61 episodes

Welcome to the Millionaire Maker Show. A podcast helping expert coaches consistently fill their coaching programs to create more time, more money, more freedom, and more impact.

The Millionaire Maker Show Lindsey Anderson

    • Business
    • 4.8 • 22 Ratings

Welcome to the Millionaire Maker Show. A podcast helping expert coaches consistently fill their coaching programs to create more time, more money, more freedom, and more impact.

    From Prospect To Client: The Art Of Selling To The Gap

    From Prospect To Client: The Art Of Selling To The Gap

    In this episode, I’m diving into the importance of asking tough questions during sales calls. We’ll explore how crucial it is to have clarity and truly understand your client's current and future states. I’ll also cover the gap selling technique and how effective it is for high-ticket sales. Plus, I’ll emphasize why it’s so important to quantify the gap and present tailored solutions.
    From Prospect To Client: The Art Of Selling To The Gap - Key TakeawaysAsk the Tough Questions: Don’t shy away from asking your clients about their downturns or issues. Understanding these challenges is key to offering meaningful help.Follow-Up Questions: Always ask follow-up questions to ensure you have clarity and a deeper understanding of your client's situation.Current and Future State: Focus on both the current struggles and the desired future state of your client.Quantify the Gap: Calculate the gap between where the client is and where they want to be. Use specific metrics and details to make this gap clear.Present Solutions Effectively: Tailor your solutions to directly address the client's identified problems using their own words.Handling Objections: Empathize with objections and dig deeper to understand the real concerns behind them.
    Beliefs Around SalesLet’s talk about changing those negative perceptions about salespeople. It’s so important to embrace the salesperson label for business growth. I’ll share some personal anecdotes about how I overcame my own aversion to sales.
    Gap Selling ExplainedTo effectively use gap selling, you need to understand both the current state and future state of your prospects. Use their language to prescribe solutions effectively and avoid generic pitches by tailoring the offer to their specific needs.
    Practical TipsAlways use a sales script to guide your conversations.Host your sales calls on the phone rather than Zoom for better engagement.Document client responses for future reference.Continuously iterate on your sales questions and techniques.
    Key Quotes"You will close more individuals on a sales call by asking them questions they have never been asked before.""You get to choose who you are. When you choose to be a good salesperson, everything in your business will change.""Most people end up hiding behind marketing because they're afraid of sales.""Quantify the gap as much as possible because it's going to serve you when it comes time to actually offer your services and cover that gap.""A prospect will only believe what comes out of their mouth. They will not believe anything that comes from you."
    Resources MentionedCheck out LindseyAnderson.live for upcoming masterclasses.My digital marketing agency is here to help scale your business if you’re an expert, coach, or consultant.Don’t forget to subscribe to The Millionaire Maker Show on your favorite podcast platform.
    ConclusionEmbrace the role of a salesperson to grow your online business. Use the art of gap selling to truly understand and address your client's needs. Implement these practical tips for more effective sales calls and always look to improve your sales approach through iteration and learning.

    • 31 min
    Preparing For The September Sales Surge

    Preparing For The September Sales Surge

    Today we're diving into a super important topic: preparing for the September sales surge. We'll be talking about how to overcome that summer slowdown, get ready for Q4, and leverage September to make the biggest impact on your sales.
    Preparing For The September Sales Surge - Key TakeawaysThe September sales surge is prime time for selling services online.It's crucial to prepare in advance for the September sales surge.Long-term planning is necessary to avoid business chaos and ensure consistent growth.Maintaining a dependable online presence throughout the summer is key.Always making an offer, even during slow periods, is essential.The Invite-Only Event is a powerful conversion strategy.
    Episode HighlightsIntroduction to The September Sales SurgeSeptember is critical for sales for service-based businesses.The summer slowdown affects everyone; competitors and customers seem to disappear.By September, people are ready to invest in services and routines.
    Long-term Planning and PreparationIt's essential to warm up your audience before September.If you wait until September to start, it’s too late.Having a strategy and plan for the rest of the year is important.
    Mindset and Business SuccessLong-term thinking is crucial for moving out of business chaos.Businesses that plan ahead and strategize succeed more consistently.Planning the rest of the year during the summer can set you up for fall success.
    The Importance of Intimacy in SalesAI and competition are changing the landscape.Building trust and intimacy with prospects is key.Focus on live interactions, DMs, and relationship building.
    The Summer Slowdown and Revenue ChallengesDecreased sales and revenue are common in the summer.There’s pressure on Q4 to make up for the summer lull.It's essential to continue making offers and engaging with your audience.
    Conversion Events: The Invite-Only Event StrategyAlways have a conversion event, even during the summer.The Invite-Only Event: a weekly, rinse-and-repeat masterclass.This strategy allows for iteration and improvement over time.
    Key Quotes"September is a sizzling hot time to sell services. The kids are back in school, people are off vacation, and they’re ready to invest in themselves.""If you wait until September to get your audience warmed up and your conversion events in order, it's much too late.""Businesses that plan ahead and think long-term are the ones that avoid chaos and see consistent growth.""Intimacy will sell your services better than anything. Focus on live interactions and building relationships.""Always make an offer. Your audience needs to know exactly what you do and how you can help them."
    Resources MentionedVisit my website for upcoming LIVE workshops: LindseyAnderson.livePrevious episodes of The Millionaire Maker Show discussing invite-only events and other conversion strategies.
    ConclusionPreparing for the September sales surge is incredibly important. Adopting long-term planning and always making offers can set you up for success. Don't forget to visit LindseyAnderson.live for free workshops and further training. And remember, building intimacy and trust with your prospects is crucial in today's competitive landscape.

    • 39 min
    The Invite-Only Event: The Last Masterclass You'll Ever Have to Give

    The Invite-Only Event: The Last Masterclass You'll Ever Have to Give

    In this episode, I discuss the importance of consistent pitching and making offers, highlighting my Invite-Only Event strategy and the 54-minute masterclass approach. I place emphasis on the importance of improving through iteration and metrics. 
    The Invite-Only Event - Key TakeawaysThe Invite-Only Event strategy is a game-changer for consistent client acquisition.The ideal duration for these events is 54 minutes, tested and proven effective.Intimacy and personal touch are crucial for successful sales in the current market.It’s important to take a well-structured, repetitive approach to masterclasses.
    The Invite-Only Event StrategySales success comes from consistent offers and pitchesThe Invite-Only Event provides a structured, repeatable approachRegular execution and improvement through tracking metrics are keyFocus on personalization and intimacy to stand out in a competitive market
    Common Mistakes and SolutionsBroad Event TitlesExample: "How to Get Everything You Want in Life" vs. "How to Achieve More Than Success"Broad titles attract less qualified leadsSpecific, targeted titles attract the right audience
    Attracting Non-Quality LeadsExample: "How to Reclaim Your Health Over 50, Even When Your Body Seems to Be Failing You" vs. "How to Reclaim Your Health Over 50, Even if Your Doctor Says There is Nothing You Can Do"Refine your messaging to attract high-quality prospects
    Key Quotes"Sales really happen when you're making an offer and pitching consistently.""The Invite-Only Event is a masterclass that you give on rinse and repeat.""The power in the Invite-Only Event is all about intimacy.""Use a script. Use a script.""If you don't think offering a 50-minute call is a gift, you have some inner work to do."
    Resources MentionedPrevious podcast episodes on the One True Client Method: https://www.lindseya.com/podcast Go to LindseyA.com/coaching to apply for your Invite-Only Event mapping  strategy session

    • 28 min
    How to Prepare Your Business for the Ups & Downs Coming in the Next 3 Months

    How to Prepare Your Business for the Ups & Downs Coming in the Next 3 Months

    Today, we're diving into the emotional cycle of business, making strategic decisions for growth and scalability, and discussing the unique challenges of being an online entrepreneur. I’ll emphasize the importance of sticking to a strategy and system, and recognizing and managing emotional patterns in business. 
    How to Prepare Your Business for the Ups & Downs Coming in the Next 3 Months - Key Takeaways:
    Understand the emotional cycle in business.Learn how emotional decisions impact business success.Discover why having a consistent strategy and system is crucial.Prepare your business for the fall sales peak.Recognize and break emotional patterns in your business.
    The Emotional Cycle of Business:Uninformed Optimism:You’re excited about new strategies and programs.You focus on the benefits without recognizing the costs.Positive emotions drive massive action.Informed Pessimism:You realize the effort required to change.Positive emotions turn into pessimism.The cost of change becomes apparent.Valley of Despair:This is the lowest emotional point in the cycle.It’s the stage where you’re most likely to give up.Pain and emotional discomfort are at their highest.
    Handling the Valley of Despair:Recognize it as a temporary phase and push through.Act unbothered to maintain calm and productivity.Keep a long-term perspective and focus on consistent actions.Understand that today’s efforts have ripple effects into the future.
    Acting Unbothered:Helps you maintain a calm and collected demeanor.Allows for better decision-making and leadership.Prevents the anxiety alarm from derailing productivity.Train your body to remain calm under stress by controlling your thoughts and reactions.
    The Launch Cycle:Experience the emotional highs and lows of a 10-day live launch.Get a day-by-day breakdown of the typical emotional journey during a launch.Learn the importance of maintaining momentum and showing up consistently.Discover the “hockey stick” sales pattern and how to maximize the closed cart phase.
    VIP Client Success:Our hands-on approach to developing and implementing marketing and sales systems.Provide access to my processes, systems, and team.Build a real, scalable, and legacy online business.Get emotional support and guidance throughout the launch cycle.
    Key Quotes:"Being an entrepreneur and an online business owner, it's not for the faint of heart.""You end up being emotionally driven by decisions in your business.""Having a strategy that you stick to and a system that you stick to every single day is what's going to bring those consistent sales.""Acting unbothered allows you to act cool, calm, and collected and do those things that you know need to be done.""Building a business is a long game, and maintaining a long-term perspective is crucial."
    Resources Mentioned:Head over to LindseyA.com for a free masterclass on preparing your business for record sales this fall.Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.lindsey.anderson 
    Conclusion:Embrace and understand the emotional cycles in business. Recognize the importance of resilience and a long-term perspective. Adopt an unbothered attitude to maintain calm and productivity. Strategic planning...

    • 34 min
    Linda Cohen: The Power of Kindness in Business

    Linda Cohen: The Power of Kindness in Business

    In this episode, I welcome special guest, Linda Cohen. We discuss the importance of incorporating kindness into company culture. We explore strategies and methods to elevate the workplace environment, overcome common obstacles in promoting kindness, and provide practical tips for leaders and managers to foster kindness.
    Guest IntroductionOur guest is Linda Cohen, an expert on kindness in the workplace. With over a decade of experience working with companies to integrate kindness, Linda is a keynote speaker and consultant with a focus on company culture. She is also the author of books on kindness and gratitude.
    The Power of Kindness in Business - Key TakeawaysKindness in company culture can significantly improve employee relations and productivity.Recognition and communication are crucial elements of promoting kindness.Simple practices like breath work and gratitude can have a profound impact on organizational dynamics.Managing interpersonal relationships is key to a harmonious work environment.Empathy and understanding towards employees' personal challenges enhance overall workplace morale.
    Common Obstacles in Promoting KindnessIdentifying and addressing areas where recognition is lacking.Finding new ways to talk about kindness without it feeling repetitive.Helping employees adopt a mindset of kindness and empathy.
    Key Strategies for Incorporating KindnessImplementing recognition programs to highlight positive behaviors.Encouraging effective and compassionate communication.Introducing breathwork techniques to manage stress and maintain calmness.Establishing gratitude practices within the workplace to foster a positive atmosphere.
    Practical TipsCreate a big post-it note board in the lunchroom for employees to share what they are grateful for.Encourage the use of gratitude journals and incentivize participation with rewards.Introduce breathwork techniques like box breathing to help manage stress.
    Key Quotes"Kindness is contagious. It's really important that we elevate that space.""Most people are kind. We need to find common ground and see the good in each other.""Treating employees with kindness makes them better employees, better human beings, and better family members.""You can control how you act or react in any situation, even if you can't control the situation itself.""Kill them with kindness. Sometimes being kind to someone who is unkind can help break them open to a higher, more positive self.""Recognition is one of the main ways to bring kindness into your company.""Communication is crucial, especially when having difficult conversations with empathy and compassion.""Taking three deep breaths can change how you physically feel and enter a situation.""Gratitude practices can transform workplace culture and increase engagement."
    Resources MentionedLinda's website: lindacohenconsulting.comLinda's LinkedIn: Linda M CohenConnect with Linda on Instagram: @kindnessfromcohen Find Linda on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lindacohenconsulting Join my upcoming Invite-Only Event LIVE masterclass: https://www.lindseyanderson.live/generator 
    ConclusionEmphasizing the journey over the destination in building a...

    • 29 min
    How To Attract A Higher Paying Client

    How To Attract A Higher Paying Client

    In this solo episode, I’m diving into how to attract a higher-paying client. We’ll cover the importance of self-belief and program quality, and strategies to help you attract those higher-paying clients. 
    How To Attract A higher Paying Client - Key Takeaways:Self-belief is crucial for commanding higher rates.High-quality programs are essential for attracting high-paying clients.Understanding your ideal client is critical.Effective positioning and messaging are key to attracting high-paying clients.Continuous improvement and refinement of your program and approach are necessary.
    Strategies for Attracting a Higher-Paying Client:Self-Belief: You need to believe in your program’s value and your worth to command high rates.Program Quality: Make sure your program delivers significant value and results.Ideal Client Identification: Clearly define and understand your high-paying ideal client.Demographics: Consider age, income level, interests.Positioning: Know where you stand in the market compared to competitors.Messaging: Craft precise, high-quality messaging that resonates with high-paying clients.Avoid language that attracts lower-quality clients.Align your brand visuals and messaging with a high-ticket image.
    Avoiding Common Pitfalls:It’s easier to market to less experienced clients, but that’s not the goal here.You might feel safer talking down to less experienced clients, but this limits your potential.Fear of missing out (FOMO) can make you try to include everyone in your messaging, but this dilutes your effectiveness.
    Positioning Yourself as an Expert:Use the “lawyer filter” to maintain professionalism in all your content.Produce high-quality content like blog posts and videos.Clients are willing to pay for professionalism and expertise.
    High-Quality Programs and Client Referrals:Always iteratively improve your programs based on client feedback.High-quality programs lead to high-quality referrals and testimonials.Showcasing testimonials from high-paying clients is invaluable.
    High-Ticket Sales Strategies:Understand the difference between selling low-ticket and high-ticket offers.Have a prescriptive sales process and a clear script.Listen to and analyze sales calls for continuous improvement.Close sales through effective communication and understanding client needs.
    Key Quotes:"You will attract the kind of customers that you think you deserve.""If you knew what I knew about your problem, you would run, not walk, to my program.""You cannot sell to somebody who's not in your experience.""Sales is a skill. If you have not been trained in sales, you're missing out on money."
    Resources Mentioned:Check out my live events and workshops at Lindseya.com.Apply for a Millionaire Maker Blueprint Strategy Session at Lindseya.com/coaching.
    Conclusion:Continuous refinement is necessary to sell to a higher paying client. Use the One True Client method for effective niching, positioning, and messaging. Reflect your self-worth and program value in your marketing efforts. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and stay tuned for more episodes.

    • 26 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
22 Ratings

22 Ratings

Ashley N Cox ,

Insightful + Actionable Advice

Lindsey is a powerhouse host! She asks her guests fantastic questions and ensures every episode is packed with insightful, valuable, and actionable advice.

NicoleJansenInc ,

Great podcast!

Lindsay is a dynamic host and draws out valuable insights from her guests. Worth a listen!

LivyBrynn: Realestating! ,

Lindsey is fun to listen to & a wealth of knowledge

I’ve learned soooo much just by attending her events and listening to the show. More than that, after applying her strategies, I’ve grown as an entrepreneur and signed more clients!

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