The Dr. Westin Childs Podcast

Dr. Westin Childs
Podcast The Dr. Westin Childs Podcast

Do you feel like your thyroid is taking over your life? Are you suffering from symptoms like weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, or mood swings? If so, you aren’t alone. In fact, millions of other thyroid patients in the United States and around the world suffer from the same issues. And these issues persist even in the face of normal treatment with thyroid medication! The question is: what can you do about it? That’s exactly what this podcast is about. I’m Dr. Westin Childs (D.O.) a former practicing osteopathic physician and my goal is to help thyroid patients get back to feeling 100%. Well, I actually have 2 goals: #1. The first is to help 1 million thyroid patients directly or indirectly. And #2. To create the most comprehensive and helpful thyroid resource for thyroid patients on the internet. I know just how debilitating thyroid disease can be and I also know that it is possible to take control of your life. One of the biggest problems with thyroid management is that we just don’t talk about it enough. This podcast changes that. We are going to discuss all sorts of topics ranging from thyroid management, the use of less talked about thyroid medications, opinions on emerging treatments and therapies from leading experts, the use of natural therapies and how they fit into the conventional model, and so much more. If you want more information aside from the standard thyroid treatment of TSH and levothyroxine then this is the place for you. We won’t just stop at your thyroid, either. Other topics that are relevant and important to thyroid function will be discussed including things like hormone balance, menopause, testosterone replacement therapy, and weight loss therapies. If something helps you to better manage your thyroid, improve your symptoms, lose weight, or balance your hormones then it’s something I want to include. For more information on me and why I do what I do check out my website here: If you have any questions or have a topic you want me to discuss please shoot me an email on my website to submit a request in the "contact" section!

  1. Rapid Weight Gain in Hypothyroidism? Here’s Why

    HÁ 4 DIAS

    Rapid Weight Gain in Hypothyroidism? Here’s Why

    It’s well known that your thyroid controls and regulates your weight through its impact on your metabolism. As a result, it’s actually very common that patients with hypothyroidism end up gaining weight. But what patients usually don’t understand is that if you gain weight from hypothyroidism, only about 10-15 pounds of that weight is directly from your thyroid. So why is it that some thyroid patients gain 30, 40, or even 50 pounds after their diagnosis? The cause for this extra weight gain has more to do with fluid than with actual fat! And because fluid levels can shift rapidly from day to day, they are often responsible for the wide shifts in weight that many thyroid patients experience. The 3 main causes of this rapid weight gain include: 1. Swelling, edema, and water weight. Hypothyroidism puts your body in a state where holding fluid is much more likely due to a condition called myxedema. This thyroid-specific condition results in the accumulation of GAGs and hyaluronic acid in your tissues which pulls in water from circulation resulting in swelling. 2. Constipation. Thyroid patients are also at risk for developing constipation and, if you aren’t having a bowel movement every day, you can start to gain a lot of extra weight from stool. 3. Menstrual problems (hormone-related weight gain) Your thyroid not only regulates your metabolism, but it also has an impact on the menstrual cycle and progesterone. Thyroid dysfunction causes a decline in progesterone which can lead to an imbalance in estrogen:progesterone and excess weight gain from fluid. If you think the weight gain from your thyroid is more related to fat mass instead of water weight then you’ll want to check out this information: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs

  2. AVOID The Carnivore Diet If You Have Thyroid Problems

    20 DE SET.

    AVOID The Carnivore Diet If You Have Thyroid Problems

    There’s no question that changing the food that you eat every day can have a huge impact on your thyroid. For this reason, thyroid patients are always looking for the best diet. This search for the best diet leads a lot of them to the carnivore diet which promotes itself as one of the best diets available. But is it true and should you try it if you have thyroid problems? I’m going to argue no, for 4 main reasons: 1. Carbohydrates are needed for optimal thyroid function. Low-carb diets have been associated with low T3 levels and high reverse T3 levels, the same pattern seen in chronic illness. 2. Decreased carbohydrate intake increases sex hormone binding globulin and decreases the activity of sex hormones. Low-carb diets like carnivore can increase SHBG which can reduce free testosterone and free estradiol levels. This can then impact your thyroid. 3. There are better ways to lose weight. There’s nothing magical about the carnivore diet that you can’t get with other whole-food diets. 4. Low-carb diets cause sleep disturbances. Thyroid patients already have trouble with sleep and going low carb can make this problem even worse. If you want to see diets that I think are better than carnivore, check out this video: You can also find more information and links to resources here: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video. #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto’s

  3. Start Taking Your Thyroid Medication at Night

    9 DE SET.

    Start Taking Your Thyroid Medication at Night

    Contrary to popular belief, you don’t HAVE to take your thyroid medication first thing in the morning. In this video, I discuss some newer studies which show that taking thyroid medication in the evening can be just as effective (if not more effective) than taking in the morning. The takeaway here is that it doesn’t really matter when you take your thyroid medication so long as you are taking it on an empty stomach. And to do that, all you need to do is make sure that you take it 2 hours after (or before) a meal. This leaves the stomach with 2 hours to empty which means that food will not interfere with its absorption. There are two ways to transition to taking your thyroid medication in the evening and I call them the non-skip approach and the skip approach. Most people have no problem taking their thyroid medication in the morning and then again in the evening but if you are sensitive then you may want to try the skip dose approach. For more information and research on this topic, check out this article: If you want to make your thyroid medication even more effective, check out this video: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video. #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto’s

  4. Black Seed Oil Is The #1 Most Effective Treatment for Hashimoto’s

    3 DE SET.

    Black Seed Oil Is The #1 Most Effective Treatment for Hashimoto’s

    Tired of not having good treatment options available for Hashimoto’s? If so, I have some good news for you. Outside of traditional treatments like thyroid medication, there are some incredibly powerful natural options that have been shown in some research studies to help. One of the most potent is known as nigella sativa. I’m going to use nigella sativa and black seed oil almost interchangeably in this video but here’s the difference: Nigella sativa is the plant that produces black seeds and black seeds can be cold pressed to produce black seed oil. The active ingredients in nigella sativa can be found in both black seeds and black seed oil so it’s very likely that taking any of these 3 may provide benefits. One study that looked at nigella sativa found the following: 1. It had a pro-thyroid benefit and acted to help reduce TSH levels and increase free thyroid hormone levels. 2. It had a thyroid-antibody-reducing benefit and resulted in a decrease in TPO antibodies by almost 50%. 3. It may provide an anti-thyroid cancer benefit by reducing VEGF levels. These results are incredible and should perk the interest of just about every patient with Hashimoto’s. The study referenced here used nigella sativa at 2 grams per day but I think black seed oil can provide superior benefits. Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video. #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto’s

  5. The BEST & WORST Forms of Vitamin B12

    1 DE AGO.

    The BEST & WORST Forms of Vitamin B12

    Vitamin B12 is incredibly important and many people simply don’t get enough. And if you don’t get enough then you’ll end up with symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, brain fog, depression, nerve problems, heart palpitations, and anemia. That’s one problem. The other is that the form of B12 that most people use is the wrong one. Let’s talk about the 4 most common forms of vitamin B12, which one(s) you should use, and which one(s) you should avoid: 1. Cyanocobalamin This is probably the worst form of vitamin B12 because it’s synthetic (not natural), it comes attached to cyanide that must be metabolized, and it requires activation by the body before it can be used. 2. Adenosylcobalamin Adenosylcobalamin is one of two active forms of vitamin B12 and it’s found primarily in the mitochondria where it helps create ATP for your cells. 3. Methylcobalamin Methylcobalamin is another active form of B12 which is found in the cytoplasm where it helps eliminate homocysteine. 4. Hydroxycobalamin Hydroxycobalamin is an intermediate form of B12 that is more stable than adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin but is not as active. Which form should you use? The best case scenario is to use the 3 active (and intermediate) forms all together so that even if you have a B12 metabolism genetic defect or polymorphism, your body can still utilize the B12. A combination of 1,000 mcg of methylcobalamin plus 1,000 mcg of adenosylcobalamin plus 1,000 mcg of hydroxycobalamin would be ideal. Not sure if you need to use B12? Check out this video next: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video. #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto

  6. Side Effects of T2 Thyroid Hormone: Is It Dangerous?

    23 DE JUL.

    Side Effects of T2 Thyroid Hormone: Is It Dangerous?

    T2 thyroid hormone, also known as 3,5 diiodo-l-thyronine, is gaining a lot of attention among thyroid patients, and for good reason. As far as thyroid hormones are concerned, T2 plays a major role in regulating metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, and heat production, making it the ideal treatment if you are suffering from hypothyroid-related weight gain as well as high cholesterol. For this reason, many thyroid patients are wondering if it’s right for them and they’ve been asking a lot of questions: Is T2 thyroid hormone safe? What are the side effects? And should I try it? Well, this video is going to shed light on all of those. First, we have no reason to suspect that T2 thyroid hormone is harmful because thyroid patients have been using it for over 70 years. This is because T2 is found in small amounts in NDT thyroid medications like Armour thyroid. What about side effects? Based on the over 10,000 thyroid patients who have used my T2 supplement, here’s what I’ve found: Roughly 70-75% see some benefit when taking it. Roughly 5-10% see no discernable benefit and roughly 10-15% of patients see some minor negative side effect when taking it. So, should you give T2 a try? That depends on how you are feeling. If you are a thyroid patient who is currently feeling lousy despite taking your thyroid medication every day then, yeah, giving it a try may be a good idea. In addition, if you are a thyroid patient suffering from the inability to lose weight then that’s another reason to consider giving it a try. Interested in learning more about how T2 can help with weight loss? Check out this video: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through t

  7. What She Eats to Stay Off Thyroid Medication

    17 DE JUL.

    What She Eats to Stay Off Thyroid Medication

    My wife was able to use a combination of diet and lifestyle changes to get off of her T3 thyroid medication. She suffered from an unusual form of thyroid resistance due to an eating disorder in her teenage years which left her with metabolic damage, treatment-resistant depression, thyroid resistance, and the inability to lose weight. She had a complete resolution in her symptoms with the use of T3 thyroid medication (liothyronine) but didn’t want to stay on her thyroid medication forever. To do this, she changed her lifestyle and her diet and, as a result, she was able to get off of her thyroid medication and remain symptom-free. This is her diet: You can see all the recipes here: You can see my perfect thyroid diet here: And you can see another video with a list of diets that have worked for other patients here: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video. #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto’s

  8. Use Thyroid Hormone CREAM Instead of Tabets & Capsules

    12 DE JUL.

    Use Thyroid Hormone CREAM Instead of Tabets & Capsules

    Have you ever wondered why you don’t hear much about thyroid hormone cream? Why is it that all other hormones exist in cream form including progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen? There really isn’t a good reason because the truth is, thyroid hormone cream is probably the single best way to take thyroid medication. It just so happens that not all thyroid hormones are available in cream form... at least not yet. Here are 5 reasons that thyroid hormone creams beat out capsules and tablets: 1. Topical benefits where they are applied. Some studies suggest that topical thyroid hormone application may help regrow hair and help with wound healing. 2. More freedom in when and how you take it. If you take thyroid hormone in cream form then it can be taken at any time of the day and with any type of food. 3. Better bioavailability and absorption. Creams are roughly 2 to 2.5x stronger than oral versions of the exact same hormone. 4. Fewer side effects. Lower doses required mean fewer symptoms, especially heart palpitations. 5. Better symptom control. If your thyroid hormone is more effective then it will result in better symptom control. Right now, the only thyroid hormone available in cream form is T2 Cream which can be found here: But if we can show the pharmaceutical companies that there is interest in thyroid hormone creams more generally, then they will be more likely to start creating T4 and T3 creams. If you’ve never heard about T2 before, be sure to check out this video: Download my free thyroid resources here (including hypothyroid symptoms checklist, the complete list of thyroid lab tests + optimal ranges, foods you should avoid if you have thyroid disease, and more): Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function: - Supplements that everyone with hypothyroidism needs: - Supplement bundle to help reverse Hashimoto’s: - Supplements for those without a thyroid and for those after RAI: - Supplements for active hyperthyroidism: See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here: Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here: Prefer to listen via podcast? Download all of my podcast episodes here: Disclaimer: Dr. Westin Childs received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Childs is no longer practicing medicine and does not hold an active medical license so he can focus on helping people through videos, blog posts, research, and supplement formulation. To read more about why he is no longer licensed please see this page: This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video. #thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto’s

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Do you feel like your thyroid is taking over your life? Are you suffering from symptoms like weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, or mood swings? If so, you aren’t alone. In fact, millions of other thyroid patients in the United States and around the world suffer from the same issues. And these issues persist even in the face of normal treatment with thyroid medication! The question is: what can you do about it? That’s exactly what this podcast is about. I’m Dr. Westin Childs (D.O.) a former practicing osteopathic physician and my goal is to help thyroid patients get back to feeling 100%. Well, I actually have 2 goals: #1. The first is to help 1 million thyroid patients directly or indirectly. And #2. To create the most comprehensive and helpful thyroid resource for thyroid patients on the internet. I know just how debilitating thyroid disease can be and I also know that it is possible to take control of your life. One of the biggest problems with thyroid management is that we just don’t talk about it enough. This podcast changes that. We are going to discuss all sorts of topics ranging from thyroid management, the use of less talked about thyroid medications, opinions on emerging treatments and therapies from leading experts, the use of natural therapies and how they fit into the conventional model, and so much more. If you want more information aside from the standard thyroid treatment of TSH and levothyroxine then this is the place for you. We won’t just stop at your thyroid, either. Other topics that are relevant and important to thyroid function will be discussed including things like hormone balance, menopause, testosterone replacement therapy, and weight loss therapies. If something helps you to better manage your thyroid, improve your symptoms, lose weight, or balance your hormones then it’s something I want to include. For more information on me and why I do what I do check out my website here: If you have any questions or have a topic you want me to discuss please shoot me an email on my website to submit a request in the "contact" section!

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