99 episodes

People often ask me: ““What’s the #1 thing that allows product-based entrepreneurs to make that leap from bootstrapped and broke to cash flow positive?"

My answer is always the same:

Learning how to grow their revenue with scientific precision.

So why is it so hard to cross that profit-bridge and start seeing momentum in your cash flow?

The answer is simple.

You can’t build a brand entirely on intuition and gut-feel. You need to know your numbers.

I’ve worked with local start-ups and massive corporate brands like Dove, L’Oreal, Chobani, and Lays. And now, I’m sharing that same magic with you!

Tune in to learn how data-driven brand obsession is your ticket to new heights in your business (and your sales!) You’ll hear a mix of my handpicked guest experts, live consulting calls, and my everyday musings based on my many years in the biz.

Learn from my mistakes, celebrate my clients’ successes, and get excited for what comes next. The best is yet to come!

The Product Entrepreneur Podcast Maureen Mwangi

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 21 Ratings

People often ask me: ““What’s the #1 thing that allows product-based entrepreneurs to make that leap from bootstrapped and broke to cash flow positive?"

My answer is always the same:

Learning how to grow their revenue with scientific precision.

So why is it so hard to cross that profit-bridge and start seeing momentum in your cash flow?

The answer is simple.

You can’t build a brand entirely on intuition and gut-feel. You need to know your numbers.

I’ve worked with local start-ups and massive corporate brands like Dove, L’Oreal, Chobani, and Lays. And now, I’m sharing that same magic with you!

Tune in to learn how data-driven brand obsession is your ticket to new heights in your business (and your sales!) You’ll hear a mix of my handpicked guest experts, live consulting calls, and my everyday musings based on my many years in the biz.

Learn from my mistakes, celebrate my clients’ successes, and get excited for what comes next. The best is yet to come!

    #106: Make the Right Pick: Dior Forever Skin Glow or Fenty Sheer Foundation

    #106: Make the Right Pick: Dior Forever Skin Glow or Fenty Sheer Foundation

    Whether you’re a full-face glam type or a natural face girlie, you probably already know one of the most important (and hard to perfect) steps of the makeup routine: 
    Your foundation. 
    I was struggling with this myself this past year. My usual go-to—the Fenty Sheer Glow foundation—just never really agreed with my skin, no matter what I tried. It looks so bomb on other people, but on me, it just sat kind of cakey and dry. My skin never drank it up like I wanted it to. 
    Enter my new fav: the Dior Forever Skin Glow foundation. I gave this one another try, and voila: melty, glassy perfection! 
    But of course, you know me—it’s never just about makeup. 
    My recent discovery got me thinking about the parallels between the foundation we put on our faces and the foundation of our product-based brands.  (Stick with me here!)
    Your base sets the tone for your final look. 
    It either pulls everything together, or it sets you up for failure. 
    It can either make you feel like a glowy goddess, or it makes you feel self-conscious and out of place. 
    It’s also a tricky balance that takes some people years to really nail. But once you do, there is no turning back!
    Trust me—finding that right foundation (whether for your face or your brand) makes you feel like you’re on Cloud 9. 
    And if you need a little help finding the right match, be sure to tune in to this week’s podcast episode, where we dive into the things you need for the best brand foundation possible, including: 
    💄Raving about specific features and benefits of your product
    💄Showing the moment of choice to back up your premium pricing
    💄Adding character, depth, and personality with your positioning 
    And more! 
    You deserve a foundation that flatters you—let’s figure out what that looks like for your brand!
    Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging
    Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call. 
    🖥  Website: Startward Consulting
    📷  Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram
    📷 Youtube: Subscribe To Youtube Channel

    • 16 min
    #105: The REAL Reason Your Product Isn't Flying Off the Shelves (and how to fix it!)

    #105: The REAL Reason Your Product Isn't Flying Off the Shelves (and how to fix it!)

    Picture this: 
    You’ve poured hundreds (if not THOUSANDS) of hours into designing the perfect product. 
    You know it works. You went through dozens of prototypes to iron out every single kink. It addresses a particular problem and makes things 10X easier. Heck, you use it yourself!
    People should love this. 
    And yet…it’s not flying off the shelves. 
    Lots of you are probably in this predicament yourself. And if you are, I want to tell you something super important: 
    You have a great product—but that’s not enough. 
    Your blood, sweat, and marketing budget is a phenomenal start, but you can’t outmarket your sales strategy. 
    That’s where I’m here to help!
    In this week's podcast episode, we get into the nitty-gritty of how to make your product sell like hotcakes the way that it DESERVES, including: 
    ✨ How to frame your messaging to be irresistible 
    ✨ Tapping into what your People constantly talk about
    ✨ Conveying your convictions (aka your “Why”)
    And most importantly, how to tie it all together in one pretty, punchy package!
    We already know your product is life-changing. Now, it’s time to make that translate into some life-changing sales! 
    Tune in today, and in just 30 short minutes, let’s make those shelves nice and empty—the way they should be!
    Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging
    Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call. 
    🖥  Website: Startward Consulting
    📷  Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram
    📷 Youtube: Subscribe To Youtube Channel

    • 19 min
    #104: Pitch With Confidence To Get Funded Faster With Kat Weaver

    #104: Pitch With Confidence To Get Funded Faster With Kat Weaver

    Could you use more money? 
    Maybe the answer to that is obvious. As entrepreneurs, we’re always asking ourselves where we can get funding. 
    Funding gives us the chance to pour ourselves into our business. It gives us opportunities to grow our product lines, our inventories, and our marketing outreach. It gives us peace of mind as we use our time for our families, our projects, and our brand. 
    Funding gives us freedom. 
    We talk a lot about how to increase our sales, but there’s another source of funding out there: investors. 
    Getting funding on the front end can be a huge boost in our brand, but it’s also a whole different animal. 
    That’s where Kat Weaver comes in!
    In this week’s special podcast episode, we sit down with Power to Pitch founder, Kat Weaver, to dig into the common pitfalls that come with pitching your brand, and what you can do to succeed. 
    And Kat would know—as a self-proclaimed “two-time accidental founder”, she realized early on that lots of amazing founders weren’t able to clearly and concisely talk about who they were and what they needed. 
    Today, she helps founders get funded faster while also introducing them to investors in their industry. The result? She’s helped founders raise over $15 million in grants and ventures—and counting. 
    Tune in TODAY to see how she does it, and how you can pitch your own brand story with confidence, no matter who is in the room with you.
    Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging
    Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call. 
    🖥  Website: Startward Consulting
    📷  Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram
    📷 Youtube: Subscribe To Youtube Channel

    • 26 min
    #103: What's In and Out In Marketing In 2024

    #103: What's In and Out In Marketing In 2024

    If you’re looking back on the last three months of 2024 and still feeling lost, then today’s message is for you!
    A long, long time ago (aka December 2023), I found myself wistfully thinking ahead to what 2024 might have in store. (Not to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty good at nailing down trends!)
    Now, I’ve gotten to see some of those trends in action, and I’m bringing my results straight to you!
    Think of where you’re at now that we’re into the thick of 2024. 
    Maybe the things you had focused on in the beginning now don’t seem to be paying off. 
    Maybe you’re trying to reorganize, or just need some reassurance that you’re going in the right direction. 
    No matter where you’re at, now is a good time to check in and see what’s working. And—maybe even more importantly—what’s not. 
    In this week’s podcast episode, we’re talking about what’s OFFICIALLY in for your brand this year—and what you can finally kick to the curb. 
    ✨ How to be “product-forward”
    ✨ Building a movement around your brand
    ✨ Tapping into cultural nuance as your superpower
    And more!

    You still have 75% of 2024 left: let’s use that time to pivot your brand towards what it needs to be relevant, make money, and bring you joy. 
    Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging
    Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call. 
    🖥  Website: Startward Consulting
    📷  Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram
    📷 Youtube: Subscribe To Youtube Channel

    • 28 min
    #102: Here are 4 Common Reasons Why You Are Experiencing A Sales Plateau or Capped Growth

    #102: Here are 4 Common Reasons Why You Are Experiencing A Sales Plateau or Capped Growth

    As we head into Q2, you may be pouring over the bills on the table with a heavy heart. 
    It probably feels like there’s not enough to work with—too little in the bank, too many expenses popping up, and no room to breathe in between. 
    You may have even seen your sales plateau, despite doing EVERYTHING right. You’re showing up, you’re putting in the work, and yet, your sales aren’t matching your energy. 
    If this hits close to home for you right now, then I’m here to share one of the most important things you’ll ever read when it comes to your brand: 
    You do not need a lot of money to build a really successful brand. 
    Let me repeat that: you do not need a lot of money to build a successful brand. 
    You ALSO don’t need a lot of money to break out of that sales plateau and get your growth back on track. 
    So that leaves the question: what do you need? 
    That’s the key question we’re diving into in this week’s podcast episode! This week, we’re digging into real, tangible ways to break out of your capped growth and get your brand momentum back, including: 
    ✨ How being brave in your business can open doors you never thought possible
    ✨ How marketing is a skill that ANYONE can master—no bubbly personality required!
    ✨ How to break through in even the most saturated markets 
    And more!
    There is a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to your brand’s progress this year. If you’re tired of crunching the numbers in a panic, then be sure to tune in and see how your brand growth strategy can make that dreaded sales plateau a thing of the past!
    Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging
    Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call. 
    🖥  Website: Startward Consulting
    📷  Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram
    📷 Youtube: Subscribe To Youtube Channel

    • 25 min
    #101 Who Should You Hire To Support The Growth of your eCommerce Brand

    #101 Who Should You Hire To Support The Growth of your eCommerce Brand

    Picture this: 
    You’re doing all the right things. Your content is getting clicks, your sales are trickling in. Things are finally starting to move in the right direction. 
    In fact, things are almost going too well. As the CEO, you are the one responsible for everything. The planning, the marketing, the writing, the accounting. Everything. 
    And you are tired. 
    So what do you do? The marketing gurus online seem to all point to one thing: hiring a team. 
    That should make things easier, but now you’re faced with another crucial decision:
    Who in the world do you hire?
    Do you need an assistant? A coach? A marketing agency? 
    I’m here to tell you a secret: who you hire makes all the difference. 
    Even the most qualified candidate can be more of a boon than a catalyst to your brand if they’re in the wrong role. 
    That’s why, in this week’s podcast episode, we’re diving into the real question behind it all: 
    Who should you invest in? 
    To help answer that question, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of it all, including: 
    ✨What you shouldn’t hire someone to do (i.e. avoiding tasks you’d rather not do)
    ✨When you need a task taker vs. a decision maker
    ✨Who your first hire should be if you make less than $10K a month
    And more! 
    Many hands make light work. The right hands build something new. Something that will stand the test of time for years to come! 
    Tune in to see how your next hire can give you clarity AND keep your brand’s momentum—exactly as it should be!
    Ready to identify the One Growth Strategy You Need to Focus on First to Increase Sales Now? Watch the most recent training: Uncap Your Growth & Bring in More Product Sales without Changing Your Branding or Packaging
    Ready to revolutionize your brand by mapping and mastering the brand growth levers your brand needs to get increased visibility, sales certainty and cash confidence? Schedule a strategy call. 
    🖥  Website: Startward Consulting
    📷  Instagram: Follow Me On Instagram
    📷 Youtube: Subscribe To Youtube Channel

    • 46 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
21 Ratings

21 Ratings

DianaSimp ,

So much truth and tough love!

I am a first time listener and this podcast is so good! Maureen is a great speaker and tells it how it is. Product based businesses need her message as well as any business.

Robin, Nutritionist ,

This Podcast is a Gem!

Maureen speaks with authenticity and wisdom. If you have a product this is a podcast you want to subscribe too. Each episode has massive value! She absolutely knows her stuff!

Semerian ,


I have had the privilege of working with Maureen as my Product Brand Strategist Coach for my Boutique. She is a genius at what she does.

I listen to her podcasts over and over and I get new nuggets from them that are applicable to my business every time.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, if you are a newbie, listen to her podcasts and hire her! You will not regret it.

Thanks Maureen for sharing strategic FREE money making nuggets on this podcasts and all your platforms selflessly. Can’t get enough!

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