28 min

Using Video to Tell Your Story The Cause+Effect Podcast

    • Non-Profit

It is simply impossible for a ministry to reach its full impact without utilizing video as a key component of the messaging. In our latest episode of the Cause+Effect Podcast, we dive into the dynamic world of video storytelling for ministries and its pivotal role in fundraising.

Dan Sumpter, Chief Creative Officer, and Nils Smith, Chief Strategist for Social Media and Innovation, join Trent Dunham to showcase the unique power of video in capturing and conveying ministry impact and creating a deeper emotional connection with audiences. You’ll gain valuable insights on creating compelling video content that vividly brings your ministry's mission to life and effectively boosts fundraising efforts. And you’ll learn how to harness the transformative power of visual storytelling to uplift and inspire your ministry's community and move them to their deepest level of engagement with your organization.

It is simply impossible for a ministry to reach its full impact without utilizing video as a key component of the messaging. In our latest episode of the Cause+Effect Podcast, we dive into the dynamic world of video storytelling for ministries and its pivotal role in fundraising.

Dan Sumpter, Chief Creative Officer, and Nils Smith, Chief Strategist for Social Media and Innovation, join Trent Dunham to showcase the unique power of video in capturing and conveying ministry impact and creating a deeper emotional connection with audiences. You’ll gain valuable insights on creating compelling video content that vividly brings your ministry's mission to life and effectively boosts fundraising efforts. And you’ll learn how to harness the transformative power of visual storytelling to uplift and inspire your ministry's community and move them to their deepest level of engagement with your organization.

28 min