46 min

The Art of Creating Superfans with Brittany Hodak, #226 The Modern Selling Podcast

    • Careers

With research showing that it can cost 5x more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, learning the art of customer retention should be the top priority of every business.
Add that to the statistic that even a 5% increase in customer retention can yield a 75% increase in profitability – there’s no wonder the power that creating superfans can have on B2B and B2C companies.
But, the key is to understand how exactly to transform a hesitant prospect, into a confident buyer, and ultimately into a lifelong customer. No one understands this process better than our guest, Brittan Hodak – the mastermind behind the best-selling book, Creating Superfans: How to Turn Your Customers into Lifelong Advocates.
If you’ve been struggling with keeping your customers engaged, perfecting your referral strategy, or increasing your customer lifetime value, then this is the episode of the Modern Selling Podcast to download!
Brittany Hodak is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and customer experience speaker who has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations including American Express and the United Nations. She has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands and entertainers, including Walmart, Disney, Katy Perry, and Dolly Parton. She founded and scaled an entertainment startup to eight figures before exiting and is the former Chief Experience Officer of Experience.com.
In this episode, we dive into all things customer engagement and retention to give you a true competitive advantage on how to give your customers such an incredible experience that they become superfans – for life!
How should B2B and B2C companies engage with their customers? I wanted to jump right into the meat of Brittany’s book and understand, from her perspective, what she believes is the “secret sauce” to creating superfans.
She shares, “I think one of the biggest mistakes companies are making right now is that everyone is siloed. In other words, we have ‘over-compartmentalized’ employees away from customers. So much so that many times employees are losing track of how their work affects customer retention. I say that it does not matter what department you're in – everybody is in the customer experience department.”
Brittany also outlines a powerful “Supermodel Framework” that companies should be following to ensure that their customer experience is building superfans. The framework breaks down as follows:
S – Story – It’s important to make it clear to even prospects what your true superpower is and why they should be interested.
U – Understand – Sales teams must fully understand their customers’ stories and find that intersectionality between what their customers are looking for and what they can provide.
P – Personalization – Prospects and customers alike now expect that all communications and interactions are personalized to their preferences and needs.
E – Exceed Expectations – In a world where your customers could easily go to a competitor, you have to be in the business of meeting and exceeding their expectations every time.
R – Repeat – Creating Superfans requires consistency in your customer experience. What leads them to stay is the experience and reputation you build.
Listen into the full conversation to hear what Brittany says is the best way to nail the SUPER Framework and why she believes it will revolutionize how we approach our customers.
How do you understand what your customers need? I was curious to know what Brittany recommends sales teams do to truly connect with prospects and customers in new ways by leveraging “stories.”
She walks through a powerful framework – in her famous acronym style – that sheds a lot of light on the right way to engage and resonate with your ideal audience(s) in new ways.
S – Struggles – Know what pain points your potential customers have and how you can speak to them in your outreach.
T – Transformation – G

With research showing that it can cost 5x more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, learning the art of customer retention should be the top priority of every business.
Add that to the statistic that even a 5% increase in customer retention can yield a 75% increase in profitability – there’s no wonder the power that creating superfans can have on B2B and B2C companies.
But, the key is to understand how exactly to transform a hesitant prospect, into a confident buyer, and ultimately into a lifelong customer. No one understands this process better than our guest, Brittan Hodak – the mastermind behind the best-selling book, Creating Superfans: How to Turn Your Customers into Lifelong Advocates.
If you’ve been struggling with keeping your customers engaged, perfecting your referral strategy, or increasing your customer lifetime value, then this is the episode of the Modern Selling Podcast to download!
Brittany Hodak is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and customer experience speaker who has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations including American Express and the United Nations. She has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands and entertainers, including Walmart, Disney, Katy Perry, and Dolly Parton. She founded and scaled an entertainment startup to eight figures before exiting and is the former Chief Experience Officer of Experience.com.
In this episode, we dive into all things customer engagement and retention to give you a true competitive advantage on how to give your customers such an incredible experience that they become superfans – for life!
How should B2B and B2C companies engage with their customers? I wanted to jump right into the meat of Brittany’s book and understand, from her perspective, what she believes is the “secret sauce” to creating superfans.
She shares, “I think one of the biggest mistakes companies are making right now is that everyone is siloed. In other words, we have ‘over-compartmentalized’ employees away from customers. So much so that many times employees are losing track of how their work affects customer retention. I say that it does not matter what department you're in – everybody is in the customer experience department.”
Brittany also outlines a powerful “Supermodel Framework” that companies should be following to ensure that their customer experience is building superfans. The framework breaks down as follows:
S – Story – It’s important to make it clear to even prospects what your true superpower is and why they should be interested.
U – Understand – Sales teams must fully understand their customers’ stories and find that intersectionality between what their customers are looking for and what they can provide.
P – Personalization – Prospects and customers alike now expect that all communications and interactions are personalized to their preferences and needs.
E – Exceed Expectations – In a world where your customers could easily go to a competitor, you have to be in the business of meeting and exceeding their expectations every time.
R – Repeat – Creating Superfans requires consistency in your customer experience. What leads them to stay is the experience and reputation you build.
Listen into the full conversation to hear what Brittany says is the best way to nail the SUPER Framework and why she believes it will revolutionize how we approach our customers.
How do you understand what your customers need? I was curious to know what Brittany recommends sales teams do to truly connect with prospects and customers in new ways by leveraging “stories.”
She walks through a powerful framework – in her famous acronym style – that sheds a lot of light on the right way to engage and resonate with your ideal audience(s) in new ways.
S – Struggles – Know what pain points your potential customers have and how you can speak to them in your outreach.
T – Transformation – G

46 min