38 min

Getting UNcomfortable by Giving With a Purpose with Tara Eusebi The Purpose Collective

    • Christianity

Tara Eusebi is the Founder and Chief Blesser of Bless. In 2018, Tara stepped away from a successful career in corporate America to pursue her passion for helping others. Now Tara is on a mission to change the world by changing lives one need at a time, uniting humanity and impacting generations! The account of her journey will inspire and encourage you to discover your passion and go after your dreams.
Check out the show notes for this episode at this link https://pavielle.com/014/

Tara Eusebi is the Founder and Chief Blesser of Bless. In 2018, Tara stepped away from a successful career in corporate America to pursue her passion for helping others. Now Tara is on a mission to change the world by changing lives one need at a time, uniting humanity and impacting generations! The account of her journey will inspire and encourage you to discover your passion and go after your dreams.
Check out the show notes for this episode at this link https://pavielle.com/014/

38 min