300 episodes

The Money Advantage provides simple, fun, and doable financial talk that helps wealth creators build time and money freedom with cash flow strategies, Infinite Banking, and alternative investments so you never have to worry about running out of money.

Through our family office model, we utilize strategies for cash flow, long-term tax reduction, estate and business legal planning, creative whole life insurance strategies (Privatized Banking), and alternative investments.

The Money Advantage Podcast Bruce Wehner & Rachel Marshall

    • Business
    • 4.7 • 58 Ratings

The Money Advantage provides simple, fun, and doable financial talk that helps wealth creators build time and money freedom with cash flow strategies, Infinite Banking, and alternative investments so you never have to worry about running out of money.

Through our family office model, we utilize strategies for cash flow, long-term tax reduction, estate and business legal planning, creative whole life insurance strategies (Privatized Banking), and alternative investments.

    Fractional Reserve Banking Creates Inflation: Infinite Banking is the Solution

    Fractional Reserve Banking Creates Inflation: Infinite Banking is the Solution

    Inflation causes everything to feel more expensive, so what do you do to protect your money from inflation? Today, we'll explore the link between inflation and fractional reserve banking, and how Infinite Banking is the sound money solution.


    A thought-provoking journey through inflation, fractional reserve banking, and the revolutionary concept of infinite banking. This episode promises to demystify how the traditional banking system and increased currency supply fuel inflation, challenging widespread misconceptions. You'll gain a deeper understanding of inflation's root causes by contrasting liberal views with Austrian economic theories, and learn how your everyday choices can influence market prices.

    Next, we shift gears to tackle the often-overlooked topic of healthcare pricing elasticity. Hear real-life stories about how informed consumer decisions can lead to significant savings on prescriptions and medical procedures. Discover practical strategies for price negotiation without confrontation, and understand the ripple effects of increased money circulation on the economy. We'll also discuss the impact of government policies like minimum wage hikes on business expenses and overall market pricing.

    Finally, explore a smarter financial strategy that sidesteps the pitfalls of fractional reserve banking. By leveraging whole life insurance policies, you can protect your assets from inflation and achieve greater financial security. Rachel and Bruce explain the benefits of mutual insurance companies, which maintain robust reserves, and how these practices can create a more stable personal economy. This episode is packed with insights and actionable advice to help you take control of your financial destiny and build a prosperous future.

    So, if you want to learn how to ensure more economic stability and prosperity, tune in today!

    What is Inflation?The Nature of BankingResources: Book A Strategy Call

    What is Inflation?

    We all feel the effects of inflation, but what is it really? Inflation is when a dollar becomes less and less valuable. Inflation is why bread used to cost a couple of nickels and now costs more than a couple of dollars. And one of the major reasons for inflation is that our banks continue to pump more dollars into the banking system, decreasing the overall value of a single dollar. 

    Fractional reserve banking—our current banking system—allows banks to keep only a fraction of their customer’s money in reserves. This means that banks can do more business than what they actually have available. While this can stimulate the economy on some level, this also means that money is being created out of thin air. And when this happens en masse, it can create major instability. After all, the more money in circulation, the more prices begin to creep up to match.

    The Nature of Banking

    Let’s look more closely at how banking, as most people know it, works. If you deposit $1,000 in the bank, your institution is not required to have that exact amount in a vault somewhere just for you. In fact, they’re not even required to have that $1,000 at all. They’re only required to have a fraction of that on hand, right now it’s somewhere in the ballpark of a 1 to 10 ratio. So of the $1,000 you’ve deposited, the banks only have to keep $100 on hand. 

    When you take a loan from the bank, they’re “creating” that loan out of dollars that do not exist in their reserves. And then you’re paying it back with dollars that do exist. Just the actions of taking loans with our banking institutions are inflating the money supply. Then what happens if you want to liquidate your account, if the banks only have 10% on hand at a given time? 

    These are all things that can make banking tenuous. And yet, by taking control of the banking function with whole life insurance, you can mitigate a lot of this harm. When you take policy loans, for example,

    • 46 min
    Buy Term and Invest the Difference: Here’s What’s Wrong

    Buy Term and Invest the Difference: Here’s What’s Wrong

    Are you trying to decide which type of life insurance to buy? You want to protect your family in case something happens, so how do you do it best? Whole life insurance is often rejected as expensive and a poor "investment," while mainstream opinion leans in favor of the "buy term and invest the difference" strategy, which involves opting for cheap insurance coverage and investing the dollars you save.


    We'll guide you through the compelling story behind the "Buy Term and Invest the Difference" strategy, a concept born from Art Williams' personal experiences in the late 1960s. By examining the benefits and pitfalls of this popular approach, we empower you to make informed decisions tailored to your unique financial goals and risk tolerance.

    Explore the vital distinctions between whole life and term life insurance, and learn why a one-size-fits-all solution may not serve your best interests. Through relatable analogies and real-life examples, we break down the often misunderstood aspects of life insurance, helping you see the bigger picture. We also address the psychological and financial barriers that many face when considering life insurance, sharing insights from LIMRA and Dr. Wade Pfau on how whole life insurance can provide a stable safety net during economic downturns.

    Finally, we delve into the concept of becoming your own banker, illustrating how this alternative perspective can offer unparalleled financial flexibility and security. By understanding the sequence of returns risk and leveraging whole life insurance loans during market downturns, you can protect your investment portfolio and ensure long-term financial stability. Join us for an episode packed with actionable insights and strategies to enhance your financial planning journey.

    The Myth of “Buy Term and Invest the Difference”Breaking Down Insurance, Investments, and MoreCommon Pitfalls of Investing the DifferenceIs Term Insurance Actually Cheaper?Who is Buy Term and Invest the Difference For?Book A Strategy Call

    The Myth of “Buy Term and Invest the Difference”

    The idea of “buy term and invest the difference” is really common in the financial sphere, because on the surface it seems to make a lot of practical sense. After all, you’re being told “buy cheap insurance to get the protection, then build your wealth in investments.” The problem is that this strategy doesn't work with certain goals. There isn't a singular, perfect insurance strategy to trump all else. There are myriad ways to get coverage, depending on what you want out of your dollars.

    Many people believe that Art Williams is the origin of this phrase; after his father passed, the whole life insurance death benefit didn’t seem as large as what a term insurance policy could have been, and for less money. He felt strongly that his father had been sold the “wrong” policy, and so his life’s mission became to get rid of whole life insurance. Curiously, he partnered with a mutual company, and the phrase “buy term, invest the difference” was born. 

    Breaking Down Insurance, Investments, and More

    So what are the elements of “buy term and invest the difference”? It may sound like there are two things at play here, but really there are many factors to consider. While of course there’s term insurance and stocks (or other investments, technically), you have to ask what that strategy is being compared to. And what that’s being compared to is whole life insurance.

    Whole life insurance is insurance that is with you for your whole life, and if done with IBC in mind, can also be used as a warehouse for your wealth. Whole life insurance is guaranteed to pay out no matter what age you die, and if you live to the “end” of the policy (called endowment), the death benefit gets paid directly to you. This is permanent insurance in the truest sense. 

    Comparatively, term insurance is insurance that y

    • 50 min
    Leave a Legacy: The Two Essentials for Lasting Impact

    Leave a Legacy: The Two Essentials for Lasting Impact

    Do you want to make a difference that lasts for generations? If you have children or grandchildren that you want to benefit, bless, and uplift, you can make plans now to accomplish that priority.

    Before you start planning, though, there are two essentials you'll need. These two components will help you get started and follow through so that you complete your plans.  


    Rachel Marshall's near-death experience during childbirth was more than just a life-changing event; it was a wake-up call that transformed her perspective on the fragility of life and the urgency of planning for the future. 

    This episode urges us to rethink our priorities and embrace a mindset that transcends personal gain to create a ripple effect of positive impact. Rachel's poignant story serves as a powerful reminder that our current mindset shapes our behaviors and results, urging us to seize our resources to make a meaningful, lasting difference for future generations.

    Join us as we explore how shifting from self-centered thinking to an impact-driven approach can revolutionize both our personal lives and professional endeavors. 

    Rachel emphasizes the importance of building generational wealth and fostering family enterprises that serve not just ourselves but our descendants. We delve into the concept of creating multi-faceted wealth—encompassing financial, human, social, intellectual, and spiritual capital—using the ancient Iroquois' seven-generation perspective as inspiration. 

    This episode is a compelling call to action to adopt long-term thinking and commit to creating value for others, laying the groundwork for a legacy that promotes human flourishing across generations.

    Tune in today to get equipped with the right mindset so you can ensure your efforts to provide for your children, protect your family, leave an inheritance, complete your estate planning, pass on family wealth, and train your children will leave a lasting impact.

    Personal Crisis to LegacyTwo Essentials for Lasting ImpactThe Decision to Create WealthThe 7-Generation LensBook A Strategy Call

    Personal Crisis to Legacy

    If you want to leave a legacy, make a difference, and leave the world a better place, you will have to think differently and become a different person to do it. Legacy wasn’t always on my mind; there was a time when I took my life and health for granted. It wasn’t until a personal crisis that I came face to face with reality: life is not guaranteed. 

    After an already difficult birth, my situation took a turn when I began losing an overwhelming amount of blood, and I ended up needing a full blood transfusion. Our family was faced with the very real possibility that I would not make it. I'm grateful to be here today, but I'm also profoundly grateful for the complete shift that experience was for how Lucas and I approach life and legacy. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, do not wait to make positive change and prepare your legacy.

    [05:10] “The fact that our lives are not guaranteed makes us realize that we have power today while we have our mental faculties and our breath to be able to do so much that will impact the lives of our children and grandchildren beyond us.”

    Two Essentials for Lasting Impact

    If you’re ready to create lasting impact for your children, grandchildren, and many generations beyond that, you’ve got to change your mindset. It’s not as simple as it sounds, however. Our actions follow our thinking, so it’s critical that you’re not just changing your behaviors to try and achieve results. You’ve also got to change your mind. That way, you’re living and embodying the transformation you’re trying to achieve, rather than paying it mere lip service. 

    [06:15] “If you just try to do the right tactics and strategies and figure out what the successful people are doing, and you just try to implement behavior… the challenge is you can exhaust yo

    • 25 min
    Infinite Banking Concept: Maximizing Financial Windfalls

    Infinite Banking Concept: Maximizing Financial Windfalls

    Today, we're answering a listener question on maximizing financial windfalls:

    Can you do a future episode on what to do with a windfall? Specifically, the use of a premium deposit fund over many years and dumping it into a 7-pay or 10-pay policy. I would love to hear how this could be an option for inheritance or selling a business or property.


    What should you do when a financial windfall lands in your lap? Whether it's from selling a business, a property, or receiving an inheritance, knowing how to manage and maximize a large influx of cash can be daunting. On this episode of the Money Advantage podcast, we tackle this critical question by breaking down strategic approaches tailored to individual financial goals and circumstances. Using the analogy of a sailboat, we explore how to incorporate additional funds into a well-balanced policy without risking instability or running afoul of modified endowment contract laws.

    Our discussion touches on the considerations for managing windfalls through life insurance policies. We look at the sustainability of funding new policies beyond the initial windfall and the implications of different funding durations, like 10-pay versus 30-pay options. The potential benefits of convertible term life insurance and practical steps for integrating significant windfalls into your policy are highlighted. You’ll gain insights into cash flow strategies and premium deposit funds, all aligned with long-term financial goals.

    Finally, we examine the benefits and pitfalls of various policy designs. From the "skinny base policy" with large Paid-Up Additions (PUAs) to the risks of prematurely hitting human life value limits, we cover it all. Our conversation also dives into the actuarial decisions that impact policy performance, emphasizing the importance of flexible policy designs to adapt to future changes.

    Can You Design a Policy to Store a Windfall?Policy Design for Maximizing Financial WindfallsUsing a Windfall to Pay Policy LoansFund an Investment FirstBook A Strategy Call

    Can You Design a Policy to Store a Windfall?

    One of the most common questions we get pertaining to windfalls—i.e. Unpredictable sums of money like an inheritance—is can you design a life insurance policy to plunk that money into? It’s a smart question, especially if you are currently implementing an Infinite Banking strategy. After all, if you already know that life insurance is your preferred asset for warehousing wealth, why wouldn’t you do so? 

    So what’s the answer? Well, you certainly can design a whole life insurance policy to house a windfall, but you might not want to. At least, you might not want to put that money in via a lump sum. Otherwise, you run the risk of your policy turning into a MEC, or modified endowment contract. A whole life insurance policy can become a MEC by over-funding it and doing so means that it loses its designation as an insurance asset in the eyes of the IRS and it loses its tax advantages. 

    Think of your life insurance premiums as a sailboat. The base premium is the boat itself, the hull. To put additional funds into the policy, you would add term riders, which would be like the mast of the sailboat. Then, the PUAs are like the sails. If the mast or the sails get too big relative to the base of the boat, it’s going to tip over. It won’t be efficient—becoming a MEC. If you're trying to design a policy now for a potential windfall later, you would be designing a policy with a "skinny base" in order to have room for PUAs later. But doing this creates an unstable policy.

    All of this is to say, you definitely want to add sufficient term insurance riders and PUAs in a policy, but be careful to keep it balanced for your personal goals. Some people may want to have a MEC, but it’s better to do so when you’re choosing to, rather than by accident or carelessness. 

    Policy Design for Maximizing Financi

    • 45 min
    Why Dividend Rates Don’t Matter

    Why Dividend Rates Don’t Matter

    When searching for an Infinite Banking policy, a common question is, which company will give me the best dividend rate? Today we dive into answering why dividend rates don't matter. The perception is that the highest dividend rate will turn out to be the best policy performance over time, ending up with the highest growth in your policy, and giving you the greatest financial benefits.


    But this is the wrong approach to building capital and becoming your own banker by using Infinite Banking to build growing, accessible capital you can use.

    Today we bust common misconceptions and highlight the various factors that influence your policy's dividends—from the guaranteed interest rate to the financial strategies of insurance companies—arming you with the knowledge to make savvy, long-term financial decisions.

    We also break down the all-important task of selecting the right insurance company for infinite banking. With a keen eye on the practices of various insurance companies, we emphasize the role of long-term stability and customer-focused service. Understand why the initial illustrations aren't the be-all and end-all, and learn the importance of a company’s conservative financial practices in sustaining your policy’s performance over time.

    Finally, we tackle the dynamic nature of dividend rates and how infinite banking principles can help you maximize the compounding growth of your cash value, even when borrowing against your policy. This episode is packed with practical advice on implementing infinite banking now to ensure your financial assets are secure and growing for future generations. Don’t miss out on these invaluable insights that go beyond the numbers to profoundly impact your financial future.

    To find out why dividend rates don't matter, and see how to avoid the dividend rate comparison trap that prevents you from having the greatest success with Infinite Banking... tune in today!

    Planning for Long-Term SuccessWhat Are Dividends?What Does the Declared Dividend Mean?Dividends and Contractual IncreasesWhy Dividend Rates Don't MatterBook A Strategy Call

    Planning for Long-Term Success

    When you engage in the Infinite Banking Concept, it’s important to remember that you’re seeking long-term success—over your lifetime, but also for generations to come. Dividends can be a major part of that, but not in the same way you’ve been trained to think about them in the stock market. Dividends in the life insurance realm work a bit differently, and they may seem low to you if you’re used to chasing high rates of return. 

    [4:32] “[The ‘Seven Generations Legacy’ is] this idea and this concept of being able to create something that you can benefit seven generations ahead. And the thinking required to do something of that proportion means that you have to put systems in place that you yourself cannot fully control. You’re putting them in motion, you’re being the impetus, the starting point, the spark that starts something.”

    What Are Dividends?

    The technical definition of a whole life insurance dividend is a refund of excess premium. This is often used to detract from the value of dividends because it’s “just money that you overpaid.” However, this is just a definition for IRS classification and is not the reality of dividends if you actually examine a life insurance policy. Because once you examine a life insurance policy, you’ll see that those designed for cash value growth will eventually have a cash value that exceeds all premiums ever paid to the policy. So how could you be overpaying?

    Dividends are a portion of the company's profits that you receive as a partial owner of the mutual company you have a policy with. The company uses income from your premium payments to make investments into assets like bonds. When the company profits, they must share those profits with policy owners, and that comes in the for

    Family Business Longevity, with Rob Ferguson

    Family Business Longevity, with Rob Ferguson

    Family businesses have a shrinking lifespan. Families in business together face conflicts and challenges that have made it increasingly difficult to build a business that lasts generations.

    Yet Rob Ferguson, founder of Ferguson Alliance, says that family businesses can live to infinity with the right systems and tools. Today, we're discussing how the key components of communication, shared vision, and financials drive family business health. 


    So, whether your family business goals are solving family conflict and disruption, 10X growth, or acquisitions, tune in today to learn how to increase the strength and longevity of your family business.

    This episode peels back the layers on how to foster generational wealth and maintain harmony within family-run companies. The conversation homes in on the essential strategies for early and intentional planning for business succession, highlighting the common pitfalls and conflicts that can derail even the strongest family enterprises. With a wealth of experience, Rob guides us through the complexities of steering companies toward sustainable growth, ensuring they can withstand the test of time and the changing tides of business culture.

    Join us as we reflect on the shifts in family dynamics and their influence on the longevity of family businesses from the 1950s to our current global market. We weigh the tough decisions family businesses confront when choosing to prioritize the business or the family unit. Rob's expert perspective shines a light on how those who focus on the business side often enjoy greater longevity. Yet, he also emphasizes the unique strength that comes from integrating core family values into the business ethos, which can be a potent strategy for success across generations.

    The crescendo of our discussion centers on the art of succession planning. It's a delicate balance that requires giving the next generation both guidance and the freedom to choose their path while ensuring a clear separation of wealth transition, ownership transition, and leadership transition. We explore the profound impact of involving multiple generations in business conversations and the establishment of family constitutions and mission statements. With the wisdom shared by Rob, families are empowered to craft legacies that not only survive but flourish for generations to come.

    The Beginning of a PassionCreating Family Business LongevityFamily ValuesNavigating Conflict When Transitioning the BusinessAbout Rob FergusonConnect with Rob FergusonBook A Strategy Call

    The Beginning of a Passion

    Fifteen to sixteen years ago, Rob Ferguson was the CEO of a 5th generation industrial packaging company, with about 17 cousins involved in the business. Rob was brought in as the first non-family executive to get the business back into shape and sell it. While that was all in the works, Rob recognized that there had to be a way to prevent family businesses from getting to that point of “destruction,” in order to help more families keep their legacy alive and in the family.

    [08:20] “Family businesses in America as we know generate—I think it was right after the pandemic—they generated 78% of all the new jobs. 60% of GDP comes from family business. Almost all of our philanthropy donations come from family businesses. And then if you think about all of the innovation that we’ve seen and experienced, again, they started off as family businesses.”

    Ferguson Alliance was built from Rob’s passion for helping family businesses stay in business and keep the legacy alive. 

    Creating Family Business Longevity

    So what’s changing, and why is it important to keep fighting for family businesses in 2024 and beyond? So what is the major obstacle for family businesses? It’s getting families oriented around their “north star.” 

    When Ferguson Alliance works with a new family business, the first thing they do is ask

    • 49 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
58 Ratings

58 Ratings

David Youuu ,


You gotta love this stuff!

malfoxley ,

Great show!

Bruce and Rachel, hosts of the podcast, highlight all aspects of finance, investments and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!

Heather Bo ,

Awesome Podcast!

Wide range of interesting financial topics, presented in an easygoing and enjoyable manner. This show is both highly entertaining and informative!

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