32 min

Subquery: Empowering Developers of Web3 The Pirate Pod

    • Entrepreneurship

James Bayly from Subquery joins the Pirate Pod to discuss the journey of Subquery and its role in empowering developers in the Web3 ecosystem. Subquery provides a data indexing layer for developers to easily access and query blockchain data, improving the user experience of Web3 applications. The team has recently launched a decentralized network where individuals can run nodes and provide data indexing and RPC services. This episode dives into the importance of decentralization and sustainab...

James Bayly from Subquery joins the Pirate Pod to discuss the journey of Subquery and its role in empowering developers in the Web3 ecosystem. Subquery provides a data indexing layer for developers to easily access and query blockchain data, improving the user experience of Web3 applications. The team has recently launched a decentralized network where individuals can run nodes and provide data indexing and RPC services. This episode dives into the importance of decentralization and sustainab...

32 min