34 min

A Little Inclusion Goes a Long Way with Nicole Langman The Love Offering

    • Christianity

The biggest lie you will ever believe is the one that says you're unwanted. If rejection or betrayal has come crashing through your door - you know the emotional shattering this brings. You understand the brokenness.

And you know the heartache of standing in the jagged fragments of a new normal you never wanted. But God is a Masterful Potter. He gently redeems and restores our broken pieces and brings beauty into the wounded spaces.

If you’ve been shattered by rejection or betrayal, this episode is for you! Nicole Langman is joining us to talk about her book, You Are Wanted. Join us as Nicole walks us through her own steps to healing and cheers you on through the valley towards recovery.
Connect with Nicole:

The biggest lie you will ever believe is the one that says you're unwanted. If rejection or betrayal has come crashing through your door - you know the emotional shattering this brings. You understand the brokenness.

And you know the heartache of standing in the jagged fragments of a new normal you never wanted. But God is a Masterful Potter. He gently redeems and restores our broken pieces and brings beauty into the wounded spaces.

If you’ve been shattered by rejection or betrayal, this episode is for you! Nicole Langman is joining us to talk about her book, You Are Wanted. Join us as Nicole walks us through her own steps to healing and cheers you on through the valley towards recovery.
Connect with Nicole:

34 min