43 min

The Racial Disparity in Vision Screenings and Access & Coverage of Vision Therapy Vision is More Than 20/20

    • Alternative Health

This week's episode features Dr. Juanita Collier of 4D Vision Gym where we discuss racial disparity in access to visual screenings and coverage of vision therapy services. Tune in and share this episode to help bring awareness to this issue!Find Dr. Collier Here! This episode is brought to you by Lumenis; check their website out hereFollow us @visionismorethan2020Instagram

This week's episode features Dr. Juanita Collier of 4D Vision Gym where we discuss racial disparity in access to visual screenings and coverage of vision therapy services. Tune in and share this episode to help bring awareness to this issue!Find Dr. Collier Here! This episode is brought to you by Lumenis; check their website out hereFollow us @visionismorethan2020Instagram

43 min