39 min

The Pain Of Ableism And Disability Prejudice With Michelle Nario-Redmond, PhD Pain Science Education

    • Medicine

Disability does not equal inability, but ableism can create barriers that limit opportunities and perpetuate prejudice. It's time for society to recognize and address the harm of ableism and work towards a more inclusive, equitable future for all. In this episode, Dr. Michelle Nario-Redmond, Professor of Psychology and Biomedical Humanities, joins us to discuss the painful realities of ableism and disability prejudice. As an expert in stereotyping, prejudice, and disability studies, Dr. Michelle sheds light on the damaging effects it has on individuals and society as a whole, and the many ways in which ableism intersects with chronic pain and disability. She highlights her work and research on ableism, including her publication, "Ableism: The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice". Through her advocacy work and research, Dr. Michelle has dedicated her life to raising awareness and fighting against ableism and disability prejudice. In this episode, we explore the many ways in which ableism and disability prejudice can be seen, and talk about how to improve the lives of people with a disability. Tune in and be educated about the pain of ableism.

Disability does not equal inability, but ableism can create barriers that limit opportunities and perpetuate prejudice. It's time for society to recognize and address the harm of ableism and work towards a more inclusive, equitable future for all. In this episode, Dr. Michelle Nario-Redmond, Professor of Psychology and Biomedical Humanities, joins us to discuss the painful realities of ableism and disability prejudice. As an expert in stereotyping, prejudice, and disability studies, Dr. Michelle sheds light on the damaging effects it has on individuals and society as a whole, and the many ways in which ableism intersects with chronic pain and disability. She highlights her work and research on ableism, including her publication, "Ableism: The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice". Through her advocacy work and research, Dr. Michelle has dedicated her life to raising awareness and fighting against ableism and disability prejudice. In this episode, we explore the many ways in which ableism and disability prejudice can be seen, and talk about how to improve the lives of people with a disability. Tune in and be educated about the pain of ableism.

39 min