51 min

A Little Time Goes a Long Way with Kerry and Chris Shook The Love Offering

    • Christianity

The apostle James says, “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14b). Psalm 90 shares something similar when the psalmist reminds us a thousand years are like a day to the Lord. Realizing our days are numbered helps us to steward the little time we have wisely and for eternal good. If we have something important we want to do, we must not put it off for a better day. Because life is short, we shouldn’t neglect what is truly important. Time is but a vapor and we can’t get it back. On today’s episode, Kerry Shook and his wife, Chris Shook, chat about their books One Month to Live and The Gift of One Day. Join us to find out how to make every day and every moment matter!
Connect with Kerry and Chris: https://www.kerryshook.org

The apostle James says, “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14b). Psalm 90 shares something similar when the psalmist reminds us a thousand years are like a day to the Lord. Realizing our days are numbered helps us to steward the little time we have wisely and for eternal good. If we have something important we want to do, we must not put it off for a better day. Because life is short, we shouldn’t neglect what is truly important. Time is but a vapor and we can’t get it back. On today’s episode, Kerry Shook and his wife, Chris Shook, chat about their books One Month to Live and The Gift of One Day. Join us to find out how to make every day and every moment matter!
Connect with Kerry and Chris: https://www.kerryshook.org

51 min