43 min

The Red Kitchen Author Chat with Barbara Clarke | Ep. 58 Mother Forking Podcast

    • Parenting

On today's episode, we chat with Barbara Clarke, author of the recently published memoir, THE RED KITCHEN.

Barbara shares with us how she has handled many challenges in her life including: memories of family trauma specifically, overcoming a broken mother-daughter relationship, the role of women in families and the workplace, and more! Barbara opens up about how it's never too late to mend relationships with others and with ourselves. Her memoir shows her readers, that hope for harmony and discovering forgiveness can be possible with lots of work and laughs along the way.  

Connect with Barbara Clarke at: https://barbaraclarke.net 

Connect with us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motherforkingpodcast/

On today's episode, we chat with Barbara Clarke, author of the recently published memoir, THE RED KITCHEN.

Barbara shares with us how she has handled many challenges in her life including: memories of family trauma specifically, overcoming a broken mother-daughter relationship, the role of women in families and the workplace, and more! Barbara opens up about how it's never too late to mend relationships with others and with ourselves. Her memoir shows her readers, that hope for harmony and discovering forgiveness can be possible with lots of work and laughs along the way.  

Connect with Barbara Clarke at: https://barbaraclarke.net 

Connect with us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motherforkingpodcast/

43 min