1 hr 19 min

22 Shadow Work The Intuitive Psychologist

    • Spirituality

What exactly is Shadow Work and how the heck does one do it? I break down what it is and steps you can take to do this intense but fruitful practice on your own. If you’re interested in working with me email me at intuitive.psych.111@gmail.com and visit my website at intuitivepsych.com for more information. My IG is The_Intuitive_Psychologist_111

What exactly is Shadow Work and how the heck does one do it? I break down what it is and steps you can take to do this intense but fruitful practice on your own. If you’re interested in working with me email me at intuitive.psych.111@gmail.com and visit my website at intuitivepsych.com for more information. My IG is The_Intuitive_Psychologist_111

1 hr 19 min