The Cosmic Matrix

Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
The Cosmic Matrix

The Cosmic Matrix Podcast is hosted by Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue. Together, they explore various topics relating to spirituality, psychology, esotericism, self-work, embodiment, relationships, the occult, and hyperdimensional realities as well as current events in light of the evolution of consciousness and the process of awakening in order to transcend the Matrix. Periodically, they’ll have guests on the show as well.

  1. 12/30/2024

    How To Thrive In 2025: A PsychoSpiritual Guide | TCM #145 (Part 1)

    The past few years have left many people in a much different world than they were before. We have heard people saying that the jump from 2019 to 2024 has felt violent,intense, and almost unnatural and that they've lived five different lives in the past few years alone. This intense period of global chaos has led many to profound inner and outer transformations. The world we've known has suddenly shifted, and we now find ourselves in a much different landscape than before. Not only are many of us much different people from these experiences, but as a result, many of our relationships have entirely shifted, and for some, our work, our purpose, and our daily lives have entirely changed, too. As we near the end of 2024, with all the outer planets about to change signs in 2025, it feels like we are in a bit of a limbo state between the world we knew and the new world we are entering. The next year, 2025, will represent a massive evolutionary change for us as individuals and for the collective. Not only is this the end of the year, but with all the outer planets about to change signs, it's also the end of an ERA. It's a good time to reflect on the past years, see what you've learned, consider what has changed, and plant seeds for what you want to create in the future. In this episode, we reflect on the end of this era and how we can use the power of our creativity right now to imagine the world we want to create as we enter a new era. We discuss what to reflect on as all the outer planets change signs, how things may manifest faster as they change into air and fire, and the importance of creative visualization and noticing how thoughts become reality. We discuss the important concept of “seed people,” representing the wave of agents of change who will take us into the future and how you can become one yourself. Furthermore, we discuss the nodes switching to Pisces/Virgo and how this will bring these around mind, body, spirit, and health into focus. We also discuss the importance of following your bliss, how to find it, and the actual “secret” to reality creation and manifestation that many new-age teachings about this idea miss, oversimplify, or distort. Show Notes Part 1: * Reflection over the past 5 years and where we are now * Your psychological and emotional evolution over the past 15 years * Moments of disillusionment and confusion (Neptune in Pisces) * Questions like "Who am I? What is my purpose? What ideals are really important to me?" will take center stage with Neptune in Aries in 2025 * A good time to start a new project centered around your new visions for the person you are becoming. * Revolutions will happen in how we communicate, education, transportation, and how we use technology (Uranus in Gemini) * It's a time to move away from seeking freedom through resources and instead seeking freedom in how you express yourself * Significant change: All outer planets will be in air and fire signs * Major shift in emphasis from the feminine/yin energies of earth and water to the masculine/yang energies of fire and air * Importance of dreaming the world we want to live in, creative visualization, clearing the shadows, healing grief * Importance of taking action * The "seed people" concept by Dane Rudhyar In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * Nodes switching to Pisces - Virgo and what that means for 2025 * Karmic lessons and big themes around body-mind-spirit and health * Jupiter in Cancer and the importance of following your bliss * How to Find Your Bliss

    45 min
  2. 12/17/2024

    How Your Inner Work Fuels A Collective Awakening | TCM #144 (Part 1)

    There is a common misconception that engaging in inner work is just hiding out in a cave or at home and avoiding the world. Many people equate inner work with non-action and not standing up against evil; inner work is a passive state, and evil and darkness will succeed if we don't do something. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this episode, we explore the essential foundation of what inner work entails, using both psychological and spiritual work, how facing your shadow, wounding, healing your trauma, inner child, and inner division will positively affect the world and your personal life. We go over the different levels of consciousness, how they affect the world, and why people at higher integrated levels of consciousness have significantly more power and positive effects in the world than people at lower states of consciousness stuck in negativity and blame/victim consciousness. We examine the traps of inner work related to spiritual bypassing, why no step can be skipped, the many misconceptions about inner work, and how to avoid the common pitfalls. In the second hour, we clarify the much-discussed issue of being "black-pilled," what it is and is not, and how one's level of consciousness directly affects how one sees the world and how it affects one's life. We also discuss what keeps most people from engaging in deeper inner work and why some people are not ready for it in accordance with their soul journey and karmic lessons, how inner work leads you to find your bliss in life, and personal myth which in return also affects the world positively by being your true Self. Furthermore, we will provide concrete and practical suggestions that you can apply to your life to help you through this process. Show Notes Part 1: * What do we mean by inner work? * The foundational principles of inner work * What kind of inner work are we talking about? * Common misconceptions about inner work and shadow work * How inner work affects your personal life positively * How your inner work affects the world positively * Aspects of negativity * The majority of humans calibrate at a negative level of consciousness * How higher levels of consciousness counterbalance the majority of negativity and darkness in the world * We change the world not by what we say, have, or do but as a consequence of what we have become (level of soul embodiment) * Why our own inner evolution serves all of mankind * How negative states of consciousness contribute to the negativity and evil in the world, making it grow stronger * How to raise your frequency and enter higher levels of consciousness * How your inner work expands to alleviate the suffering of others and the darkness in the world * The inner work is far more challenging than the ego’s temptation to externalize everything In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * Being "black-pilled," what it is and is not (since there are many misconceptions) * How not to get black-pilled and take the "white pill" * How your level of consciousness directly relates to how you see the world and how it affects your life * Energy fields based on our level of consciousness are portals out of which we see the world * The lower energy fields of "Me against the world," blame/victim consciousness, life-denying, negativity * The higher energy fields of harmony with the world, empowered, life-affirming, positivity * Whatever happens in your life, you will see any event through the perception based on your level of consciousness

    50 min
  3. 11/29/2024

    Pluto in Aquarius: A New Era In Collective Evolution | TCM #143 (Part 1)

    Big changes are ahead for humanity as Pluto has entered Aquarius for good over the next 20 years. In this podcast, Laura and Bernhard discuss Pluto in Aquarius from an evolutionary astrology perspective. They discuss how Pluto relates to collective evolution, how evolution exists in two forms (involution and evolution), and how Pluto relates to our collective Karma and soul psychology. They talk about the process that Pluto transits take us through, what the shift from Pluto in Capricorn to Aquarius means for us on different levels, physically, psychologically, and spiritually, how Pluto in Aquarius relates to a struggle against the old worldview and a shift of power, and they discuss how all outer planets (Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus) changing signs in 2025 mark a significant major change for the world and how that will affect us. They also discuss how this relates to a technological revolution, how Pluto in Aquarius relates to the ongoing splitting of humanity, a transfer of power from the bureaucracy to the technocracy and the people, and how Bitcoin and crypto play a part in it. Furthermore, Laura and Bernhard discuss the lessons of Prometheus, and how Pluto in Aquarius relates to us facing our ancient Karma from Atlantis and how it relates to Transhumanism, Black Magic, and hyperdimensional forces - the spirits of darkness that attempt to take over humanity, how a collective “spiritual vacuum” serves as an “entry point” for these occult forces to come in, the major lessons for us, and more. Show Notes Part 1: * The "True Sky" vs. Western Astrology debate * Pluto's role in evolutionary astrology * Involution and Evolution (Destruction and Creation) * Soul Psychology and Pluto as the Lord of the Underworld * We are all alive during Pluto in Aquarius because we all have certain karma to work out, both as individuals and collectives * The necessity to make the darkness conscious and facing difficult truths * Why most people shy away from the process Pluto demands * There are great gifts for those brave enough to descent into the depths of their own personal darkness to face their deepest fears * The Plutonian Death-Rebirth Process * The Law of Descent and Ascent * The division and polarization we see in the world are a reflection of the fracturing in the collective soul or our inner fragmentation * Disembodiment, Trauma, and Head-centric living have created a spiritual vacuum * Pluto is demanding that we face our collective karma regarding Aquarian themes * How Pluto in Capricorn manifested (2008-2024) * Pluto in Capricorn, from an evolutionary astrology perspective, has to do with repression, suppression, and depression * The ultimate lesson of Pluto in Capricorn * The necessity to process the emotional trauma of the past 15 years to have the opportunity to use Pluto in Aquarius for individuation * Pluto in Aquarius presents an opportunity for those individuated souls (Aquarius) to use their creativity (Leo polarity) to help humanity forge a new vision for the future * The polarization in America and the world won't be solved overnight - the splitting of humanity will continue * The increase of subcultures, fringe groups, alternative communities, ideological fanaticism, and cults * Even more significant changes ahead: Neptune in Aries (2025 - 2039) and Uranus in Gemini (2025 - 2033) * Will we develop our INNER TECHNOLOGY instead of just becoming dependent on OUTER TECHNOLOGY? * Will technology evolve into a technocratic dystopian nightmare? Or will this be the dawning of a new golden age? * Trump, Musk, RFK JR. as evolutionary forces in the context of Pluto in Aquarius * The ultimate lessons of Pluto in Aquarius and what to do t...

    1h 5m
  4. 11/13/2024

    Navigating The Timeline Split | TCM #142 (Part 1)

    The world seems to have split into two distinct timelines, two different perceptions of reality. This has become more pronounced since the 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Polarization in the US seems to be increasing, and as we head into Pluto in Aquarius, this fragmentation may become more pronounced. With Trump getting elected, one side of the US is in mourning, believing that the US is now under a fascist dictatorship where all of their rights are being taken away, while the other side is celebrating what feels like a win for truth, freedom, and humanity. Some people also refuse to get involved in what is going on. They want to be "left alone," so to speak. Many think this is just another "s-election" with two wings of the same bird. Some people take the "non-dual" spiritual bypass, using the higher concept that "all is one" to avoid acknowledging the subjective experience. Another side has become completely "black-pilled," stuck in a doom-and-gloom mindset, prepping for the end times. They can't see any good in what has happened because they see humanity rushing to a transhumanism technocracy with no way out. In this podcast, we discuss the different points of view that we are seeing and how to navigate the ongoing timeline split. We also discuss the major transits and aspects affecting the US, the World, and humanity from an evolutionary astrology perspective, how Saturn-Pluto conjunctions manifest in Psychological Splitting, and more. TIME OF TRANSITION EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work To Embody Your True Self with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue NEW DATES: December 30th – March 31st, 2025 Limited to 35 people  [Update: 3 spots left] Learn More & Apply HERE   Show Notes Part 1: * Trump's election victory and the different reactions * Bernhard talks about how his views have changed over the years * Trump is the necessary evolutionary force beyond good or evil * The response of the Left and their conspiracy theories about why the election was stolen * Mass psychosis has formed on the Left since Trump was elected * Donald Trump's plans to dismantle the deep state * What we might see happen leading up to the inauguration * How do we navigate this timeline split? * It all relates to the Pluto return of America and Pluto entering Aquarius * What is happening now will influence the next 248 years to come. * What values need to be shed and what needs to be strengthened will be strengthened. * This is a reuniting of the original energy that the founding fathers carried. This is radical change energy. * Transforming the energy of the existing old world (Capricorn) system. * While many will be grieving the old world they have lost, what happens in the years to come symbolizes what is unfolding in America's destiny. * No politician will ultimately save us. It is WE THE PEOPLE (Aquarian energy), who ultimately save ourselves. * America was founded by a band of rebels and outsiders, and it will be reborn by a band of rebels and outsiders, * Those individuated souls who were willing to think for themselves spoke out and risked being exiled for it carry the template for this next era we are entering * Pluto in Aquarius themes - the light and the dark * We will be seeing a lot of people who will have a really hard time recovering from the intense media propaganda and brainwashing. It could psychologically fracture them for years to come * Some may stay under the effects of the brainwashin...

    54 min
  5. 10/24/2024

    Conscious Art: Catalyzing Collective Evolution with Lubomir Arsov | TCM #141 (Part 1)

    Visual artist and storyteller Lubomir Arsov joins Bernhard Guenther to discuss the mission of art, creativity, and shadow work in the context of our times. Lubomir is the creator of the award-winning animated film "IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey" (2017), which explores the fragmented unconscious of our times. He recently released the follow-up “KINGDOM” (2024), a visceral audio-visual experience that maps out the initiatory path of empowerment and awakening. He's also the director and creator of the short film "The Forest King,” a modern interpretation of the Scandinavian myth Erlkonig. The film depicts the dangers of Transhumanism and VR technology with Luciferian and Ahrimanic themes. Lubomir and Bernhard discuss many current themes in light of the evolution of consciousness, the process of individuation, the battle of dark vs. light, Transhumanism, the splitting of humanity, inorganic vs organic timelines, the importune of finding our courage and personal myth, and much more Lubomir's website: Links to his films: * IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey * KINGDOM * The Forest King Video: Show Notes Part 1: * The importance of conscious art in helping the collective evolution * Lubomir's background and how his spiritual seeking and psychological awareness affected his art and films * The role of psychedelics as a potential "rite of passage" and initiation and their pitfalls * Lubomir's insights into the true meaning of embodiment from a spiritual perspective and how it inspired his work * The profound messages and archetypal symbolism of his film "In-Shadow" * "in Shadow" exposes a lot of darkness in the world that has become more apparent since its release * The process of shadow work and the hero's journey from dark to light * Lubomir's creative process and how he channeled his anger and sense of indignation into art * How listening to a specific music track helped him to open up his creative channel - the same band Bernhard listens to for his creative process * The "confrontational" aspect of Lubomir's film and the necessity of "shocks" to awaken people * The mission of art and how art has become superficial and soulless * Using art and music for shadow work, self-exploration, and transformation * How Paul Levy's work on Wetiko affected Lubomir's art * The shamanic dismemberment and rebirth * The daimon and being a channel for the creative spirit * Lubomir's most recent film "Kingdom" * Hyperdimensional entities and occult forces (wetiko) depicted in "Kingdom" * Facing the devil/evil and the innocence of the inner child * How the inspiration for the "Kingdom" came to Lubomir in the Peruvian Andes * The message of "Kingdom" to "raise the sword" with courage - the heroic impulse * The trap of negativity and getting stuck in the dark * When "truth-seeking" is hijacked by unconscious trauma responses and a dysregulated nervous system * Dark and light, good and evil is not a true "duality" * The importance of finding your courage * Lubomir's current projects In Part 2 (only for members),

    52 min
  6. 10/11/2024

    Spiritual Awakening And Its Impact On Relationships | TCM #140 (Part 1)

    In this podcast, Laura and Bernhard discuss waking up and its impact on losing friends, romantic partners, and family members. They share their personal experiences; they look at the different types of awakening, how different levels of being can impact a relationship, how to know if the relationship is for you or not, how individuation precedes a deeper awakening, tips to help you navigate this process if you're experiencing this, and more. In the second hour, they discuss the trap of forcefully trying to wake others up, what happens when you have different values than the person you're with, what to do when your partner is an NPC trapped in the 3rd matrix, how to handle family relationships, and what to do when you wake up, and your partner doesn't. Furthermore, they talk about the Agent Smith syndrome and hyperdimensional interferences coming through people close to you, the importance of letting go, crossing the guardians of the threshold of evolution, and more. Show Notes Part 1: * Waking up and its impact on losing friends and family members * Different types of awakening (informational, psychological, spiritual) * The Hero's journey in the context of awakening * Personal stories by Laura and Bernhard * Trauma bonds and false-self-based relationships * The death/rebirth process of false self to true Self * The necessary phase of loneliness on the path * What keeps people stuck * Individuation preceding a deeper awakening * Individuation takes you back into the world, but you're no longer of the world * How different levels of being can impact a relationship * How to know if the relationship is for you or not * Tips that can help you navigate the process In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * Traps of waking up and how it can impact relationships * The trap of trying to change others * What happens when you have different values than the person you're with * What to do when your partner is an NPC trapped in the 3rd matrix * What to do when you wake up, and your partner doesn't * Can a relationship work where one person is evolving and another isn't? * How to handle family relationships * What happens when you don't let go (rite of passage) * Can you be in a relationship with someone who doesn't have a relationship with God? (and you do) * What to do when they have different spiritual beliefs * The Agent Smith syndrome and hyperdimensional interferences coming through people close to you * The guardians of the threshold of evolution * How to know when it's time to move on from a relationship Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to access the membership section (including the membership forum.)

    52 min
  7. 09/27/2024

    Mastering Emotions Amid Chaos & America’s Election Astrology | TCM #139 (Part 1)

    Many people in the world are becoming increasingly affected by the chaos. We also see how many are dealing with a backlog of suppressed emotions and unconscious trauma based on what happened over the past four years since the plandemic. As we near the US elections, there is a lot of anxiety and fear about the future. There is fear of WW III. What happens here in the US will also affect the whole world. It also affects people unconsciously, even if they don't follow the news, because the intensity of the field of consciousness affects us all. At the same time, positive things are happening as well, such as a bigger focus on health initiated by RFK JR. and Nicole Shanahan, a recent congress hearing on health and childhood chronic disease, and an examination of the influx of chemicals being allowed into our food supply. More and more people are coming together and questioning the official narrative. This crisis has also turned people towards God in various ways. At the same time, many people have also gotten black-pilled, stuck in fear, negativity, and paranoia. In this episode, we'll zoom out and look at what is happening from a bigger-picture astrological perspective. We'll talk about a key transit affecting us as we head into the election and what the final Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn means before it heads back into Aquarius. We discuss how our emotions affect how we see the world and ourselves. We share the four ways most people deal with negative emotions and stress, which keep them trapped in self-defeating and disempowering patterns. We show how to handle stressful situations and transmute negative feelings into positive ones to stay more grounded and aligned with our true selves as we move through this evolutionary process. In the second hour, we do a deep dive into the US astrology. We talk about the natal Pluto and the USA's evolutionary journey, what the US goals are from an Evolutionary Astrology perspective, and how the current political candidates can help or hinder the US in its evolutionary intentions. We look specifically into the natal charts of Donald Trump, RFK Jr., and Kamala and how they relate to the birth charts of the USA in the context of transformational evolutionary energies. Furthermore, we'll discuss wetiko and occult forces in the context of our times, the many misconceptions about wetiko, and the necessity of facing evil within in order to defeat and transmute evil in the world. Show Notes Part 1: * What’s going on right now astrologically * Mars in Cancer - Long Transit * RFK Jr wants to protect children's health and look at the causes of childhood diseases related to Mars in Cancer * The lower and higher expression of Mars in Cancer * Pluto is back into Capricorn - what does that mean? * Pluto in Capricorn cycle 2008 to now * How we can see two extreme sides of Pluto In Capricorn playing out on the world stage * The psycho-spiritual evolutionary lessons * The Pluto in Capricorn polarity point is the big lesson * Our emotions and stress affect how we see the world and how we see ourselves * How most humans deal with negative emotions: repression, suppression, projection, escapism * How do these four coping mechanisms affect the body-mind-spirit complex of a human negatively * The real source of stress and how to deal with it * Stress and the relation to suppressed/repressed emotions * How we unconsciously attract and create events based on our suppressed emotions and repressed shadow * Emotions generate a vibrational energy that influences the people around us * How to transmute and let go of negative emotions without suppressing, repressing, projecting, or escaping them

    57 min
  8. 09/12/2024

    How to Raise Your Level Of Consciousness | TCM #138 (Part 1)

    The process of awakening ties into the evolution of consciousness and ultimately into individuation and soul embodiment. The more you are living from essence, your true Self (and not the wounded and conditioned ego personality), the higher your level of consciousness, which affects your everyday life and the reality you experience. In this episode, we discuss how you can raise your level of consciousness in practical terms and become more aligned with your essence and true Self. We use David Hawkins's map of consciousness as a model to explore this topic in more depth. We share the major signs that you are caught in lower states of consciousness and out of integrity, caught in falsehood and how to get out of it, and signs that you are embodying higher levels of consciousness. We discuss how different levels of consciousness manifest in society and different ideologies and how they affect you. We also explore the somatic aspect and how body tension and unprocessed emotions negatively impact your level of consciousness and the way you perceive the world, keeping you stuck in the lower astral. Finally, we’ll give you some practical tools for working with this. In the second hour, we explore spiritual science further and address the questions of where your thoughts really come from and how your level of consciousness determines the field and experiences you attract. We discuss how negative emotions facilitate illness, how all positive emotions tend to cure illness, how negative energy fields affect you, and why it is important to discern who you surround yourself with and what media you consume. We'll also discuss kenosis and the process of "self-emptying" in relation to raising your consciousness. Furthermore, we explore the esoteric concept of A and B influences, which is very important to understand nowadays in the information age, and how higher levels of consciousness relate to a willingness to surrender to God unconditionally. Show Notes Part 1: * Overview of the map of consciousness by David Hawkins [see below - scroll down to view map] * The critical level of 200 * linear vs. non-linear vision * The biggest obstacle to entering higher states of [non-linear] consciousness is the intellect * The critical level for spiritual realization is going above 500 * The supra-mental consciousness based on Sri Aurobindo's work and the map of consciousness * Signs that you are caught in lower states of consciousness, caught in falsehood, and how to get out of it * Moving from lower to higher states requires inner psycho-spiritual work to transmute the lower states [You can't just "think" yourself higher] * Signs that you are embodying higher states of consciousness * Socialism, Communism, and Marxism operate on a very low level of victim/entitlement consciousness * Far-right fascism and religious fundamentalism also operate on a very low level of consciousness rooted in falsehood * Body Tension and how it affects one's state of mind and how one sees the world * Practical suggestion on how to raise your level of consciousness In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into: * How all the negative emotions facilitate illness, and all the positive emotions tend to cure illness [based on the map of consciousness] * The importance of letting go of labels and identifications * Where do your thoughts come from, and why “you” don’t “create” thoughts * The importance of meditation and stilling the mind * How your level of consciousness determines the field and experiences you attract * The porosity of the mind

    47 min
out of 5
194 Ratings


The Cosmic Matrix Podcast is hosted by Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue. Together, they explore various topics relating to spirituality, psychology, esotericism, self-work, embodiment, relationships, the occult, and hyperdimensional realities as well as current events in light of the evolution of consciousness and the process of awakening in order to transcend the Matrix. Periodically, they’ll have guests on the show as well.

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