Welcome. In this episode, Penny and Bill share together the reality that Christmas is much more than one day – it can be a lived reality of hope, peace, love, and joy every day. Our podcast today is a story set to music. A story that encourages each of us to prepare the way of the Lord in our life, today, here and now. To begin to live the love that is Christ’s message, a love that is capable of being made visible in each of our lives, if we so wish. Join Penny and Bill in song and scripture to celebrate the gift of hope, peace, joy, and love that is Christmas and the foundation for every day of life. Come, prepare the way. All are invited to sing along. Find the words to these public domain songs online and join in the festive singing… O Little Town of Bethlehem Away in a Manger What Child is This? O Come, All Ye Faithful Joy to the World Go Tell It On the Mountain We Wish You A Merry Christmas Welcome to the New Awaken Kindness with DaRevsUSA with your hosts Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. Each message explores the challenge of this lived reality through the lens of goodness, hope, and love found in the scriptures of the Christian tradition. About 10 to 20 minutes in length, episodes typically feature a message delivered by Penny or Bill (or both) during a Sunday service. Penny and Bill (the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl) bring a host of lived experiences into their message preparation - including over 35+ years of couplehood. Both are Ordained Ministers in the United Church of Christ (UCC) and co-served a local congregation for nearly 18 years. Both hold a Master of Divinity, Master of Social Work, and PhD in theology, ethics, and the human sciences. In addition to serving in the local church, Penny has also taught divinity and social work at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, Aurora University, and North Park University. Similarly, Bill has taught bachelor, master, and doctoral level courses at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Aurora University, Dominican University, Elmhurst University, and North Park University. Today, in addition to being guest preachers in churches, they offer individual and couples therapy through their private practice CenterToAwakenKindness.com and offer innovative self-development tools through the Grow I Am Self-Development Active Learning Platform growIam.com Come join the journey and be sure to share it with others.