37 sec


    • Christianity

                        Psalm 34:8 says O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! David was calling on the people to experience as he had the goodness of the Lord for themselves by relying on Him during their times of difficulties.  In Psalms 34 verses 4 through 8 David witnesses to us what God does for His children.  He saves us, He keeps us, and He satisfies us.  We cannot do these things for ourselves but God can.  This is a promise not of comfortable circumstances, but it is a promise of God’s care for us who belong to Him. Have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good?  Trust Him today if you haven’t for all that goes on in life and trust Him for salvation if you are not His child. He is a good God.
Mark 8:36 "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
             John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Have you trusted Him as your Savior? He can Save you if You ask Him based on His death, burial, and resurrection for your sins. Believe in Him for forgiveness of your sins today.
              “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  -John 8:32
          Our mission is to spread the gospel and to go to the least of these with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ; We reach out to those the World has forgotten. 
            hisloveministries.podbean.com #HLMSocial hisloveministries.net https://www.instagram.com/hisloveministries1/?hl=en His Love Ministries on Itunes Don’t go for all the gusto you can get, go for all the God (Jesus Christ) you can get. The gusto will get you, Jesus can save you. https://www.facebook.com/His-Love-Ministries-246606668725869/?tn-str=k*F
            The world is trying to solve earthly problems that can only be solved with heavenly solutions

                        Psalm 34:8 says O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! David was calling on the people to experience as he had the goodness of the Lord for themselves by relying on Him during their times of difficulties.  In Psalms 34 verses 4 through 8 David witnesses to us what God does for His children.  He saves us, He keeps us, and He satisfies us.  We cannot do these things for ourselves but God can.  This is a promise not of comfortable circumstances, but it is a promise of God’s care for us who belong to Him. Have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good?  Trust Him today if you haven’t for all that goes on in life and trust Him for salvation if you are not His child. He is a good God.
Mark 8:36 "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
             John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Have you trusted Him as your Savior? He can Save you if You ask Him based on His death, burial, and resurrection for your sins. Believe in Him for forgiveness of your sins today.
              “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  -John 8:32
          Our mission is to spread the gospel and to go to the least of these with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ; We reach out to those the World has forgotten. 
            hisloveministries.podbean.com #HLMSocial hisloveministries.net https://www.instagram.com/hisloveministries1/?hl=en His Love Ministries on Itunes Don’t go for all the gusto you can get, go for all the God (Jesus Christ) you can get. The gusto will get you, Jesus can save you. https://www.facebook.com/His-Love-Ministries-246606668725869/?tn-str=k*F
            The world is trying to solve earthly problems that can only be solved with heavenly solutions

37 sec