28 min

The Golden Nuggets from SABCS! With Dr. Monique Gary, Medical Director of the Grand View Health/Penn Cancer Network Cancer Program Dear Cancer, I'm Beautiful

    • Fashion & Beauty

Dr. Monique Gary aka  “Dr. Mo” is a breast surgeon, educator, entrepreneur, media personality, farmer, and philanthropist. Dr. Mo currently serves as the Medical Director of the Grand View Health/Penn Cancer Network cancer program, where she also serves as director of the breast program. Tune in for this important conversation to learn about her career path, as well as the “golden nuggets” and most important takeaways from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, otherwise known as SABCS.

Dr. Monique Gary aka  “Dr. Mo” is a breast surgeon, educator, entrepreneur, media personality, farmer, and philanthropist. Dr. Mo currently serves as the Medical Director of the Grand View Health/Penn Cancer Network cancer program, where she also serves as director of the breast program. Tune in for this important conversation to learn about her career path, as well as the “golden nuggets” and most important takeaways from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, otherwise known as SABCS.

28 min