30 min

The Holy Trinity to REALLY Love Yourself: Self-Confidence, Self-Worth, and Self-Esteem Powered by Self Love with Sarah Sapora

    • Self-Improvement

Is your confidence UNSHAKABLE? Do you believe, down to your core, that you are worthy and valuable and have every ability to kick ass at life? If you’re nodding “Hell yes” that's awesome! If not, take a deep breath because you aren’t alone. At any given time, 85% of people admit they struggle with self-confidence and, roughly the same number of adults admit to having low self-esteem. In this episode we’re getting real about, what I refer to as, the Holy Trinity of Self-Love and that is the ability to have self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem.

These things sound the same but are totally different. So we’re breaking it down without the fluffy “woo speak” so you can understand what each of these is, what they are NOT, and why self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth matter if you’re going to live a liberated life on YOUR terms. Let’s do this

Topics we’re chatting about include:

Self-Worth: This is the deep-seated acknowledgment of your inherent value as a person, deserving of love and respect.

Self-Confidence: This is the belief in your ability to succeed at specific tasks.

Self-Esteem: This is your personal evaluation of your own worth, often influenced by comparisons with others.

My Personal Path to Self-Discovery: I opened up about my own struggles with these concepts, particularly as I approached my 40s. Despite others seeing me as confident, I was a champion people-pleaser without a true sense of self. My journey to self-love began with the realization that I had been seeking external validation instead of cultivating my own sense of worth.

The Role of the Trinity in Self-Love: Cultivating self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem is essential for taking control of our lives. These elements enable us to leave unhealthy relationships, pursue our dreams, and feel deserving of success. They're not static; they can be strengthened or challenged over time, and we can actively work on improving them.

Tools for Self-Reflection and Growth: I provided resources, including the Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the contingencies of self-worth scale, along with reflective questions to help you assess your levels of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. These tools encourage introspection and are a starting point for personal growth.


01:14 - Starting Point: The Basics of Self-Love

01:57 - Sarah's Personal Journey of Self-Discovery

02:49 - Realizing the Need for Self-Awareness

03:52 - The Confusion Between Confidence and Self-Knowledge

04:36 - The Gap Between External Perception and Self-Perception

05:39 - Introducing the Holy Trinity of Self-Love

06:00 - The Interplay of Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Self-Worth

07:59 - Defining Self-Esteem: Your Sense of Value

09:35 - Tools for Assessing Self-Esteem

11:00 - Exploring Self-Worth: Beyond Self-Esteem

13:09 - Characteristics of High Self-Esteem

14:47 - Self-Worth vs. Self-Esteem: Understanding the Difference

16:03 - The Self-Worth Theory: Ability, Effort, and Performance

18:10 - Common but Questionable Sources of Self-Worth

20:07 - Reflecting on Your Own Self-Worth

21:10 - Defining Self-Confidence: Belief in Abilities

22:36 - Self-Confidence vs. Self-Esteem: A Critical Distinction

23:07 - Summary: The Relationship Between the Three Concepts

24:10 - Sarah's Example: Interconnection of Self-Concepts

27:58 - The Necessity of Balancing All Three for Self-Love

29:02 - Mention of Resources and Upcoming Deep Dives

Is your confidence UNSHAKABLE? Do you believe, down to your core, that you are worthy and valuable and have every ability to kick ass at life? If you’re nodding “Hell yes” that's awesome! If not, take a deep breath because you aren’t alone. At any given time, 85% of people admit they struggle with self-confidence and, roughly the same number of adults admit to having low self-esteem. In this episode we’re getting real about, what I refer to as, the Holy Trinity of Self-Love and that is the ability to have self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem.

These things sound the same but are totally different. So we’re breaking it down without the fluffy “woo speak” so you can understand what each of these is, what they are NOT, and why self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth matter if you’re going to live a liberated life on YOUR terms. Let’s do this

Topics we’re chatting about include:

Self-Worth: This is the deep-seated acknowledgment of your inherent value as a person, deserving of love and respect.

Self-Confidence: This is the belief in your ability to succeed at specific tasks.

Self-Esteem: This is your personal evaluation of your own worth, often influenced by comparisons with others.

My Personal Path to Self-Discovery: I opened up about my own struggles with these concepts, particularly as I approached my 40s. Despite others seeing me as confident, I was a champion people-pleaser without a true sense of self. My journey to self-love began with the realization that I had been seeking external validation instead of cultivating my own sense of worth.

The Role of the Trinity in Self-Love: Cultivating self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem is essential for taking control of our lives. These elements enable us to leave unhealthy relationships, pursue our dreams, and feel deserving of success. They're not static; they can be strengthened or challenged over time, and we can actively work on improving them.

Tools for Self-Reflection and Growth: I provided resources, including the Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the contingencies of self-worth scale, along with reflective questions to help you assess your levels of self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem. These tools encourage introspection and are a starting point for personal growth.


01:14 - Starting Point: The Basics of Self-Love

01:57 - Sarah's Personal Journey of Self-Discovery

02:49 - Realizing the Need for Self-Awareness

03:52 - The Confusion Between Confidence and Self-Knowledge

04:36 - The Gap Between External Perception and Self-Perception

05:39 - Introducing the Holy Trinity of Self-Love

06:00 - The Interplay of Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Self-Worth

07:59 - Defining Self-Esteem: Your Sense of Value

09:35 - Tools for Assessing Self-Esteem

11:00 - Exploring Self-Worth: Beyond Self-Esteem

13:09 - Characteristics of High Self-Esteem

14:47 - Self-Worth vs. Self-Esteem: Understanding the Difference

16:03 - The Self-Worth Theory: Ability, Effort, and Performance

18:10 - Common but Questionable Sources of Self-Worth

20:07 - Reflecting on Your Own Self-Worth

21:10 - Defining Self-Confidence: Belief in Abilities

22:36 - Self-Confidence vs. Self-Esteem: A Critical Distinction

23:07 - Summary: The Relationship Between the Three Concepts

24:10 - Sarah's Example: Interconnection of Self-Concepts

27:58 - The Necessity of Balancing All Three for Self-Love

29:02 - Mention of Resources and Upcoming Deep Dives

30 min