The Better Living Blueprint Podcast with Eric Connor, LCPC

Eric Connor
The Better Living Blueprint Podcast with Eric Connor, LCPC

The Better Living Blueprint is a podcast created specifically to help you make this day a little bit better. Not quite therapy, but deeper than general self-help, BLB is committed to bringing you research, insights and actionable steps to transform you from the inside out. Specifically, we will look at what holds us back from being fully alive and fulfilled in our work, relationships and future aspirations. Unlike other podcasts that may focus on “what” we need to learn, the goal of BLB is to focus on the “why” and how to “be” in our life. We all want to feel alive and in pursuit of a life that is significant and meaningful. Usually what is stopping us is not more content but deeper seated beliefs, hang ups and mental blocks that sabotage us from self-actualizing. BLB will help you to uncover and then take action on all of these. Topics could range from understanding shame, the bondage of people pleasing, why we doubt ourselves and how our past childhood can significantly influence our present. We will also interview those in the field of therapy and self-actualization to learn about what best practices are available.

  1. S.T.E.P. Into Intimacy


    S.T.E.P. Into Intimacy

    Better Living Blueprint Eric Connor EP 012 S.T.E.P. Into Intimacy   What makes us feel REALLY connected in a relationship?  Is it having fun?  Sharing experiences?  All of the above?  Or what?   All relationships will have their ups and downs.  That’s part of life.  But understanding the different foundations and layers that build into a connected relationship are important to understand.  In this episode we will look at these building blocks and how to begin to work on them for our benefit.  Listen to STEP Into Intimacy with Eric Connor.   "Emotional intimacy is what makes us feel deeply connected." - Eric Connor On Having a Connection Sometimes in a relationship you could feel disconnected. That disconnection can become so overwhelming that you doubt the relationship you're in. And so you ask, "Why did we get together in the first place?"   You might have had expectations when you started, and thought that it only required minimal effort. The reality is, it can (and usually does!) take a lot of work to maintain that connection. A Way to Reconnect As time passes, you can feel like you are with a stranger instead of a soulmate.   "The things that brought you to a relationship in the first place -- all the good feelings, the characteristics we loved, all the ways that made us feel connected -- they can be captured again." - Eric Connor   Is there no way to be reconnected with someone you love? The thing is you don't want to be hopeless. That is why you talk about it. Stepping into Intimacy It may seem hopeless when the disconnection appears too much. When that happens, you can meet with a therapist to help you out.   "Life is so much better when our primary relationship is working at its best." - Eric Connor   Receiving therapy is not a sign of weakness. You just want to be as strong as possible.   There are times when you can simply resolve a problem on your own, but there are also times when you need someone to talk to and help you out. Eric and his wife are thankful that they did so, too.   Download and listen to the entire episode STEP Into Intimacy. Don’t forget to leave us a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you!   Let Eric know what you think about STEP Into Intimacy. Connect with him through the links below. Thank you for tuning in!   Connect with Eric Connor at the following links:   The Better Living Blueprint website Email:   Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    29 min
  2. Getting Unstuck


    Getting Unstuck

    Better Living Blueprint Eric Connor EP 011 Getting Unstuck   Everyone has patterns that keep us stuck in a situation. Getting unstuck from it, however, does not just happen overnight. What could be the reason behind it and what steps do you need to take? Tune in! Stuck in a Situation There are different patterns that can get us stuck in a situation. It could be a routine or a ritual. But there is no shame in admitting them, because they are part of what makes us human.   "All of us have patterns that are keeping us stuck and they can take a variety of shapes and sizes." - Eric Connor   Ask yourself, what are those things you have been wanting to do? Perhaps you have long wanted to change but couldn't manage to do so. What It Takes to Be Unstuck In which situation of your life do you feel stuck? Getting unstuck, however, does not just require the decision to change. It also calls for a strategy to implement.   "Change doesn't just happen by accident." - Eric Connor   Realize that you did not just arrive at the decision by accident. It can come from life, pain, or consequences you experienced. Step #1: Make the Choice Change is not easy. But if you want it, you have to be clear about it. Something in your life made you decide to do so.   "It is very hard to change if you are still very ambivalent." - Eric Connor   It might even have taken awhile before you decided to change. And sometimes the best thing that can happen is to be in a more painful situation for you to decide it's enough.   Download and listen to the entire episode Getting Unstuck. Don’t forget to leave us a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you!   Let Eric know what you think about Getting Unstuck. Connect with him through the links below. Thank you for tuning in!   Connect with Eric Connor at the following links:   The Better Living Blueprint website Email:   Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    38 min
  3. What Drives Addictive Behavior Part 2


    What Drives Addictive Behavior Part 2

    Better Living Blueprint by Eric Connor, MS, LCPC, CSAT On today's episode, Eric Connor discusses What Drives Addictive Behavior Part 2. He takes you to a deeper understanding of the aspects of shame and loneliness. Tune in!   Dealing with Addictive Behaviors Addictive behaviors are essentially about mood change. We do these addictions to make us feel better. It is important to note, however, that the brain adapts to anything we do. "The more we do a behavior, the more that our brain and nervous system come to expect it." - Eric Connor Because the brain adapts to these behaviors, we can feel rather chaotic when we stop them. The brain is hardwired on systems and patterns. It can build its own neural pathways around the things that we do.   Shame vs Guilt Each person has something that he can be embarrassed about. To feel better, sometimes we can resort to things outside of ourselves. The situation could lead to a point when you want to be in control to avoid hurt. "Shame is essentially some messages or beliefs about ourselves that feel permanent, defective, and really corrosive." - Eric Connor According to Eric, shame is different from guilt. Guilt isn't necessarily wrong and can lead to a corrective action. Shame, on the other hand, is much more personal and can lead you to thinking that you are no good. The Need for Awareness and Openness There exists a need to recognize one's situation. A lot of shame can be unconscious. To know which areas you feel you aren't enough, you can reach out to your support group or to counselors. "Unless we're aware of (our situation), we might not really know what it is that we struggle with." - Eric Connor Shame can come from many sources. Often, a shame-based system has secrets. That secrecy can ultimately result to having an addictive behavior. Download and listen to the entire episode on What Drives Addiction Part 2. Let us know what you think about What Drives Addiction Part 2. Don’t forget to leave us a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you! Connect with Eric Connor at the following links: The Better Living Blueprint website Email: Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    21 min
  4. EP009: What Drives Addictive Behavior Part 1


    EP009: What Drives Addictive Behavior Part 1

    Better Living Blueprint by Eric Connor, MS, LCPC, CSAT Eric Connor talks about What Drives Addiction Part 1. He has worked with a lot of addictions, and saw how people use certain behaviors to escape or medicate. They know that it works and that it makes them feel better. Tune in and learn what it means, what creates desire, and how you can handle that type of attachment. The Root of Addiction Addictions are more than a bad habit. They are about relationships. The cravings and compulsions are almost like emotional responses to the different situations you deal with in relationships. "Addictions are much more than a kind of behavior or substance." - Eric Connor Often you may find a lot of resistance to those responses. Nonetheless, it is good to understand that there is always a reason behind them. Things that People Can Be Addicted To People can be addicted to everything. There are addictions that cannot be controlled and there are those that are just easy to deal with. "New things are coming out about what people can be hooked on or dependent on." - Eric Connor  As the years progress, everyone has more access to different things. There is a whole range of addictions, including food, chemical medicators, work, and alcohol. Why Care about Addiction Addiction is not to be taken lightly. People get treatment because things have gotten out of their control. Some do not need to deal with a lot of changes.  "Depending on what the behavior is, there is always an impact." - Eric Connor Whatever type of addiction, there is always a tradeoff. It could impact one's time, finances, and mental energy. Whatever the case, behaviors have a strong thinking component which people connect with. Download and listen to the entire episode on What Drives Addiction Part 1. Let us know what you think about What Drives Addiction Part 1. Don’t forget to leave us a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you! Connect with Eric Connor at the following links: The Better Living Blueprint website Email: Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    27 min
  5. EP008: Understanding beliefs that block us with Joe Sanok


    EP008: Understanding beliefs that block us with Joe Sanok

    Better Living Blueprint by Eric Connor, MS, LCPC, CSAT Are you getting the most out of the goals you have? On today's episode, Eric talks about understanding beliefs that block us with Joe Sanok. Joe is a topnotch speaker, counselor, and podcaster. You may have heard of him on his show Practice of the Practice. Tune in and learn how you too can advance better towards your ultimate goals! Top Mental Health Specialist for Teens and Adults Joe is a level 2 Gottman-certified consultant. He currently enjoys spending time with his family, but he is still on the move in helping people from all walks of life. “It's so much fun to help people grow their influence, their income and their impact on the world.” -Joe Sanok He is primarily focused on working with teenagers and couples. He seeks to help others get better in life, and particularly specializes in mental health. Content, Strategy and the Person Joe saw how many people want to start a blog to scale their practice. What they tend to overlook is the importance of exposing who they are as clinicians. “No matter what you are doing in your content, your person should come out in that.” -Joe Sanok According to him, you need to find your voice for your blog. The fact stays the same regardless of who you are and what you are doing in the field. Your voice is that one thing that will inform the content that you publish. The Why to Succeed Authenticity is important in any venture you pursue. It is important that you find and understand your "why". “Oftentimes people just narrow down on one specific ["why" category]. But in reality, they also need to look at all those different areas.” -Joe Sanok Joe shares that your why could be external, where you desire to spend time with those you love. It could also be internal, where you focus on achieving something which you may not be sure of. Or it could also be societal, where you might want to help the society you belong. Check out these links about Understanding Beliefs that Block Us with Joe Sanok: Practice of the Practice website Practice of the Practice consulting To hear about Understanding Beliefs that Block Us with Joe Sanok, download and listen to the entire episode. Don’t forget to leave us a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you! Connect with Eric Connor at the following links: The Better Living Blueprint website Email: Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    29 min
  6. EP007: Knowing and Owning Our Personality Type with Erich Kurschat


    EP007: Knowing and Owning Our Personality Type with Erich Kurschat

    Better Living Blueprint by Eric Connor, MS, LCPC, CSAT On today's episode, Eric Connor talks about knowing and owning our personality type with Erich Kurschat. Erich is the Founder, Director and Connection Coach at Harmony Insights. He shares some classic insights on understanding who you are, connecting with others, and ultimately achieving success in life and career. Tune in! Fulfillment in Career and Relationships Erich spent around 16 years of working in the corporate world as HR. He left job afterwards and started his own journey as entrepreneur. Yet, he has always been interested in the reason behind people's behavior.  “I help individuals and organizations have the confidence of meaningful work and productive workplace relationships.” -Erich Kurschat At Harmony Insights, Erich and his team help others achieve meaningful work and relationships. Which part of your career do you find fulfilling, and who are those people who can help you move forward to success? Erich can guide you through the process. Bringing Self to the World Erich shares what it means to know who you are and what you want. Even your potential has limitations. “I don't think that there is too much you can do in life with confidence without first knowing who you are, what you bring to the table, and what value you are to the world and to the person in front of you.” -Erich Kurschat  The world is more than what you may think it is. At the moment, it could be the person you are speaking with. How you connect with others tells something about you. The Path That You Take According to Erich, knowing yourself can change the way you connect with others. You can consult with him if you need some help in this area. He has done a lot of career coaching and also serves as volunteer at a career transition facility. “So much of what makes up of our lives oftentimes just lands in our lap and we aren't as intentional as we are these things.” -Erich Kurschat He saw how often people start a conversation with the fact that they ended pursuing something because of their friends. To some, someone told them to follow a particular path that they are taking. Nonetheless, it is important to understand that each person is unique.  Check out these links about Knowing and Owning Our Personality Type with Erich Kurschat: Email: Meetup with The Chicago HR Mastermind To hear about Knowing and Owning Our personality Type with Erich Kurschat, download and listen to the entire episode. Don’t forget to leave us a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you! Connect with Eric Connor at the following links: The Better Living Blueprint website Email: Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    37 min
  7. EP006: Self-Leadership with Daniel Bauer


    EP006: Self-Leadership with Daniel Bauer

    Better Living Blueprint by Eric Connor, MS, LCPC, CSAT Eric Connor talks about Self-Leadership with Daniel Bauer. Daniel is currently an entrepreneur and host of the top school leadership development podcast called Better Leaders Better Schools. If you are into education, leadership, or personal growth, Daniel is the person you can consult with. Tune in! In the Lead for Progress Daniel is passionate in coaching principles that help people advance in life. He primarily works with school leaders, and is very much interested in developing them and helping them set goals.  “Years ago, you would have to be Coca-Cola, you would have to be Nike to actually get your voice out there. Today, you could just have a microphone and a computer and you can speak to the world.” -Daniel Bauer He also helps out in podcasts, particularly in editing and show notes. In his own show, he has listeners from more than a hundred countries. He also does consulting for social media. Why Not You Right now, Daniel's podcast ranks 4th in the leadership development category. People receive value from what he is doing. He encourages them to act on their dreams as well.  “Why not you? Whatever that dream is, maybe you locked it up in your closet. Get the key, unlock the closet, and pull that dream out.” -Daniel Bauer He understands how it is to move forward in life. Looking back, it was quite surprising for him how things came to be. Now, he owns what he does. Leadership with Courage and Integrity As an advocate, Daniel understands the importance of courage and integrity. He is a man of massive action. According to him, it will be difficult to work with someone else if you don't take the steps forward. “"You don't have to pretend like you know it all even though you think you do.” -Daniel Bauer He encourages the people he works with to have the courage to do things. In the end, he knows they will learn from failures. If you don't learn, those failures will just be like moments in your life. Check out these links for Self-Leadership with Daniel Bauer: Text UNLOCKNOW to 33444 to get a PDF of 15 Questions to Challenge Yourself to Develop Your Leadership Skills Email: Follow Daniel on Social Media @alienearbud To hear about Self-Leadership with Daniel Bauer, download and listen to the entire episode. Don’t forget to leave us a rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you! Connect with Eric Connor at the following links: The Better Living Blueprint website Email: Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    38 min
  8. EP005: When Change Is Hard


    EP005: When Change Is Hard

    Better Living Blueprint by Eric Connor, MS, LCPC, CSAT Is there something in your life that you badly want to change but you find it hard to do so? We get frustrated by the fact that we are stuck in some unlikely situation. Eric discusses When Change Is Hard and provides solutions that are helpful to everyone. Stay tuned!  “Community is key for individual change.” - Eric Connor Acceptance of Dependence The first thing we have to admit is that we cannot do things alone. Yes, we can try to change our routine, but we need someone to guide us through. Get yourself into a community who can help you in the process. Studies show that being involved in accountability groups is really beneficial. When we’re with people who are going through the same, we likely move forward with them. It is healthy that you recognize that you can’t make it on your own. Misconception About Change We often think that change is just an easy switch in the brain. While it may be considered true in some aspects, it is not the same in all conditions. We have to realize that we have histories of both good and bad times which conditioned our brains what’s going to bring reward and punishment. We experience tough times to which our bodies naturally respond against. We have to open ourselves up and deal with things differently. Change is a struggle, but we can take baby steps towards a more mature state. Progress Not Perfection Change is progress, not perfection. It is not something we could achieve overnight. It takes a long time to do so, but it leads us to an overwhelming outcome. We have to stop thinking that we need to perfect things right there and then. When we do, we give up. Let’s go through each day one step at a time and eventually find ourselves in a situation much better than we started. To hear about When Change Is Hard, download and listen to the entire episode. Don’t forget to leave us a rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you! Connect with Eric Connor at the following links: The Better Living Blueprint website Email: Copyright © 2017 Better Living Blueprint

    13 min

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2 Ratings


The Better Living Blueprint is a podcast created specifically to help you make this day a little bit better. Not quite therapy, but deeper than general self-help, BLB is committed to bringing you research, insights and actionable steps to transform you from the inside out. Specifically, we will look at what holds us back from being fully alive and fulfilled in our work, relationships and future aspirations. Unlike other podcasts that may focus on “what” we need to learn, the goal of BLB is to focus on the “why” and how to “be” in our life. We all want to feel alive and in pursuit of a life that is significant and meaningful. Usually what is stopping us is not more content but deeper seated beliefs, hang ups and mental blocks that sabotage us from self-actualizing. BLB will help you to uncover and then take action on all of these. Topics could range from understanding shame, the bondage of people pleasing, why we doubt ourselves and how our past childhood can significantly influence our present. We will also interview those in the field of therapy and self-actualization to learn about what best practices are available.

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