50 min

Moving With Sister Grief: The Somatic Work in Coping with Sibling Loss: Stefanie / Jen The Broken Pack™: Stories of Adult Sibling Loss

    • Personal Journals

Coping with Sibling Loss: A Journey of Grief and Transformation with Stefanie JosephIn this episode of The Broken Pack: Stories of Adult Sibling Loss, surviving sibling, Stefanie Joseph, shares her sibling loss experience of losing her sister Jen to bacterial meningitis during the pandemic. She shares how difficult losing her sister was and how her grief has influenced her work as a business coach and grief support specialist as well as changes in family dynamics, her somatic work, and ...

Coping with Sibling Loss: A Journey of Grief and Transformation with Stefanie JosephIn this episode of The Broken Pack: Stories of Adult Sibling Loss, surviving sibling, Stefanie Joseph, shares her sibling loss experience of losing her sister Jen to bacterial meningitis during the pandemic. She shares how difficult losing her sister was and how her grief has influenced her work as a business coach and grief support specialist as well as changes in family dynamics, her somatic work, and ...

50 min