30 min

The love and joy of sharing life with children with Anne Round Mothers' Voice

    • Spirituality

In this episode, Anne Round shares about:
Opening and exploring her spiritual path as she raised three children, How to love the stages of transition with children...  from motherhood to mentorhood, How loving herself has kept her in her heart to love her kids as they make their own choices, How understanding that her children are beings of light shifted her parenting style, How raising children is a privilege that she is so grateful to experience Anne Round's website: AnneRound.com 

Greetings, Anne Round here, introducing myself. I am a transformational being walking my talk practically and magically every day. I am a lover of life and a committed light bearer for humanity. I cherish life as a privilege to be human. 
On the ground level of this life, I am a re­tired phys­io­ther­a­pist (physical therapist), a wife, a mother of three adult children, a cre­ative, a sailor, a skier, a dancer, an au­thor, and a con­tem­pla­tive with a host of other in­ter­ests and ex­plo­rations. On the cos­mic level, I am a bril­liant light of vi­bra­tional en­ergy, vast, and mul­ti­di­men­sional, just like you are. Here on planet Earth, I re­side in Vic­to­ria, British Co­lum­bia, Canada. 
My spir­i­tual jour­ney has moved me to­wards med­i­ta­tion, shamanic jour­ney­ing, and var­i­ous en­ergy heal­ing meth­ods. Step by step, the lim­it­ing be­liefs that I had taken up and were re­strict­ing me from know­ing my­self as love in ac­tion have trans­formed. Now I like to flow with life, al­low­ing ease and grace to be my com­pan­ions. I have learned to trust in life. The more I trust and al­low life to un­fold, the eas­ier it be­comes. I walk forth in peace, love, and joy. 
My creed is that by be­ing the love we are, we are con­tribut­ing to the ex­pan­sion and evo­lu­tion of hu­man­ity. When we ac­knowl­edge that we are love, a part of the fab­ric of the Uni­verse, and a part of na­ture, then we can al­low love to flow into us and ra­di­ate out of us to do its work in the world. Do­ing so with an in­ten­tion for the high­est good and love for all ex­pands every pos­si­bil­ity. This is how we will con­sciously build a new world where the source of all ac­tion is love in­stead of fear. 
As a life long learner, I have completed 
Gene Keys Golden Path, Deep Dives and the Gene Keys Guides Programme. Natural Healing Arts and Energy Medicine Intensive with Sharon Forrest Visionseeker and Continuum Workshops on Shamanism and Spirit Medicine with Hank Wesselman  Reiki Courses Level 1 and 2 As an active lover of movement, I participate in 
Conscious Dance having explored 5Rythmes, Open Floor and Dance of Oneness Tai Chi Walking, running and biking regularly. Know Thyself and Love Thyself is my motto.

In this episode, Anne Round shares about:
Opening and exploring her spiritual path as she raised three children, How to love the stages of transition with children...  from motherhood to mentorhood, How loving herself has kept her in her heart to love her kids as they make their own choices, How understanding that her children are beings of light shifted her parenting style, How raising children is a privilege that she is so grateful to experience Anne Round's website: AnneRound.com 

Greetings, Anne Round here, introducing myself. I am a transformational being walking my talk practically and magically every day. I am a lover of life and a committed light bearer for humanity. I cherish life as a privilege to be human. 
On the ground level of this life, I am a re­tired phys­io­ther­a­pist (physical therapist), a wife, a mother of three adult children, a cre­ative, a sailor, a skier, a dancer, an au­thor, and a con­tem­pla­tive with a host of other in­ter­ests and ex­plo­rations. On the cos­mic level, I am a bril­liant light of vi­bra­tional en­ergy, vast, and mul­ti­di­men­sional, just like you are. Here on planet Earth, I re­side in Vic­to­ria, British Co­lum­bia, Canada. 
My spir­i­tual jour­ney has moved me to­wards med­i­ta­tion, shamanic jour­ney­ing, and var­i­ous en­ergy heal­ing meth­ods. Step by step, the lim­it­ing be­liefs that I had taken up and were re­strict­ing me from know­ing my­self as love in ac­tion have trans­formed. Now I like to flow with life, al­low­ing ease and grace to be my com­pan­ions. I have learned to trust in life. The more I trust and al­low life to un­fold, the eas­ier it be­comes. I walk forth in peace, love, and joy. 
My creed is that by be­ing the love we are, we are con­tribut­ing to the ex­pan­sion and evo­lu­tion of hu­man­ity. When we ac­knowl­edge that we are love, a part of the fab­ric of the Uni­verse, and a part of na­ture, then we can al­low love to flow into us and ra­di­ate out of us to do its work in the world. Do­ing so with an in­ten­tion for the high­est good and love for all ex­pands every pos­si­bil­ity. This is how we will con­sciously build a new world where the source of all ac­tion is love in­stead of fear. 
As a life long learner, I have completed 
Gene Keys Golden Path, Deep Dives and the Gene Keys Guides Programme. Natural Healing Arts and Energy Medicine Intensive with Sharon Forrest Visionseeker and Continuum Workshops on Shamanism and Spirit Medicine with Hank Wesselman  Reiki Courses Level 1 and 2 As an active lover of movement, I participate in 
Conscious Dance having explored 5Rythmes, Open Floor and Dance of Oneness Tai Chi Walking, running and biking regularly. Know Thyself and Love Thyself is my motto.

30 min