42 min

The CranioCervical Junction with Dr. Rachae Bell Expect Miracles Podcast

    • Alternative Health

It is without a doubt that many people need chiropractors these days. Dr. Rachae Bell, the owner of Clear Chiro Spokane, walks us through how her profession can help solve many people’s pain problems. She also talks about what inspired her to take the chiropractic route and then dove straight to upper cervical. Explaining the gateway communication center that connects the brain and the spinal cord, Dr. Rachae goes deep into the importance of the craniocervical junction, especially for our overall well-being and health. Every function in our entire body is based on the integrity of this area, and Dr. Rachae offers some tips on how to keep it neurologically clear and functioning to your optimal potential.

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It is without a doubt that many people need chiropractors these days. Dr. Rachae Bell, the owner of Clear Chiro Spokane, walks us through how her profession can help solve many people’s pain problems. She also talks about what inspired her to take the chiropractic route and then dove straight to upper cervical. Explaining the gateway communication center that connects the brain and the spinal cord, Dr. Rachae goes deep into the importance of the craniocervical junction, especially for our overall well-being and health. Every function in our entire body is based on the integrity of this area, and Dr. Rachae offers some tips on how to keep it neurologically clear and functioning to your optimal potential.

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42 min