36 min

The legal side of adoption and donor-assisted reproduction Baby Steps

    • Management

Lawyers who specialize in donor-assisted reproduction and adoption dread getting one call in particular from intended parents: Their baby is due in a few days and they’re ready to finish up their paperwork. The problem? They should have gotten in touch with a lawyer at the beginning of the process. In this episode, we talk with two experts on the legal side of donor-assisted reproduction and adoption. We discuss why a call to a lawyer should come much earlier in these family-forming journeys — and how HR leaders can ensure their employees have the resources they need. 
Show notes:
Why legal resources are a crucial part of fertility benefits
PairTree: Connecting adoptive parents with birth moms 
International Fertility Law Group
Little Fires Everywhere, by Celeste Ng

Lawyers who specialize in donor-assisted reproduction and adoption dread getting one call in particular from intended parents: Their baby is due in a few days and they’re ready to finish up their paperwork. The problem? They should have gotten in touch with a lawyer at the beginning of the process. In this episode, we talk with two experts on the legal side of donor-assisted reproduction and adoption. We discuss why a call to a lawyer should come much earlier in these family-forming journeys — and how HR leaders can ensure their employees have the resources they need. 
Show notes:
Why legal resources are a crucial part of fertility benefits
PairTree: Connecting adoptive parents with birth moms 
International Fertility Law Group
Little Fires Everywhere, by Celeste Ng

36 min