Self - Kent Wade Leadership LevelUp

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode of Leadership Level Up Kent Wade returns to the show to share how he continues to grow as a leader. Kent is always looking for ways he can improve, and emphasizes taking both big and small actions in the pursuit of a better self. Committed to this growth mindset, Kent makes a habit of surrounding himself around other leaders to sharpen his own skill set.In his role as a mentor, Kent identifies two key voids that need to be filled to empower young leaders: Access and heali...

In this episode of Leadership Level Up Kent Wade returns to the show to share how he continues to grow as a leader. Kent is always looking for ways he can improve, and emphasizes taking both big and small actions in the pursuit of a better self. Committed to this growth mindset, Kent makes a habit of surrounding himself around other leaders to sharpen his own skill set.In his role as a mentor, Kent identifies two key voids that need to be filled to empower young leaders: Access and heali...

21 min