23 min

2: The importance of personal branding Becoming A Powerhouse Brand

    • Entrepreneurship

Since my whole podcast is around building your powerhouse brand I thought it would be good to talk about what a personal brand even is, why you need one and the benefits.In this episode I talk about how building your personal brand can change the game for your business and no, you don't have to share your entire life to the world! I'll be digging into each of these topics in more detail in future episodes so listen into this episode to give you an all round introduction and we'll dig dee...

Since my whole podcast is around building your powerhouse brand I thought it would be good to talk about what a personal brand even is, why you need one and the benefits.In this episode I talk about how building your personal brand can change the game for your business and no, you don't have to share your entire life to the world! I'll be digging into each of these topics in more detail in future episodes so listen into this episode to give you an all round introduction and we'll dig dee...

23 min