53 min

Tasha M. Troy | World Traveler Lifts Others To Success Profiles In Success

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In 2001, Tasha M. Troy surprised friends and family by moving to the other side of the world. The 8 years she spent in S. Korea put her in the trenches of cross-cultural communication in a way her previous Spanish studies and travels to Mexico and Spain had not. Tasha's work teaching academic and professional English communication skills put her in touch with culturally diverse teaching teams in addition to the close contact with her students. The friendships she developed and the students she worked with gave her insights into the value of diversity of culture, personality, and thought.
Since her return to the US, she has continued her intercultural work by providing professional development training for a DODsponsored program at Georgetown University and cross-cultural communication training for non-profits and entrepreneurs in northern Virginia and Washington, DC.
In 2014, she joined John Maxwell’s team of leadership trainers, and in 2019, in order to serve her clients better, she became a certified DISC consultant. Her key values are abundance, making a difference, excellence, diversity, authenticity, and a positive attitude. These values inform her decisions and how she interacts with students, clients, friends, and family. When she needs to clear her head, she heads to the mountains and pretends to be traveling with Frodo through the forests of Middle Earth.
Welcome to Profiles in Success and thank you for listening!
For more visit: https://profilesinsuccess.com/
Work with us: https://www.bernhardtwealth.com/

In 2001, Tasha M. Troy surprised friends and family by moving to the other side of the world. The 8 years she spent in S. Korea put her in the trenches of cross-cultural communication in a way her previous Spanish studies and travels to Mexico and Spain had not. Tasha's work teaching academic and professional English communication skills put her in touch with culturally diverse teaching teams in addition to the close contact with her students. The friendships she developed and the students she worked with gave her insights into the value of diversity of culture, personality, and thought.
Since her return to the US, she has continued her intercultural work by providing professional development training for a DODsponsored program at Georgetown University and cross-cultural communication training for non-profits and entrepreneurs in northern Virginia and Washington, DC.
In 2014, she joined John Maxwell’s team of leadership trainers, and in 2019, in order to serve her clients better, she became a certified DISC consultant. Her key values are abundance, making a difference, excellence, diversity, authenticity, and a positive attitude. These values inform her decisions and how she interacts with students, clients, friends, and family. When she needs to clear her head, she heads to the mountains and pretends to be traveling with Frodo through the forests of Middle Earth.
Welcome to Profiles in Success and thank you for listening!
For more visit: https://profilesinsuccess.com/
Work with us: https://www.bernhardtwealth.com/

53 min