57 min

Sibling Suicide Loss: Surviving, Writing, & Loving in a Pandemic: Linzi / Stuart The Broken Pack™: Stories of Adult Sibling Loss

    • Personal Journals

Sibling Loss survivor and author, Linzi Meaden, shares What Suicide Left BehindLinzi shares her story of losing her only sibling, her brother, Stuart, to suicide during the pandemic. Linzi shares how writing in her journal led her to writing her book, What Suicide Left Behind: Navigating Your Own Grief Journey, to normalize grief from suicide loss and to help others feel less alone in their journeys.Linzi’s work as a trauma therapist has given her insights into the unique challenges fac...

Sibling Loss survivor and author, Linzi Meaden, shares What Suicide Left BehindLinzi shares her story of losing her only sibling, her brother, Stuart, to suicide during the pandemic. Linzi shares how writing in her journal led her to writing her book, What Suicide Left Behind: Navigating Your Own Grief Journey, to normalize grief from suicide loss and to help others feel less alone in their journeys.Linzi’s work as a trauma therapist has given her insights into the unique challenges fac...

57 min