The CEO Teacher Podcast

Kayse Morris
The CEO Teacher Podcast

Ready to get your teacher small business ideas into the hands of your perfect audience? Whether looking to up-level your teacher small business ideas on the side or going all in and building the teacher business of your dreams. The CEO Teacher® Podcast is where you'll find step-by-step tips and strategies answering all your burning questions for getting more online sales with your teacher business, building a social media strategy that values connection, mindset shifts, and so much more… Each week we answer questions like: -How do I make money online as a teacher? -How do I grow my social media for teachers? -How do I live my best life, teacher style? -How do I create a teacher course online? -What to do if I’m ready to quit teaching, and what happens next? Hosted by Kayse Morris (@kaysemorris), creator and visionary behind the CEO Teacher® movement. The CEO Teacher® is home to over 3,000 vibrant educational rockstars who are inspired to turn their teaching magic into sustainable online businesses. Choose one of our ten proven success pathways or blaze your own trail using the frameworks provided inside our membership. Get started at With over 1 million downloads and hundreds of binge-able episodes, come listen and subscribe to the #1 teacher education podcast in the world....and remember that the best is yet to come.

  1. 5 DAYS AGO

    Replace Your Teaching Salary Online This Year

    I didn’t *actually make my teaching salary online in less than 1 year.  I guess I should start by being completely transparent. It took me 3 years to earn my teaching salary because I had no one - and I mean no one to help me. I was googling questions that weren’t even answered yet. I was watching thousands of hours of YouTube videos and reading SEO for dummies. I was trying my best but it was a slowish go.    But that DOESN’T have to be YOU! Why?!    Because we are no longer going alone, blazing a trail into the ether. Nope, we are now growing alongside a community as you fast-track the learning!  Enter the CEO Teacher® Community An engaged community of vibrant educators (in and out of the classroom) who are continually growing and thriving while creating their own teacher businesses. They continue finding their own version of freedom using the online space to grow their teacher salary. They are what saved my sanity, and my belief in teachers being good humans, plus sparked my creativity again.   In this episode, you will learn: 4 Steps To Replace Your Teaching Salary Online How To Find What’s Needed In The Online Space When To Fix Your Mind And Sights On The Prize Why You Should Track Important Metrics To Stay On Target The Main Reason To Follow A Step-by-step Plan Of Someone Who’s Gone Before You Links Mentioned in this Episode about replacing your teaching salary:  Start or Expand Your Teacher Business in 2025  Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold You're already a wealth of knowledge! You’re a teacher after all. You've got the skills, the passion, and the creativity to build a thriving online business. You may just not yet know what you want to create or how to get started.    If that’s you- First things first: Grab our "Start or Expand Your Teacher Business in 2025" workbook. It's your roadmap to success! This isn't just another worksheet to fill your Google Drive downloads folder– it's your personalized blueprint for getting started building a profitable online business.   Now if you are a seasoned CEO Teacher® who has all the systems in place, has started showing up, and is still feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks and to-dos of building your teaching legacy? No problem! Let's break it down together.    Your first step is to understand your CEO Teacher® Type, and all the goodness and inspiration that comes along with your already remarkable skill set! Take the 2 Minute quiz here so we can navigate the hard parts together!   And if leveling up your knowledge with books is your love language, I have a whole library shelf of goodness just for you! CEO Teacher® Book List Ready to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Join the conversation! Instagram: Tag me @theceoteacher and let's chat about your edupreneur journey. No topic is off limits, and it is always a party in the DM’s- just sayin’   Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This is your weekly go-to for all things teacher business, marketing, and mindset…   Leave a Review: Help other teachers discover the CEO Teacher® Podcast and lean into their teacher magic!   Let's make your teacher dreams a reality!   P.S. Check out our latest CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes and blog posts for more inspiration and actionable advice.   10 Ways Teachers are Supplementing Their Teaching Salary Online: Creating Resources on TpT Blogging Selling on Etsy Creating a Course Making a Membership Coaching Creating Teacher Fashion Influencing Tutoring Podcasting P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your free bag of virtual teacher goodies and start making your mark online!   I believe in you! YOUR best is yet to come! Kayse 💖

    15 min
  2. FEB 5

    Save Time; Use Pinterest

    Let’s chat about the Pinterest Marketing Plan Framework.  You have heard all of the big marketing terms before (ideal customer, SEO, quality content, even CTA) - what you may not know is how to apply them to Pinterest. The first thing we need to note is that Pinterest is a visual search engine, similar to the LTKW-based search engine of Google and the audio-based version of YouTube.    Pinterest is not a social media platform, and that is good news for you! It means that your content can be seen for years to come (evergreen), when done right, versus the short, hours-long life span of a social media post. Let’s get into how to use Pinterest to market our brand, gain awareness for our content, and ultimately increase sales.   Pinterest helps you tell a visual story about your brand It’s a visual search engine and arguably the favorite of teachers, creative marketers, educational sellers, artists, and creatives Pins are evergreen- which means they keep circulating day after day, year after year Links Mentioned in this Episode about Pinterest Marketing:  Start or Expand Your Teacher Business in 2025 CEO Teacher Pinterest CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold You're already a wealth of knowledge! You’re a teacher after all. You've got the skills, the passion, and the creativity to build a thriving online business. You may just not yet know what you want to create or how to get started.    If that’s you- First things first: Grab our "Start or Expand Your Teacher Business in 2025" workbook. It's your roadmap to success! This isn't just another worksheet to fill your Google Drive downloads folder– it's your personalized blueprint for getting started building a profitable online business.   Now if you are a seasoned CEO Teacher® who has all the systems in place, has started showing up, and is still feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks and to-dos of building your teaching legacy? No problem! Let's break it down together.    Your first step is to understand your CEO Teacher® Type and all the goodness and inspiration that comes along with your already remarkable skill set! Take the 2-minute quiz here so we can navigate the hard parts together!   And if leveling up your knowledge with books is your love language, I have a whole library shelf of goodness just for you! CEO Teacher® Book List Ready to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Join the conversation All About Pinterest Marketing! Instagram: Tag me @theceoteacher and let's chat about your edupreneur journey. No topic is off limits, and its always a party in the DM’s- just sayin’   Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This is your weekly go-to for all things teacher business , marketing and mindset…   Leave a Review: Help other teachers discover the CEO Teacher® Podcast and lean into their teacher magic!   Let's make your teacher dreams a reality!   P.S. Check out our latest CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes and blog posts for more inspiration and actionable advice about how to use Pinterest to drive traffic. Using Pinterest For Business: The Ultimate Guide How To Use Pinterest for Marketing Your Teacher Business The Power of Playing Big with Kate Ahl: Pinterest Marketing Expert   P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your free bag of virtual teacher goodies and start making your mark online!   I believe in you! YOUR best is yet to come! Kayse 💖

    12 min
  3. JAN 29

    The Instagram Algorithm Changed Again?!

    Do You Have a Social Media Strategy That Includes Instagram? Let’s Chat Now That The Social Media Platform Has Revised What It Looks Like and Prioritizes →  Unless you have sworn off social media in the last decade you have probably heard of or used Instagram for a variety of reasons. And if you were affected by the recent TikTok Ban you may be wondering how to transition to a real Instagram Strategy to continue to make an impact on your business.   And while all those thoughts are swirling- the Instagram algorithm went and changed the way they do business, AGAIN! And people now have big FEELINGS about the direction of their social media marketing strategy.    In this episode, you will learn: How to TikTok Ban Could Affect Your Instagram Strategy What Social Media Marketing Looks Like With A Changing Instagram Algorithm The 4 Parts of the CEO Teacher® Social Media Strategy Framework The 2 Shifts The Instagram Algorithm Now Favors Links Mentioned in this Episode about the ever-changing Instagram algorithm:  Start or Expand Your Teacher Business in 2025 Kayse Morris Instagram CEO Teacher® Instagram CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold You're already a wealth of knowledge! You’re a teacher after all. You've got the skills, the passion, and the creativity to build a thriving online business. You may just not yet know what you want to create or how to get started.    If that’s you- First things first: Grab our "10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources" workbook. It's your roadmap to success! This isn't just another worksheet to fill your Google Drive downloads folder– it's your personalized blueprint for getting started building a profitable online business.   Now if you are a seasoned CEO Teacher® who has all the systems in place, has started showing up, and is still feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks and to-dos of building your teaching legacy? No problem! Let's break it down together.    Your first step is to understand your CEO Teacher® Type, and all the goodness and inspiration that comes along with your already remarkable skill set! Take the 2-minute quiz here so we can navigate the hard parts together!   And if leveling up your knowledge with books is your love language, I have a whole library shelf of goodness just for you! CEO Teacher® Book List Ready to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Join the conversation all about the Instagram Algorithm! Instagram: Tag me @theceoteacher and let's chat about your edupreneur journey. No topic is off limits, and it’s always a party in the DM’s- just sayin’   Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This is your weekly go-to for all things teacher business, marketing, and mindset…   Leave a Review: Help other teachers discover the CEO Teacher® Podcast and lean into their teacher magic!   Let's make your teacher dreams a reality!   P.S. Check out our latest CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes and blog posts for more inspiration and actionable advice. Behind the Scenes of a Successful Instagram Account Instagram Marketing Tips and Strategies How to Grow Your Instagram Community Authentically Sick Of Not Growing Your Social Media? Use My Instagram Strategy   P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your free bag of virtual teacher goodies and start making your mark online!   I believe in you! YOUR best is yet to come! Kayse 💖

    13 min
  4. JAN 22

    Stop Ignoring Your Email List

    Teachers, Stop And Tune In: Why Build An Email List In 2025? Your email list could be the catalyst to growth like you have never seen it. To be honest, there’s no one answer to the age old question: How do you get noticed in a world full of people who are presumably just like you? Consistency and Authenticity are the Keys to Get Noticed. Your brand is your most important asset because it is your business personified. Consistency is more than just showing up same day same time (although that is HUGE in your business plan).    In today’s episode, you will learn: How building relationships with your email subscribers and prioritizing connections will lead to more sales Why you should ALWAYS continue to build your email list  To reflect on how consistent you are in business How to build a brand on your own land Links Mentioned in this Episode about growing your email list:  CEO Teacher® Teacher Business Plan Quiz CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold You're already a wealth of knowledge! You’re a teacher after all. You've got the skills, the passion, and the creativity to build a thriving online business. You may just not yet know what you want to create or how to get started.    If that’s you- First things first: Grab our "10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources" workbook. It's your roadmap to success! This isn't just another worksheet to fill your Google Drive downloads folder– it's your personalized blueprint forgetting started building a profitable online business.   Now if you are a seasoned CEO Teacher® who has all the systems in place, has started showing up, and is still feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks and to-dos of building your teaching legacy? No problem! Let's break it down together.    Your first step is to understand your CEO Teacher® Type, and all the goodness and inspiration that comes along with your already remarkable skill set! Take the 2 Minute quiz here so we can navigate the hard parts together!   And if leveling up your knowledge with books is your love language, I have a whole library shelf of goodness just for you! CEO Teacher® Book List Ready to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Join the conversation! Instagram: Tag me @theceoteacher and let's chat about your edupreneur journey. No topic is off limits, and its always a party in the DM’s- just sayin’   Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This is your weekly go-to for all things teacher business , marketing and mindset…   Leave a Review: Help other teachers discover the CEO Teacher® Podcast and lean into their teacher magic! Let's make your teacher dreams a reality while tacking your email list!   P.S. Check out our latest CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes and blog posts for more inspiration and actionable advice. Your First Email Marketing Campaign How to Grow Your Email List in 5 Ways Email Marketing Templates for Your Teacher Resources   P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your free bag of virtual teacher goodies and start making your mark online!   I believe in you! YOUR best is yet to come! Kayse 💖

    10 min
  5. JAN 15

    Use This Graphic Design Strategy in 2025

    Teacher Business Owners Looking for Graphic Design Tips STOP HERE →  A good graphic designer has a variety of skills: Creativity Technical skills Attention to detail Curiosity Life Long Learning   And if you get down to it teachers possess these same skills. Which means YOU can become a graphic designer for your own business. In Today’s episode, I am breaking dow the ONE strategy you should take into teh new year to grow your brand, your resources, and your content.    In this episode, you will learn: The 2025 graphic design strategy and trends The ONE graphic design strategy you need Understanding personal and commercial  use When fair use comes into play The best platforms for resource and content creation Links Mentioned in this Episode about the graphic design strategy you are most looking forward to using in the new year:  CEO Teacher® Teacher Business Plan Quiz Showit Canva Kayse Morris Instagram CEO Teacher Instagram CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold You're already a wealth of knowledge! You’re a teacher after all. You've got the skills, the passion, and the creativity to build a thriving online business. You may just not yet know what you want to create or how to get started.    If that’s you- First things first: Grab our "10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources" guidebook. It's your roadmap to success! This isn't just another worksheet to fill your Google Drive downloads folder– it's your personalized blueprint for getting started building a profitable online business. ______________   Now if you are a seasoned CEO Teacher® who has all the systems in place, has started showing up, and is still feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks and to-dos of building your teaching legacy?    No problem! Let's break it down together. Your first step is to understand your CEO Teacher® Type, and all the goodness and inspiration that comes along with your already remarkable skill set! Take the 2 Minute quiz here so we can navigate the hard parts together!   And if leveling up your knowledge with books is your love language, I have a whole library shelf of goodness just for you! CEO Teacher® Book List Ready to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Join the conversation! Instagram: Tag me @theceoteacher and let's chat about your edupreneur journey. No topic is off limits, and its always a party in the DM’s- just sayin’   Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This is your weekly go-to for all things teacher business , marketing and mindset…   Leave a Review: Help other teachers discover the CEO Teacher® Podcast and lean into their teacher magic!   Let's make your teacher dreams a reality!   P.S. Check out our latest CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes and blog posts for more inspiration and actionable advice. How To Make Resources And Worksheets To Sell Online Create A Tpt Product In 5 Actionable Steps The Secret To Designing Resources That Actually Sell 10 Marketing Ideas To Take You Into A New Year   P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your free teacher bag of virtual goodies and start making your mark online!   I believe in you! YOUR best is yet to come! Kayse 💖

    12 min
  6. JAN 8

    The 5 Step Flow to Activate Your CEO Teacher Vision This Year

    Teacher Vision boards are a great starting point but don't forget to take action. A vision board is a powerful tool, but it's just the beginning. Let's turn your dreams into reality. Today, we'll explore practical strategies to help you achieve your goals and live your best life - in and out of the classroom.   Vision boards are meant to help you work toward goals, not just a way for the universe to grant your wishes. So after you get the vision board set up, make sure you take action.    And if you’re not sure about the validity of creating a vision board then tune in. Today I want to share the action steps to get you moving in the direction of your goals. Whatever they may be.    In this episode, you will learn: The 5 Steps to the CEO Teacher® Flow Why a Vision Board Matters What a Vision board is not When a vision board for teachers is the right direction to take Action steps toward making your teacher vision a reality Links Mentioned in this Episode about creating your teacher vision:  CEO Teacher® Teacher Business Plan Quiz Kayse Morris 2025 Book List Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness by Tim Grover Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Erin Condren Planner CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold:  Let me hit you with some good news, you’re already doing half of the work and well on your way to becoming a CEO Teacher®. It’s time you start leveraging your teaching ideas and begin making money to make your classroom work seem less like a chore and more like the fun you always dreamed about. The 10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources workbook is important when setting a clear focus for your business goals. Goals are imperative so grab your workbook and get yours on autopilot.    What’s your best path to making extra money as a teacher? I’m here to help you take massive action, and prioritize the most important biz tips and strategies as you begin the journey toward living your best life! All you have to do is take the 2 minute quiz, and find out how to unlock your teaching magic to kickstart your journey.   Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here! Join Our CEO Teacher® Podcast Community to Grow With Like-Minded Teachers: Send me a DM on Instagram- I love chatting with my people, so lets talk about your business-inspired teacher vision… Want to connect with a community of inspiring educators? Tag me @theceoteacher on Instagram and share your favorite episodes (or what you want to hear next)! I love hearing how the podcast is impacting your life. Don’t miss a beat! Subscribe to the CEO Teacher® Podcast on iTunes and be the first to know about new episodes. Catch all of our episodes here: CEO Teacher® Podcast Ready to show some love? Leave a review on iTunes and help other teachers discover the podcast that could change their lives. Your support means the world! Ready for more? I like your style! Listen to these CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes next! Creating Your Own Course Create The Life You Want Teacher Style How To Build An Online Community For Teachers

    14 min
  7. 12/18/2024

    2024 Wrapped: What Worked & What Didn't

    Take Stock of Your Own 2024 In Review to Grow As A CEO Teacher® Let's be real, success isn't a one-step miracle. Whether you're building a business or mastering a new skill, it takes small, consistent steps. Commit to building your dreams one step at a time in the new year! Use the info from those who have gone before you to make informed decisions going into 2025.  Join me today while I break down what worked and what didn’t for teacher businesses in 2024.  In this episode, you will learn: About 2024 in review Data driven decision making Getting clear on your priorities as your 2024 recap Expanding your offerings as a CEO Teacher® When mental health makes it into your 2024 wrapped Links Mentioned in this Episode about 2024 wrapped: CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold:  Let me hit you with some good news, you’re already doing half of the work and well on your way to becoming a CEO Teacher®. It’s time you start leveraging your teaching ideas and begin making money to make your classroom work seem less like a chore and more like the fun you always dreamed about. The 10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources workbook is important when setting a clear focus for your business goals. Goals are imperative so grab your workbook and get yours on autopilot.  What’s your best path to making extra money as a teacher? I’m here to help you take massive action, and prioritize the most important biz tips and strategies as you begin the journey toward living your best life! All you have to do is take the 2 minute quiz, and find out how to unlock your teaching magic to kickstart your journey. Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here! Join Our CEO Teacher® Podcast Community to Grow With Like-Minded Teachers: Send me a DM on Instagram- I love chatting with my people, so let’s chat about your 2024 wrapped and your plans for growth in the new year.  Enjoying the podcast? Thanks for tuning in! Tag me @theceoteacher on Instagram and tell me what you are listening to! I love seeing what resonates most with our listeners!  I don’t want you to miss a thing! Be the first to know when a new episode is available by subscribing on iTunes here! If you would like to support The CEO Teacher® podcast, it would mean so much to me if you would leave a review on iTunes. By leaving a review, you are helping fellow CEO teachers find this podcast and start building a life they love.  To leave a review on iTunes, click HERE and scroll down to Ratings and Reviews. Click “Write a Review” and share with me how this podcast is changing your business and your life! Ready for more? I like your style! Listen to these CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes next! New Year, New You Time Management Tips for The New Year Batch Working In The New Year Goal Setting for The New Year 5 Steps To Make  Business Plan for The New Year

    16 min
  8. 12/11/2024

    The Best Business Decision I Made in 2024 (+ an Invitation Just for You)

    Some Of The Best Business Decisions Are Made By Listening, Learning & Leading With Your Heart Of Service Mastermind groups are more than just a networking opportunity; they are a powerful tool for business growth. I know that when you put in the action, you reap the reward. You already know your offers are amazing, and you’re ready to share them with a bigger audience.    When you invest back in yourself – creating a greater impact and influence, you not only create wealth for yourself and your family, but you potentially create it for educators around the world too. Join me in this episode while I share the 5 benefits I found after joining a business mastermind in 2024!   In this episode, you will learn: How To Make Business Decisions To Move The Needle Forward  What A Business Mastermind Is And Isn’t How The Educator’s Mastermind Is Different What Your Teacher Business Needs To Grow In 2025 Why A Teacher Mastermind Should Be More Than An Accountability Group Links Mentioned in this Episode about joining a business mastermind: CEO Teacher® Resources Worth Their Weight in Gold:  Let me hit you with some good news, you’re already doing half of the work and well on your way to becoming a CEO Teacher®. It’s time you start leveraging your teaching ideas and begin making money to make your classroom work seem less like a chore and more like the fun you always dreamed about. The 10 Steps To Get Started Selling Your Teaching Resources workbook is important when setting a clear focus for your business goals. Goals are imperative so grab your workbook and get yours on autopilot.    What’s your best path to making extra money as a teacher? I’m here to help you take massive action, and prioritize the most important biz tips and strategies as you begin the journey toward living your best life! All you have to do is take the 2 minute quiz, and find out how to unlock your teaching magic to kickstart your journey.   Check out my CEO Teacher® Book Recommendations here! Join Our CEO Teacher® Podcast Community to Grow With Like-Minded Teachers: Send me a DM on Instagram- I love chatting with my people, so let me know, is a business mastermind in the cards for you in 2025? Come visit us each Thursday Night for the coolest teachers' lounge on the planet: Teacher TV is back and better than ever! Enjoying the podcast? Thanks for tuning in! Tag me @theceoteacher on Instagram and tell me what you are listening to! I love seeing what resonates most with our listeners!  I don’t want you to miss a thing! Be the first to know when a new episode is available by subscribing on iTunes here! If you would like to support The CEO Teacher® podcast, it would mean so much to me if you would leave a review on iTunes. By leaving a review, you are helping fellow CEO teachers find this podcast and start building a life they love.  To leave a review on iTunes, click HERE and scroll down to Ratings and Reviews. Click “Write a Review” and share with me how this podcast is changing your business and your life! Ready for more? I like your style! Listen to these CEO Teacher® Podcast episodes next! The Educator’s Mastermind Empowering Teachers Through a 7-Figure Education Business How a Teacher Built a Multimillion-Dollar Business How To Earn Additional Income As A Teacher

    7 min

Hosts & Guests

out of 5
724 Ratings


Ready to get your teacher small business ideas into the hands of your perfect audience? Whether looking to up-level your teacher small business ideas on the side or going all in and building the teacher business of your dreams. The CEO Teacher® Podcast is where you'll find step-by-step tips and strategies answering all your burning questions for getting more online sales with your teacher business, building a social media strategy that values connection, mindset shifts, and so much more… Each week we answer questions like: -How do I make money online as a teacher? -How do I grow my social media for teachers? -How do I live my best life, teacher style? -How do I create a teacher course online? -What to do if I’m ready to quit teaching, and what happens next? Hosted by Kayse Morris (@kaysemorris), creator and visionary behind the CEO Teacher® movement. The CEO Teacher® is home to over 3,000 vibrant educational rockstars who are inspired to turn their teaching magic into sustainable online businesses. Choose one of our ten proven success pathways or blaze your own trail using the frameworks provided inside our membership. Get started at With over 1 million downloads and hundreds of binge-able episodes, come listen and subscribe to the #1 teacher education podcast in the world....and remember that the best is yet to come.

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