31 min

The architecture supporting excellent academic leadership and management Making Conversations Count: Honest, relatable conversations with business leaders

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Is excellent academic leadership and management possible in the education system? Making Conversations about education Count! "We recognise all the students are different, have different backgrounds, you have different skills, abilities, different ambitions. If universities were some of the things that people accuse them of, we wouldn't give that level of choice..."
Kevin Singh, Making Conversations Count - (May 2022)
Psst! Low on data? Here's a lower bandwidth version for you.
Who is Kevin Singh? Professor Kevin Singh is Head of the Manchester School of Architecture as well as the Director of "Space Studios" in Manchester.
Kevin is also part owner of a bar and restaurant.
But this entrepreneur isn't just in it for the money. As you'll hear, he has a very clear mission in mind.
To leave an impact on students and buildings alike.
In this episode of the "Making Conversations Count" podcast, Kevin explains to Wendy how educational frameworks are important and need to be handled correctly, and why he's not bothered about being commissioned for a big New York skyscraper!...
You'll learn.... In this episode of "Making Conversations Count", in which Kevin Singh shares his thoughts on management and education in architecture, covers:
Kevin’s values around ‘taking responsibility’ and comparison The real continuing value of education The impact architecture (and solid educational leadership) can make! Kevin’s pivotal conversation
A poignant moment from the episode: Wendy Harris
There's an old saying, and I don't know who said it may be Jim Rohn or somebody like that that says, do what you love and you never work a day in your life, isn't it? It's that sort of concept.
Kevin Singh
Yeah, spot on. Yeah. Which I think goes then to that point to students trying to have your career, because you're far more likely to enjoy it. I mean, if you enjoy social housing and small domestic projects, that's not better or worse than designing big office buildings, each to their own really!
Wendy Harris
Doesn't that just fall into a different category of. Well, actually, you can feel a real sense of pride because of the contribution that you make.
Kevin Singh
Yeah. I mean, probably legacy is too strong a word, but I certainly know where I feel most reward is that sense of satisfaction when you see a student that was failing or was desperate to get a 2-1 and you help them achieve it, or they went on to get a great job. But I've got an ex student who unbelievably talented drawing, has left the profession, has now set up his own business as an artist, as an illustrator. It's really satisfying to see that he's gone on to do something that he's clearly passionate about. He works from home, he's got a young family, it's perfect for him. And it's not a failure that he didn't practise for long as an architect. He just found his calling. That's great, really. I'm still waiting for my calling to be a professional footballer, but I think it's a little bit too late for me
Click here for the full transcript What IS Making Conversations Count? "Making Conversations Count"

Is excellent academic leadership and management possible in the education system? Making Conversations about education Count! "We recognise all the students are different, have different backgrounds, you have different skills, abilities, different ambitions. If universities were some of the things that people accuse them of, we wouldn't give that level of choice..."
Kevin Singh, Making Conversations Count - (May 2022)
Psst! Low on data? Here's a lower bandwidth version for you.
Who is Kevin Singh? Professor Kevin Singh is Head of the Manchester School of Architecture as well as the Director of "Space Studios" in Manchester.
Kevin is also part owner of a bar and restaurant.
But this entrepreneur isn't just in it for the money. As you'll hear, he has a very clear mission in mind.
To leave an impact on students and buildings alike.
In this episode of the "Making Conversations Count" podcast, Kevin explains to Wendy how educational frameworks are important and need to be handled correctly, and why he's not bothered about being commissioned for a big New York skyscraper!...
You'll learn.... In this episode of "Making Conversations Count", in which Kevin Singh shares his thoughts on management and education in architecture, covers:
Kevin’s values around ‘taking responsibility’ and comparison The real continuing value of education The impact architecture (and solid educational leadership) can make! Kevin’s pivotal conversation
A poignant moment from the episode: Wendy Harris
There's an old saying, and I don't know who said it may be Jim Rohn or somebody like that that says, do what you love and you never work a day in your life, isn't it? It's that sort of concept.
Kevin Singh
Yeah, spot on. Yeah. Which I think goes then to that point to students trying to have your career, because you're far more likely to enjoy it. I mean, if you enjoy social housing and small domestic projects, that's not better or worse than designing big office buildings, each to their own really!
Wendy Harris
Doesn't that just fall into a different category of. Well, actually, you can feel a real sense of pride because of the contribution that you make.
Kevin Singh
Yeah. I mean, probably legacy is too strong a word, but I certainly know where I feel most reward is that sense of satisfaction when you see a student that was failing or was desperate to get a 2-1 and you help them achieve it, or they went on to get a great job. But I've got an ex student who unbelievably talented drawing, has left the profession, has now set up his own business as an artist, as an illustrator. It's really satisfying to see that he's gone on to do something that he's clearly passionate about. He works from home, he's got a young family, it's perfect for him. And it's not a failure that he didn't practise for long as an architect. He just found his calling. That's great, really. I'm still waiting for my calling to be a professional footballer, but I think it's a little bit too late for me
Click here for the full transcript What IS Making Conversations Count? "Making Conversations Count"

31 min