23 min

Tax Ferrets ITR Live: Conservative Iowa Politics

    • Politics

Chris got a new microphone and talks about the event where he got to meet all 11 of our listeners. Chris Ingstad and Sarah Curry join the podcast to talk about the state's revenue outlook and continue the conversation about Iowa's overall economic outlook.

Sarah also provides a preview of her research on the history of Iowa's property tax system (Spoiler alert: It's always been frustrating).  Did you know that Iowa once had a property tax system which involved the use of "Tax Ferrets" whose job it was to investigate individual Iowans to ensure compliance?

You are read ITR Foundation's report on August revenue here: https://itrfoundation.org/state-revenue-in-august-paints-a-positive-picture/

Chris got a new microphone and talks about the event where he got to meet all 11 of our listeners. Chris Ingstad and Sarah Curry join the podcast to talk about the state's revenue outlook and continue the conversation about Iowa's overall economic outlook.

Sarah also provides a preview of her research on the history of Iowa's property tax system (Spoiler alert: It's always been frustrating).  Did you know that Iowa once had a property tax system which involved the use of "Tax Ferrets" whose job it was to investigate individual Iowans to ensure compliance?

You are read ITR Foundation's report on August revenue here: https://itrfoundation.org/state-revenue-in-august-paints-a-positive-picture/

23 min