12 min

#15 - The Pros & Cons Watching Porn Can Have On Your Relationship The Pleasure Principles with Dr Jordin Wiggins

    • Relationships

On this episode of The Pleasure Principles Podcast, Dr. Jordin talks about watching X-rated content: the good, the bad and the unknown. You’ll learn why not all X-rated content is bad, and how it can, sometimes, actually help you and your relationship. Yes, ethical, pro-female porn does exist; it’s not all the perfect, cookie-cutter, glamorized version of sex that makes women feel they aren’t good enough as they are.

🎧Tune in to find out the good, the bad and the unknown effects of porn when it comes to your relationship🎧.

On this episode of The Pleasure Principles Podcast, Dr. Jordin talks about watching X-rated content: the good, the bad and the unknown. You’ll learn why not all X-rated content is bad, and how it can, sometimes, actually help you and your relationship. Yes, ethical, pro-female porn does exist; it’s not all the perfect, cookie-cutter, glamorized version of sex that makes women feel they aren’t good enough as they are.

🎧Tune in to find out the good, the bad and the unknown effects of porn when it comes to your relationship🎧.

12 min