The Autumn Miles Show

Autumn Miles
The Autumn Miles Show Podcast

She’s passionate about the truth of God’s Word and will tell you like it is, Autumn Miles is best-selling author of 3 books, popular speaker, CEO, wife of 18 years, and mom of four kids, and not to mention, everybody’s BFF! With fresh biblical insight, she dares you to step out in raw faith.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    Episode 209: When Deliverance is a PROCESS

    Sometimes deliverance looks like a parting of a Red Sea and you simply walk through. But what about those times when it’s a process? Peter, imprisoned and in need of a supernatural act of God to achieve freedom, was not given an instantaneous deliverance. The angel of the Lord walked him out in small, bite-sized, easy steps. He told Peter to put on his shoes, to gird himself, to put on his cloak, and take one step at a time to the outside. Maybe the deliverance you’re praying for isn’t going to show up in one big miracle, but God will take you through a step-by-step process that leads to your freedom. If you need a supernatural act of God to get you out of whatever prison cell you are in, this message is for you.   Monologue: Autumn welcomes fall with an incredible fishing story about her son, Moses.  Message: Autumn describes the process that the angel of the Lord took Peter to bring him to deliverance from an inescapable prison. Question: “What do you do when you believe God has confirmed a promise over and over again but you are still in a waiting season? I’m starting to feel less confident and more crazy!” Praise Report: A listener shares how they have learned that it doesn’t matter if they’re in the middle of a hard spot, they can still have joy.   Bible References: Acts 12 James 5:16   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a suggestion for the ministry, a question for Autumn, a testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    59 min
  2. SEP 3

    Episode 208: FEAR NOT Part 4 - Trust what you DON’T see more than what you DO see.

    Jacob, terrified, acted upon what he heard from his messengers instead of what God’s word to him was. When we receive news of situations that we will have to face, it LACKS context. Esau was never meeting with Jacob to kill him, but Jacob could not shake it. God told Jacob that He was protecting him and has already gone before him. When God tells you to face your fears, He has a blessing for you that follows. ALL of His promises are for your good.     Monologue: Autumn shares how her kids are impacted when she advocates for them, just as God steps in for His children.  Message: Autumn encourages believers to have faith that God will do what He said He was going to do, even when the news sounds like you should be fearful. Question: “What do you do when you believe God has confirmed a promise over and over again but you are still in a waiting season? I’m starting to feel less confident and more crazy!” Praise Report: A listener thanks Autumn for being a vessel God has used to encourage them during their wilderness season as they are in the thick of receiving therapy.   Bible References: Psalm 34:4 Genesis 27, 31   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a suggestion for the ministry, a question for Autumn, a testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    1h 8m
  3. AUG 27

    Episode 207: FEAR NOT Part 3 - Before Jacob could receive all that he was blessed to have, he had to face what he feared the most.

    Jacob received the blessing of his father and his father before him, but not without his brother threatening to kill him in revenge for Jacob’s deceit. God knew that before Jacob could become who he was blessed to be, he had to face his brother. The fear kept him from experiencing all the blessings that he was to have. Sometimes, we as believers can find ourselves cherry-picking verses from the Bible to live by and believe. But what about the verses about anxiety and fear? Be anxious for nothing, don’t worry about tomorrow, do not fear for He will be with you. We know these, but do we live by them as much as we live as saved, sanctified, and set apart? We must face the fear. It’s not a fun challenge, but we must overcome it. This episode of the Fear Not series is the first half of part 3.    Monologue: Autumn recaps settling her oldest in her new college dorm room.  Message: Autumn recounts a personal testimony and a moment in the Bible when God gave specific instructions to face a deadly fear. Question: “Have you ever done a fast from social media or just quit cold turkey?” Praise Report: A listener shares how God is encouraging her and her small group through Autumn’s book, “Gangster Prayer.”     Bible References: Psalm 34:4 Genesis 27, 31   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a suggestion for the ministry, a question for Autumn, a testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    54 min
  4. AUG 20

    Episode 206: FEAR NOT Part 2 - The threats you DON’T see should prove to you how much you shouldn’t fear the ones you do see.

    Jesus didn’t just send His disciples into a storm, He MADE them get into the boat, TWICE. But what’s even more interesting about Jesus forcing His disciples to face a storm is what Jesus completely blocked His disciples from being threatened by.  God does the same thing with us. Whatever storm we are facing today, whatever scary situation has our in a chokehold, it bears no weight against the authority of the Almighty who has already blocked things from being a threat to you and you don’t even know it. The disciples had no idea that the people wanted to make Jesus king after He fed the five thousand, but Jesus knew it was a threat to His disciples and to His ministry. God used the storm He MADE the disciples face to show them a greater understanding of Who He is. We should not fear whatever “storm” God has led us to, because He has something He wants to show us.    Monologue: Autumn celebrates her older son’s 16th birthday and shares a new special tradition she started for sending off her oldest to college.  Message: Autumn brings a new perspective to the times the disciples were caught in the middle of a storm on the sea. Question: “What suggestions can you give when it comes to starting a podcast?” Praise Report: A listener shares what God is using to encourage her during this new season for her.    Bible References: Psalm 53 Matthew 14:22, 8:18,23-27 John 6:15-17   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a suggestion for the ministry, a question for Autumn, a testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    1h 1m
  5. AUG 13

    Episode 205: FEAR NOT Part 1 - Live in GOD’S Facts, Not the Lies of Fear

    What does the world fear? We might think of divorce, bankruptcy, illness, and other things, and we would find that these are things that we, a believing remnant, might also fear. But what does GOD say? What are His facts? He commands us to “fear not,” but how do we do that when we face traumatic, horrible, hard things? We need to look to God’s Word to reassure ourselves that God is the solution to every problem we could ever face in this world. The world tells us to fear. But we, believers, have the stability of hope that the world does not, because God is right beside us and is the solution.    Monologue: Autumn gives an update on how the back-to-school preparations are going in the Miles household.  Message: Autumn starts a new series inspiring believers to trade the lies of fear for God's truth that can be found in His Word. Question: “How do you let go?” Praise Report: A listener shares how in spite of the terrible and traumatic circumstances, God’s provisions for her in her wilderness was just like Peter’s walk to Jesus on the water.    Bible References: Isaiah 8:12, 41:10 Hebrews 13:5-6 Psalm 23:4, 27:1, 46:1-3, 53:5 Deuteronomy 31:6 John 14:27   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries! What does the world fear? We might think of divorce, bankruptcy, illness, and other things, and we would find that these are things that we, a believing remnant, might also fear. But what does GOD say? What are His facts? He commands us to “fear not,” but how do we do that when we face traumatic, horrible, hard things? We need to look to God’s Word to reassure ourselves that God is the solution to every problem we could ever face in this world. The world tells us to fear. But we, believers, have the stability of hope that the world does not, because God is right beside us and is the solution.    Monologue: Autumn gives an update on how the back-to-school preparations are going in the Miles household.  Message: Autumn shares the last two steps for what to do when the new season makes you nervous. Question: “How do you let go?” Praise Report: A listener shares how in spite of the terrible and traumatic circumstances, God’s provisions for her in her wilderness was just like Peter’s walk to Jesus on the water.    Bible References: Isaiah 8:12, 41:10 Hebrews 13:5-6 Psalm 23:4, 27:1, 46:1-3, 53:5 Deuteronomy 31:6 John 14:27   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    1h 2m
  6. AUG 6

    Episode 204: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 4 - Be strong and courageous, you don’t need their opinions.

    All five steps for how to step into the next season with confidence conclude in this episode of the 4-part series, “When the NEW Makes You Nervous!” Process your past, listen and receive, Obey and do what the Word says, be strong and courageous, and don’t get too many opinions. The Hebrew translation for Joshua 1 can tell us a lot about the nature of what God was telling Joshua in their private conversation. God wasn’t asking Joshua to be physically strong. He was asking him to be MENTALLY strong and courageous, so He could use Joshua as a vessel for the nation of Israel’s victory. And not only did Joshua take God seriously, he didn’t seek others’ opinions. Joshua allowed nothing to deter him from what God called him to do, and in doing that, Joshua became one of the most successful leaders of Israel.    Monologue: Autumn gives an update on how the back-to-school preparations are going in the Miles household.  Message: Autumn shares the last two steps for what to do when the new season makes you nervous. Question: “I start to feel anxious when things have been going well for a while. Does this ever happen to you?” Praise Report: A listener shares that despite her life full of unfortunate, bad things, she is determined to figure out God’s purpose for her life, knowing how good He is.    Bible References: Joshua 1   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    40 min
  7. JUL 30

    Episode 203: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 3 - Obey to do

    The third step to do when the new season you face makes you nervous is simple: meditate on the Word and live it. God gave this command to Joshua, because He saw what was coming. He saw the trials, the mistakes of the Israelites, the cities and strongholds they will face, the tensions within the nation of Israel, and Joshua’s heart. Joshua needed the Word of the Lord to be in his mouth so that he could lead successfully in this new chapter for the nation of Israel as they entered the Promised Land. God sees what is ahead of you, and He is asking you to simply breathe His Word. Do this, and watch what happens.    Monologue: Autumn shares the current summer shenanigans with her kids.  Message: Autumn encourages believers to not just read the Word, but to meditate on the Word and do it, and see what God does with it. Question: “How do you know when it’s time to let a friendship go?” Praise Report: A listener shares what happened when she prayed for specific needs at her workplace, from rough relationships to employees with health issues.    Bible References: Joshua 1:6-8 Psalm 1 Matthew 7:24-29   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    43 min
  8. JUL 23

    Episode 202: When the NEW Makes You Nervous Part 2 - Listen and Receive

    Now that you’ve made peace with your past, what is your next step? Are you afraid of repeating failures you’ve made before? Before God set Joshua out for the new season, God had a private dialogue with Joshua to tell him exactly what he needed to know. Joshua needed to know what he was doing, who he was doing it with, where he was going, and why. But God did not tell him how. God told Joshua only what he needed to know so that he could process and move forward with the same courage he had 40 years prior, the moment he was deemed a failure by human standards but a success by God’s standards.   Monologue: Autumn’s son has the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Brazil.  Message: Autumn tells believers the next step of listening and receiving from a loving God to bring you into the new season. Question: “Is it okay if I’m a Christian but my therapist is not?” Praise Report: A listener shares her experience with finding a new church to call home after a divorce from her ex-husband and God restoring a huge part of her life that she thought was gone.    Bible References: Joshua 1 Numbers 13:25-14:10   Links from the show BOOKS: SPEAKING: MERCH:   If you have a question for Autumn, testimony to share, or other inquiry for the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here and fill out the form, or send us an email at    Join us on social media! Facebook: Instagram:   Click here to join our weekly and monthly newsletters and get updates on our podcast and exclusive content! If you feel led to give to the Autumn Miles Ministries, click here to donate. Thank you for supporting Autumn Miles Ministries!

    47 min
out of 5
167 Ratings


She’s passionate about the truth of God’s Word and will tell you like it is, Autumn Miles is best-selling author of 3 books, popular speaker, CEO, wife of 18 years, and mom of four kids, and not to mention, everybody’s BFF! With fresh biblical insight, she dares you to step out in raw faith.

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