18 min

The Myth Behind Our Incentive Driven World - 046 Hidden Strengths: The EQ and Business Podcast

    • Careers

When you stop and think, you might realize that much of our world is motivated by incentives. Salary raises, getting our ideal body image, keeping up a good public image as well as everything else in life. You even hear about reality TV shows where people get rewarded or punished depending on if they hit a weight goal. So do incentives really work? Or have we been lied to our whole lives?
Shownotes: https://www.mikexhuang.com/incentives/
Contact Me: https://www.mikexhuang.com/nextlevel/

When you stop and think, you might realize that much of our world is motivated by incentives. Salary raises, getting our ideal body image, keeping up a good public image as well as everything else in life. You even hear about reality TV shows where people get rewarded or punished depending on if they hit a weight goal. So do incentives really work? Or have we been lied to our whole lives?
Shownotes: https://www.mikexhuang.com/incentives/
Contact Me: https://www.mikexhuang.com/nextlevel/

18 min