38 min

Tara // We Will See The Unseen Story

    • Christianity

Tara grew up in a devout Christian family but faced debilitating health issues from a young age. For over a decade, she battled through one medical crisis after another, with symptoms ranging from neurological to cardiac problems. Despite the relentless challenges, Tara held onto her faith, trusting in God's healing power. At age 18 she began having multiple strokes per day that left her 80% paralyzed and unresponsive. A stranger prayed over her in tongues, and miraculously, Tara understood e...

Tara grew up in a devout Christian family but faced debilitating health issues from a young age. For over a decade, she battled through one medical crisis after another, with symptoms ranging from neurological to cardiac problems. Despite the relentless challenges, Tara held onto her faith, trusting in God's healing power. At age 18 she began having multiple strokes per day that left her 80% paralyzed and unresponsive. A stranger prayed over her in tongues, and miraculously, Tara understood e...

38 min